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Indiana Mentoring & Assessment Program Purdue’s Teacher Education Professional Development Forum December 3, 2004 Joy A. Seybold, Ph.D. Director of Professional.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Mentoring & Assessment Program Purdue’s Teacher Education Professional Development Forum December 3, 2004 Joy A. Seybold, Ph.D. Director of Professional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Mentoring & Assessment Program Purdue’s Teacher Education Professional Development Forum December 3, 2004 Joy A. Seybold, Ph.D. Director of Professional Development, IUPUI School of Education

2 Indiana’s Reform - Background Establishment of Practitioner-based IPSB for Licensure & Renewal Development of Teaching Standards INTASC – IPSB – NBPTS INTASC – IPSB – NBPTS Development of Assessment System Initiation of Reform within Teacher Education Programs

3 Indiana’s Rules 2002 Reform Key Features –Practitioner Involvement –Standards for Teaching & Learning –Variety of Performance Assessments –Support along with Assessment –Continuum of Ongoing Professional Growth from Pre-service throughout Career

4 Reform of Licensure Initial Practitioner License 2-year License Certified Mentor IMAP Portfolio Certified Mentor Proficient Practitioner License 5-year Renewable License Professional Growth Plan (Goals linked to standards) Accomplished Practitioner License 10-year License Advanced Degree or NBPTS Certification

5 Current Enrollment Figures Fall 2004 Rules 2002 –IMAP 1 st year teachers= 626 –IMAP 1 st year administrators= 89 –IMAP 1 st year counselors= 5 –IMAP 2 nd year teachers= 39 –IMAP 2 nd year administrators= 22 Rules 46-47 –BTIP 1 st year teachers= 2399 –BTIP 2 nd year teachers= 55

6 Assessment Reform IMAP Portfolio Professional Growth Plan National Board Certification Portfolio Master’s Program Requirements

7 Professional Growth Plan Teacher Establishes 3 Growth Goals –Connected to INTASC and IPSB teaching standards –Connected to student learning standards –Connected to school’s improvement plan –Connected to teaching context

8 For Each of the 3 Goals... Teacher Anticipates Growth Experiences -- not just coursework Teacher Documents Growth Experiences Teacher Reflects on Growth Experiences Teacher Submits Required Forms to IPSB

9 How does PGP impact universities? Teachers need experience in planning and implementing own professional growth Graduate credit hours are not the only way teachers can renew licenses Advanced degrees are no longer required for licensing Salary schedules may change to reflect new licensing system

10 National Board Portfolios Content-specificStandards-based 4 Entries: ELA Adolescent & YA –Analysis of Student Growth in Content –Instructional Analysis: Whole Class Discussion –Instructional Analysis: Small Groups –Documented Accomplishments: Contributions to Student Learning

11 How does NB certification impact universities? NB Certification is considered the equivalent of an advanced degree in the new licensure system NB Certification is granted a separate column (sometimes equal to a Ph.D.) in some schools’ salary schedules Some universities include NB portfolio preparation as part of master’s program

12 What is IMAP? Mentoring & Assessment for New Teachers 2 years of mentoring 2 years of mentoring (mentors must be certified by 2006) Portfolio assessment Portfolio assessment Licensure separate from employment Licensure separate from employment

13 Mentoring Mentors must be certified (effective 2006) –5 year Certification (Renewable) –Mentor Standards –Earn Professional Growth Plan Points –Stipend from State (current = $600 per year; recommended $750 per year) –Recommendation to the IPSB = cap on how many teachers each mentor may work with at one time

14 Mentor Certification Programs –Approved by IPSB –Yearly Reports –Renewable Every 5 Years –Mentor Faculty Trainer involvement iningProgramGuidelines.html

15 Mentor Faculty Trainers - Complete at least one year of Portfolio Scorers’ Training - Complete Mentor Faculty Training Academy - Serve as guide for institutions submitting mentor certification proposals

16 IMAP Assessment Portfolio –Standardized Format and Content – Not much teacher choice –Specific Guidelines for Documenting and Reflecting on Performance –Intent is to capture an authentic “slice” of teacher’s practice - not a “bells and whistles” presentation

17 Artifacts in IMAP Portfolios Content-specific lessons linked to student learning standards Commentaries discussing lesson design, implementation, student learning, and plans for future adjustments Video clips of specified lessons Samples of student work

18 Content-Specific Lessons English Language Arts Lesson focusing on students’ responses to text Lesson focusing on students’ writing processes Science Lab-based inquiry lesson Inquiry lesson involving science, technology, & society

19 Math Lesson that introduces & develops mathematical concept Lesson focusing on students engaged in problem-solving Elementary Education Literacy lesson Numeracy lesson Special Education Literacy or numeracy lesson for student A Literacy or numeracy lesson for student B

20 Description of Lesson Design Content-specific formats for documenting lesson planning and implementation Commentaries explaining teacher’s rationale for materials, activities, lesson sequencing, and adjustments for learners

21 Example of ELA Prompts within Daily Logs Expectations for Student Learning Activity Description Teacher Actions Student Actions Student Understanding & Connections to Text Teaching Adjustments, if any, based on students’ performances

22 Written Commentaries Prompts guide teachers toward three kinds of writing: descriptive, analytical, reflective Examples: –Descriptions of two learners –Analysis of lesson’s effectiveness for specific learners –Reflection on adjustments that teacher made or will make in the future

23 Video Tapes Two video clips (10-20 minutes) capturing portion of content-specific lessons accompanied by commentaries Unedited sequences Teacher must be seen and heard on tape

24 Use of Video Tapes in Scoring Used by scorers primarily to confirm patterns noted within other artifacts Quality of video production not considered as long as scorers can see and hear clearly Teachers must follow local school policy for seeking parental permission

25 Samples of Student Work Samples of work from two highlighted learners (names omitted) Samples of teacher’s evaluation of work (comments on papers, rubrics, scoring sheets) Description of how assignment was introduced and how feedback was provided Analysis of learning evidenced in work Analysis of “next steps” for each learner

26 4 Components of Evaluation Framework for all Portfolios I. Instructional Design II. Instructional Implementation III. Analysis of Learning – Assessment IV. Analysis of Teaching – Reflection

27 Portfolio Handbooks rs/handbooks/index.html rs/handbooks/index.html 9 Content Handbooks plus BASIC model Revised Handbooks for 2005-2006 (Should be available by July 2005)

28 Scoring Process Step One: Collecting and Recording Evidence through Note-taking Step Two: Interpreting the Evidence Step Three: Evaluating the Quality of the Teaching Documented in the Portfolio Using the Evaluation Framework Step Four: Providing Feedback

29 Completion Standard For the first few years, teachers will be held to a completion standard until the state determines the precise rubric descriptors for each level of performance (4 point rubric). ETS is working with IPSB to develop the initial rubrics and completion standards.

30 Additional Information IPSB Website Assessment Division Catherine Stower, Director

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