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The persons whose photographs are depicted in the slides are professional models. They have no relation to the issues discussed. Any characters they are.

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Presentation on theme: "The persons whose photographs are depicted in the slides are professional models. They have no relation to the issues discussed. Any characters they are."— Presentation transcript:

1 The persons whose photographs are depicted in the slides are professional models. They have no relation to the issues discussed. Any characters they are portraying are fictional. This presentation kit gives only basic facts about the No Child Left Behind Act. For greater details about the No Child Left Behind Act and what it means for you and your child’s school, contact your state’s department of education. 614299A

2 What the NCLB Act means for children yearly standards-based testing (grades 3-8) focus on certain subjects research-based teaching safer schools

3 What the NCLB Act means for parents seeing school report cards knowing teacher qualifications getting help with school choice

4 Timeline

5 Who is accountable? states schools teachers students parents

6 What are teacher qualifications? full certification college degree passed state tests competency in subjects taught

7 Improving teacher quality... The NCLB Act has a plan.

8 What is Early Reading First?

9 What is Reading First?

10 Improving literacy through school libraries

11 What about Limited English Proficient (LEP) students?

12 Focusing on math and science achievement partnerships with professionals recruiting experienced teachers professional development for teachers developing new courses promoting careers

13 Getting up-to-date in technology

14 Community Learning Centers provide services to students and their families.

15 What academic testing will my child have? math and reading (language arts) science

16 Parents have the right to see test results —to see how their child’s school did as a whole.

17 Test results help measure the school’s Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).

18 What if a school needs improvement?

19 What is a low-performing school? 2 years: supplemental services 3 years: supplemental services and other actions 4 years: restructure

20 What are supplemental services?

21 Your right to school choice

22 What is a charter school?

23 What is a magnet school?

24 Keeping schools

25 You may choose to transfer your child —because the school is taking corrective action.

26 School safety statistics are reported on each school.

27 The Parent Involvement Policy Parents and teachers create it together!

28 Parent involvement starts at home! Encourage: responsibility self-control cooperation perseverance respect

29 Help your child with homework.

30 Learn more.

31 Does anyone have any questions?

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