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Achieving the Dream Advisement Initiative Evaluation September 21, 2011.

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1 Achieving the Dream Advisement Initiative Evaluation September 21, 2011

2 Academic Advisement Initiative  Retention Alert Update  Probation Outreach  Faculty Advisement Program Update  Withdraw Outreach  Developmental Reading & Writing Retest

3 Retention Alert: Overview & Participation  Spring 2009 : Purchased Datatel Retention module.  Summer 2009: The system was piloted.  August 2009: The Program was implemented.  Spring 2010 : A new link was created and implemented from the Angel Platform to MineOnline for easier access for faculty as well as a quick link from class rosters.  Fall 2011: More robust reporting tools.  Reflected is a 43% increase in referrals over previous year. Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Summer 2010 Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Students Referred 569432103837595

4 Probation Outreach: Overview & Participation ParticipantsNon Participants Spring 200964488 Fall 200949179 Spring 201042122 Fall 201046159 Spring 20117629  The spring 2011 population is smaller because the list generated included all students on probation, rather than those who were on probation as a result of the previous semester, and included those enrolled in any developmental class, rather than reading/writing only, as a result it took time to “clean” the list and we were unable to reach out to as many students.

5 Probation Outreach: Outcomes OutcomeStudents Seen Students Not Seen SUCCESS IN DEVELOPMENTAL CLASS(ES) 09F Success (Developmental Class Fall 2009) 58.7%40.6% 10SP Success (Developmental Class Spring 2010) 36.0%40.0% 10F Success (Developmental Class Fall 2010) 30.0%38.1% 11SP Success (Developmental Class Spring 2011) 54.5%35.7% PERSITENCE 09F Persistence Spring 2010 81.6%36.9% 10SP Persistence Fall 2010 35.7%23.0% 10F Persistence Spring 2011 28.3%9.4% 11SP Persistence Fall 2011 50.0%17.2%

6 Probation Outreach: Outcomes OutcomeStudents Seen Students Not Seen RETENTION 09F Retention Fall 2010 51.0%29.1% 10SP Retention Spring 2011 33.3%20.5% 10F Retention Fall 2011 15.2%14.5%

7 Faculty Advising: Overview & Participation Participating Advisors & Student Visits 200920102011 Advisors141011 Student Visits249185278 Average Student Visits Per Advisor17.818.525 Summary of Student Visits By Academic Division 200920102011 Arts & Humanities31%43%34% Business29%34%26% IT12%NA Science & Math11%NA13% Social Sciences18%23%26%

8 Withdraw Outreach: Overview  Program began in Fall 2010.  Beginning week 2 and each week following, a list of students is generated who have dropped developmental reading and/or writing.  Students are contacted via email and phone to meet with an academic advisor beginning week 7.

9 Withdraw Outreach: Participation & Evaluation Withdrawal Status Fall 2010 Spring 2011 Partially Withdrew10169 Totally Withdrew7547 ParticipationFall 2010 Spring 2011 Met With an Academic Advisor 4326 Did Not Meet w/ an Academic Advisor 13390 Top 5 Reasons Students Gave for Withdrawal*: 1.Financial Issues 2.Didn’t know they were enrolled or when class started. 3.Moved Out of State 4.General Busy Life 5.Transportation and College Not For Them (tie) *Unable to speak with 49% of population, due to wrong number or disconnected phone.

10 Withdraw Outreach: Outcomes Met With Advisor Did Not Meet With Advisor Cohort Composition18.4%81.6% Persisted to Spring 201172.1%12.6% Retained to Fall 201123.3%7.9%

11 Reading/Writing Retest: Overview  Data showed little correlation between assessment test scores and course success in reading and writing.  Anecdotal observations suggested students often did not perform “their best” on the assessment.  June 2010 began requiring any student testing into developmental reading and writing level one to retest.  Goal is to more accurately place students into developmental and/or college level coursework, thus improving their opportunity for success.

12 Original Reading Test Correlation Data  Tested Into Reading 1 = 96 Students  Tested into Reading 2 = 195 Students Course Taken NSuccess A, B, C or S Failed D, F, U or W Reading 17247%53% Reading 22421%79% Course Taken NSuccess A, B, C or S Failed D, F, U or W Reading 1366.6%33.3% Reading 22421%79%

13 Original Writing Test Correlation Data  Tested into Writing 1 = 60 Students  Tested into Writing 2 = 718 Students Course Taken NSuccess A, B, C or S Failed D, F, U or W Writing 14233.3%66.6% Writing 21747%53% ENGL111310%100% Course Taken NSuccess A, B, C or S Failed D, F, U or W Writing 1450% Writing 258654%46% ENGL111312855%45%

14 Reading Retest: Outcomes Level ChangeN Reading 1 to Reading 166 Reading 1 to Reading 244 Reading 1 to College Level10 Reading 2 to Reading 273 Reading 2 to Reading 13 Reading 2 to College Level77  Stayed in the Same Level: 51%  Increased to a Higher Level: 48%  Decreased to Lower Level: 1%  Average Change in Test Score:+14.99  Test Score Range Change: -14 to +65

15 Writing Retest: Outcomes Level ChangeN Writing 1 to Writing 129 Writing 1 to Writing 239 Writing 1 to College Level6 Writing 2 to Writing 11 Writing 2 to Writing 2133 Writing 2 to College Level100  Stayed in the Same Level: 52.5%  Increased to a Higher Level: 47%  Decreased to Lower Level: 0.3%  Average Change in Test Score:+14.818  Test Score Range Change: -17 to +69

16 Lessons Learned and Plans for the Future  Continue retesting practices.  Monitor and report on correlation and course success throughout the year.

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