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Research and Grant Development 2010 - 2011 A N U A L __ R E P O R T.

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1 Research and Grant Development 2010 - 2011 A N U A L __ R E P O R T

2 From the District Grant Writer/Research Analyst Grant Development Office I am please to present the 2010– 2011 annual report of the Grant Development Office under the Department of Federal Programs. Many exciting and innovative programs have been funded through our grant development efforts despite the current economic outlook. This continued success has a direct impact on the educational programs and services. In addition, Federal (ARRA/Stimulus) funds have provided Laredo Independent School District with the opportunity to enhance our educational programs such as: Dual Language, Elementary Science, Fine Arts, Dual Credit, Technology, Parental Involvement, Fiscal Stability, Professional Development and School Safety. This third annual report is designed to inform all stakeholders in the types of grant application submissions for external funding sources to supplement our current educational programs and support services. Overall, there were 31 grants being funded for a total of $81,551,901.00. During the 2010 – 2011school year the Grant Development Office submitted 46 applications and processed 31awards totaling 81,551,901.00. This represents a decrease of 48.42% in the number of applications submitted and a 43.66% decrease in the number of grants awarded. Currently, there are 8 applications that have been submitted and approved for the 2011-2012 school year and there are 9 grant applications for the 2011-2012 school year that have been submitted pending approval for a total of $35,728,587.00. The decrease was a direct result of decreased ARRA/Stimulus funds reductions and our current economic situation. In addition, Texas Education Agency reduced a number of grant funded resources due to State funding reductions in educational programs. During the Fiscal year of 2010 – 2011, Laredo Independent School District received funding for employee performance incentives, summer enrichment, library media services, physical education, science lab construction, accelerated instruction in reading and math, pre- kindergarten programs, intensive reading and math initiatives, school improvement and school safety, professional development and parental/community involvement programs/projects. The administration and compliance of awarded grants to Laredo Independent School District continues to exceed expectations in an increasingly restrictive budget and competitive environment. This continued increase in the number of grant proposals submitted and funded is very encouraging and is a testament to the underlying excellence of administration and staff in our ability to compete successfully. We expect to have continued increases in funding source opportunities and grants awarded for 2011 – 2012. I am proud of the efforts of everyone and look forward to another prosperous and productive year for grant development. Sincerely, Scott Roberts Scott Roberts, MBA/IT and MS/IS District Grant Writer/Research Analyst

3 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office The Grant Development Office is pleased to present this Executive Summary of the Laredo Independent School District Sponsored Awards Activity for School Year 2010 – 2011, a period over which the Grant Development Office received 81,551,901.00 million dollars in funding from multiple funding sources in support of summer enrichment, library media services, physical education, science lab construction, accelerated instruction in reading and math, pre-kindergarten programs, intensive reading and math initiatives, school improvement and school safety, professional development and parental/community involvement programs/projects, and special projects. Please note that this report only provides a summary of the School Year 2010 – 2011and 2011-2012 proposals and grant awards handled by the office of Grant Development and not any other funding received by the District. Scott Roberts, MBA/IT and MS/IS Grant Writer/Research Analyst School Year 2010 – 2011 Grant Development Office Summary Data Proposals Submitted........................................................................................46 Dollars Requested…………………………………………..........$145,579,790.00 New Awards…………………………………………………..……….…………....3 Award Amounts Received………………………………………………………….……..$211,465.00 Continuation Awards………………………………………………….……………………..…….28 Award Amounts Received………………………...…………….....$81,340,436.00 Number of Applications Awarded……………………………………………...…31 Award Amounts Received..……………………….......................$81,551,901.00 Number of Applications Submitted for 2011-2012 Pending NOGA………………………………………………………………………………....9 Dollars Requested……………………………………................................$35,728,587.00 Number of Applications for 2011 -2012 awarded………………………………………….………………………...………....8 Dollars Awarded……………………………………...................................$20,358,393.00

4 School Year 2010 – 2011 Award Activity and Submission by Department or Campus Grant activities continue to play a vital role in the on-going effort to create an environment of educational support services through innovative ideas conducted by administration and staff at Laredo Independent School District. For School year 2010 – 2011 there were a total of 31 new projects and/or current projects awarded, totaling $81,551,901.00. The amount of continuation funding received for this fiscal year was $81,340,436.00, which included summer enrichment, school furniture, library media services, physical education, science lab construction, accelerated instruction in reading and math, pre-kindergarten programs, intensive reading and math initiatives, special education, school improvement, professional development, teacher incentives, and parental/community involvement projects. For School Year 2010 – 2011 there were a total of 46 grant applications submitted representing a 48.42 % decrease from the previous fiscal year with a total of $ 81,551,901.00 awarded. GRANT ACTIVITIES PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS

5 For school year 2010 – 2011, there was a slight 9.17% decrease in funding received for project and program related activities from the previous fiscal year. The majority of the funding support received has been provided by Federal and State funding sources accounting for 98% of the total award dollars including Federal ARRA/Stimulus funds. As in the past, the majority of awards have supported academic program activities, which represents 90.58% of the total funds received. AWARDS BY SOURCE AND PURPOSE Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office

