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Initial Licensure & NCLEX Karen Burke, RN, MS Education Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Licensure & NCLEX Karen Burke, RN, MS Education Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Licensure & NCLEX Karen Burke, RN, MS Education Consultant

2 Outcomes Be prepared to apply for Oregon nursing licensure. Understand process for applying in another state. Describe the nature of the NCLEX. Discuss what to expect regarding test results.

3 OSBN Mission The mission of the Oregon State Board of Nursing is to safeguard the public’s health and well-being by providing guidance for and regulation of entry into the profession, nursing education, and continuing safe practice.

4 Regulation and Professional Practice

5 With the right to practice nursing comes responsibility: –Obtain a license –Maintain competence –Know the NPA

6 Applying for an Oregon License The process includes two applications: –OSBN license application, and –NCLEX registration. Must use same name on both applications….and Use the same exact name as is on your photo ID


8 A criminal background check is done on every application. “Have you ever been arrested, charged with, entered a plea of guilty, no contest, convicted of or been sentenced for… Reviewed by practice/investigations department.

9 “Do you use, or have you used in the last five year, chemical substance(s) in any way, which impairs or limits your ability to perform as a nurse with reasonable skill and safety? “Chemical substance” includes alcohol and drugs.

10 Complete Section 1 of Fingerprint Identity Verification Bring form and fingerprint card to an authorized fingerprint facility/agency Sign fingerprint card in the official’s presence


12 For Initial Licensure in Another State NCSBN web site: for contact Request application for Licensure by Examination from the appropriate board of nursing. Follow their instructions.

13 NCLEX Registration Paper/pencil –Requires certified check, cashier’s check or money order Telephone 866-49-NCLEX –May use credit card On-line /nclex /nclex –May use credit card

14 To Review…. Obtain fingerprints and submit - $52 Apply for Oregon Licensure - $120 Photo ID form to the Program Director Final transcript to be sent to the OSBN. Register with NCLEX - $200 May apply up to 4 – 6 weeks before graduation

15 Need Testing Accommodations? Request specific accommodation Verify accommodations provided by nursing program Verify testing, diagnosis, and need for accommodations by appropriate licensed healthcare provider

16 Process for Oregon grads… Program Director provides list of anticipated program graduates (up to 3 months before graduation). On graduation, Program Director sends graduate list with photo IDs to the OSBN. OSBN declares you eligible to test (electronic transmission to PearsonVUE).

17 Authorization & Testing You receive an authorization packet (US mail or e-mail) from PearsonVue You schedule the test at any test center in the US or selected International locations. Oregon testing centers: –Beaverton –Salem –Medford.

18 Exam Day: Check-In Bring current & valid identification AND Authorization to Test (ATT) Name on ID must match application & ATT Acceptable photo/signature IDs: –Driver’s license –State ID card –Passport

19 Exam Day: Check-In Thumbprint and photo will be taken. A locker is provided. Ear plugs are available.

20 Exam Day NCLEX-PN: 5 hours NCLEX-RN: 6 hours Total time allotted for testing includes: –General instructions and practice time. –Any bathroom or snack breaks

21 Computer Adaptive Test Computer presents one question at a time. Use the mouse to select answer and move to next question. Drop down calculator is available for questions requiring calculations.

22 Question Types Multiple choice—most at application and analysis levels. Chart format Fill-in the blank (numerical response). Hot spot. Multiple response: Select all that apply. Drag & drop ordered response.

23 Computer Adaptive Test Computer presents one question at a time. Use the mouse to select answer and move to next question. Drop down calculator is available for questions requiring calculations.

24 Every time the examinee answers a question, the computer re-estimates the examinee’s ability. With every additional answer, the ability estimate gets more precise.

25 Based upon the most recent, revised ability estimate, the computer selects the next item to be presented, such that the examinee will find it challenging. (Not too hard, Not too easy)

26 This way an adaptive test presents the examinee with the items that will be the most informative for measuring ability. Each test is tailored to the examinee.

27 Line represents questions at “passing” level of difficulty. _______________________________ X X X X X X X X X X Adaptive Test

28 _______________________________ X X X X X X X X X X Adaptive Test

29 _______________________________ X X X X X X X X X X Adaptive Test

30 PN Exam Ends When... 85 questions are answered with high confidence level that results are established, or Up to 205 questions are answered, or In 5 hours, including all breaks.

31 RN Exam Ends When... 75 questions are answered with high confidence level that results are established, or Up to 265 questions are answered, or In 6 hours, including all breaks.

32 Scoring Decisions Statistical test of confidence calculated after each item. –Test ends at 95% confidence level. Maximum # of items: –Pass if last 60 items were above the passing level. Time expired. –Pass if last 60 items were above the passing level. Time expired before minimum items. –Fail.

33 Expect and prepare for: STRESS!

34 Pointers to Reduce Stress Prepare for stress & managing it. “Case the joint” ahead of time Take virtual tour of testing center at Don’t go with friends. Be prepared for others to leave the center before you do. Stay focused on yourself and the one item in front of you throughout the test.

35 Results Within two weeks of test date. –Check OSBN automated license verification systems to see if your license has been issued. Phone line: 971-673-0679. Our website:, click on “License Verification.”

36 Results You’ll receive either: –Pass notice with license and scope of practice booklet, or –Fail notice with diagnostic profile and instructions for reapplication.

37 Limitations If you fail, you will be eligible to re-test after 46 days. You must pass the NCLEX within three years of your date of graduation for licensure in Oregon. Your first license is good from two months to two years.

38 Questions? Karen Burke, RN, MS 971-673-0637 or

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