6 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office $1.762 MILLION AWARDED FOR THE DISTRICT AWARD FOR TEACHER EXCELLENCE (D.A.T.E.) GRANT The Grant Development Office had a successful 2009 – 2010 distribution of funds to all campus based personnel that qualified for our second performance based awards system. The 2010 – 2011 our third and final year of the performance based award has been approved and is currently being implemented for the 2010 – 2011 school year. Tentative payout is scheduled for September 2012. The D.A.T.E. grant provides performance based incentives to all campus personnel meeting the programs performance based criteria. 60% of the grant must apply directly to core area teachers and the other 40% for all other campus instructional and non-instructional support staff. In prior years the district has been awarded the Teacher Excellence Educator grant known as (T.E.E.G.). The T.E.E.G. grants were given to campuses that met the state performance growth index and were selected to apply directly from TEA. This award was then distributed through a campus based decision making committee. Different from the T.E.E.G. grant the D.A.T.E. grant is the first grant of its kind for the district and the district has been awarded funding of this type to provide additional incentives to teachers for reaching different levels of performance based measures at various grade levels. Teachers qualify for higher amounts of incentives based of their respective grade level performance measures as defined in the grant criteria as well as set amounts for maintaining TAKS averages above 70%. The contingency funds include an attendance award and the remaining will be equally distributed among all teachers qualifying for either Part I or Part II. Meetings and Presentations were held district wide and with campus administrators and staff in order to explain the process and procedures necessary to implement this grant successfully.

7 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office $7.1 MILLION AWARDED TO SCIENCE LABS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FOR MARTIN, CIGARROA, AND NIXON HIGH SCHOOLS. Recently, Laredo Independent School District Division of Operations completed construction of the new state of the art Science labs at Martin, Nixon, and Cigarroa High Schools. These state of the art Science labs will provide our students and community with the most advanced Science lab classrooms for 2011 -2012. The Grant Development Office submitted these applications through the school foundation grant program funds and were awarded $7,184,600.00 for the New Science Labs Classroom Construction. The amount decreased from $7,511,200.00 based on student enrollment numbers. The grant funding formula considers the average daily attendance, enrollment, and number of current classrooms identified as science labs. The formula takes in to account the number of existing classrooms identified as science labs, the need for additional science labs, the maximum number of science labs eligible to satisfy the 4 year science requirements, the maximum number of labs eligible for each campus and the calculation of the grant amount requested. These funds allow the Laredo Independent School District to infuse these funds into completion of its science lab construction projects that are now ready for occupancy. These funds could not have come at a better time when there has been a fund shortfall to complete these projects from the 2005 Bond Issuance that called for new science lab construction. These funds are only to provide additional science lab classrooms and cannot be used to replace existing science lab classrooms. Raymond & Tirza Martin High School received $3,592,000.00 for an additional 11 classrooms. Joseph W. Nixon High School received $1,633,000.00 for an additional 5 classrooms. Dr. Leonides G. Cigarroa High School received $1,959,600.00 for an additional 6 classrooms.

8 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office Student Success Initiative Awarded: $466,444.00 Elementary/Middle/HighSchool grades 3 rd – 12 th Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: The primary goal of the grant is to provide a well developed plan that provides Accelerated Reading Instruction and Accelerated Math Instruction that is equitable to all students at each grade level served. Cigarroa High School Awarded: $83,500.00.00 High Schools that Work Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing campus and student instructional support that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through an implementation of the grant and technical assistance provided. SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS Raymond & Tirza Martin High SchoolAwarded: $149,982.00 Intensive Summer Program Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with activities that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through implementation of an intensive academic summer program targeting in-coming 9th graders, who are identified as being at-risk of dropping out of school, to prepare them for successful transition from middle school, to high school, and to college. Dr. Joaquin G. Cigarroa Middle SchoolAwarded: $146,858.00 Intensive Summer Program Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with activities that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through an implement an intensive academic summer program targeting in-coming 9th graders, who are identified as being at-risk of dropping out of school, to prepare them for a successful transition from middle school, to high school, and to college.

9 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office Mathematics Instructional Coaches Pilot Awarded: $250,00.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing secondary campuses with support and innovative mathematics initiatives and professional development. Special Education ARRA/Stimulus Funds Awarded: $5,639,341.00 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Provides additional funding for additional student services that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through an implementation of the ARRA/Stimulus funds. NCLB Federal Title I A/Title II D ARRA/Stimulus Funds Awarded: $13,658,064.00 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for professional development, dual language, technology, dual credit, fine arts, parental involvement, supplemental education services, and non-public private schools. Texas Fitness Now Awarded: $74,494.00 Middle School Physical Education Program Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with physical activities enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through a TEKS based physical education program whereby highly qualified physical education teachers can measure student success by teaching them the importance of healthy and nutritious life style changes that are life long, promoting social skills, team building, moderate to vigorous activities that are engaging the students in physical and healthy life style changes. SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS

10 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office Raymond &Tirza Martin High School Awarded: $3,592,000.00 Science Laboratory Grant Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with facilities that enhance their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through programs that support student achievement creating an environment conducive to student excelling and to prepare them for a successful transition from high school to college. Joseph W. Nixon High School Awarded: $1,633,000.00 Science Laboratory Grant Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with facilities that enhance their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through programs that support student achievement creating an environment conducive to student excelling and to prepare them for a successful transition from high school to college. Dr. Leonides G. Cigarroa High School Awarded: $1,959,600.00 Science Laboratory Grant Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with facilities that enhance their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through programs that support student achievement creating an environment conducive to student excelling and to prepare them for a successful transition from high school to college. SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS Construction has been completed and will be ready for the 2011-2012 School year.

11 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office All Campuses Awarded: $1,762,506.00 D.A.T.E. District Award for Teacher Excellence Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: The primary goal of the district level planning committee is to provide a well developed plan that is equitable to all stakeholders at the campus level and to ensure that all funds are allocated and distributed based on a district level effectiveness index whereby the campus in essence will be compared to itself over a period of time and awards will be allocated for achieving certain decision tree based criterion. Special Education Awarded: $9,758,033.00 DEAF Consolidated Grant Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with activities that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through an implementation of special education programs for students who are identified as having special needs. Special Education Awarded: $34,302.00 IDEA-B Grant Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing students with activities that enhances their cognitive skills in learning by applying best practices through an implementation of special education programs for students who are identified as having special needs. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF ARRA/Stimulus) Awarded: $7,029,524.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: The primary goal of the grant is to provide stabilization funding for school districts in order for them to be able to balance their budgets, modernize, renovate or build their schools. SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS

12 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS NCLB Federal Consolidated Programs Awarded: $22,912,566.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for Salaries, professional development, dual language, technology, dual credit, fine arts, parental involvement, supplemental education services, and non-public private Schools. Carl D. Perkins Awarded: $552,623.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for Career and Applied Technology Education Programs. Life Skills for Student Parents Awarded: $94,365.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for Parenting Education Programs. School Improvement Program – Christen Middle School Awarded: $521,007.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives. School Improvement Program – Lamar Middle School Awarded: $233,705.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives.

13 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS School Improvement Program – Cigarroa Middle School Awarded: $416,945.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives. School Improvement Program – Memorial Middle School Awarded: $43,370.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives. School Improvement Program – Martin High School Awarded: $638,462.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives. School Improvement Program – Nixon High School Awarded: $629,987.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives. School Improvement Program – Cigarroa High School Awarded: $88,753.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Providing additional funding for School Improvement Campus Based Initiatives.

14 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office SCHOOL YEAR 2010 – 2011 NEW AND CONTINUATION AWARDS Beginning Teacher Mentoring Induction Program Awarded: $154,668.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Provides funding for New Teacher Orientation and Professional Development Programs. State Longitudinal Data Systems Awarded: $21,727.00 Granting Agency: Texas Education Agency Purpose: Provides funding for New PEIMS Data Requirements – program upgrades and maintenance. State Energy Program Awarded: $35,000.00 State Energy Conservation Office Granting Agency: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Purpose: Providing opportunity to further develop Texas’ renewable energy potential and assist in meeting the state’s renewable portfolio target of 10,000 mega watts by 2025, and advance the market for renewable technologies. Application: Replaced HVAC units at Santo Nino Early Childhood Center.

15 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office SCHOOL YEAR 2011 – 2012 Grant Funding Cuts/Reductions Texas Reading First Pre-K Early Start District Award for Teacher Excellence Student Clubs State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF ARRA/Stimulus) Texas Fitness Now Special Education ARRA/Stimulus NCLB Federal Title I A/Title II D ARRA/Stimulus Funds Texas State Legislative Budget Cuts: Federal ARRA Stimulus Funding Expiration: Life Skills for Student Parents Beginning Teacher Mentoring Induction Program Science Labs Program New Instructional Facilities Allotment Federal Funding Reductions: Special Education NCLB Federal Consolidated Funds NCLB Federal School Improvement Funds High Schools That Work Intensive Summer Program Algebra Readiness Investment Capital Fund

16 About the Grant Development Office Scott Roberts District Grant Writer/Research Analyst Grant Development Office 904 Juarez Laredo, Texas 78040 Phone: (956) 273-1268 Visit us on the web The Grant Development Office, a unit of Federal Programs, supports and provides services for administration and staff in securing funding resources from public, private, and foundation sources. An emphasis is placed on securing funds to achieve the Laredo Independent School Districts goals and objectives. The Grant Development Office supports the grant writing process of the administration and staff through all stages of proposal development – from the initial planning through project completion. Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office

17 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office

18 Laredo Independent School District Award Activity FY 2010 - 2011 Grant Development Office LAREDO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jesus Martinez District 2 Vice President Jose R. Perez District 7 Trustee Hector J. Garcia District 6 Trustee John Amaya District 3 Trustee Dr. Cecilia May Moreno District 5 Trustee Jose A. Valdez District 1 Trustee George M. Beckelhymer District 4 President

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