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Published byCharity Hogsed Modified over 10 years ago
Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA) Technical Assistance Office of Assessments New Jersey Department of Education Fall 2012 1
What is new? PATs will be available online one week prior to testing window. More information regarding the AHSA appeal process for the 2012-13 school year will be forthcoming. Answer documents for the third administration will be available for pick up from county offices only. 2
What is the Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA)? The Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA) is a student’s alternative means of meeting the state graduation assessment requirement through one or more of the following: demonstrating proficiency on the AHSA PATs, matching or exceeding the Just Proficient Mean or Cluster Points, and/or having an AHSA appeal approved. 3
Who is eligible for the AHSA? Any enrolled student who is expected to graduate in June 2013 or Summer 2013, even if he/she does not have any state assessment scores (HSPA, HSPT11, HSPT9, or MBS). Any adult high school student whose adult high school closed in Summer 2010. 4
Who is not eligible for the AHSA? Non-enrolled students Students exempt from taking the HSPA, e.g., students taking the APA Students exempt from passing one or both HSPA content areas 5
When is the AHSA administered ? FIRST TESTING WINDOW - JANUARY 14 THROUGH FEBRUARY 1, 2013 ◦On January 7, 2013, AHSA PATs can be downloaded from Measurement Incorporated (MI) AHSA website. ◦During the week of January 7, 2013, MI will ship answer documents and a duplicate set of October 2012 HSPA ID Bar-Code labels to districts. Answer document quantities will be based on HSPA retest population. 6
When is the AHSA administration? (cont.) ◦Transfer students and re-test students who are new to the district will not have HSPA ID BAR- CODE labels. The answer documents for these students must be hand-gridded. However, re- test students must use the previously assigned HSPA ID numbers which were generated when students first took the HSPA. ◦On March 15, 2013, AHSA Scores will be reported on MI’s AHSA website. (Cont.) 7
When is AHSA Administered? SECOND TESTING WINDOW - MARCH 21 THROUGH APRIL 12, 2013 ◦On March 18, 2013, AHSA PATs can be downloaded from MI’s AHSA website. ◦During the week of March 18, 2013, MI will ship answer documents and a duplicate set of October 2012 HSPA ID Bar-Code labels for each HSPA retest student who already has a HSPA ID to districts. ◦On May 24, 2013, AHSA Scores will be reported on MI’s AHSA website. (Cont.) 8
When is AHSA Administered? THIRD TESTING WINDOW - JUNE 17 THROUGH JUNE 28, 2013 ◦On June 10, 2013, AHSA PATs can be downloaded from MI’s AHSA website. ◦During the week of June 10, 2013, MI will ship to the county offices of education AHSA answer documents for the districts to pick up. No HSPA ID Bar-Code labels will be available so the answer documents for these students must be hand-gridded. ◦On August 2, 2013, AHSA Scores will be reported on MI’s AHSA website. 9
AHSA Content AHSA assesses Language Arts Literacy (LAL) and Mathematics content. ◦Language Arts Literacy has two clusters: Writing and Reading Writing prompts are persuasive Reading passages may be narrative or persuasive ◦Mathematics has four clusters or standards: Standard 1- Number and Numerical Operations Standard 2- Geometry and Measurement Standard 3- Patterns and Algebra, and Standard 4- Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Mathematics 10
What are AHSA PATs? AHSA test items are called Performance Assessment Tasks (PATs). ◦PATs are open-ended items with multiple parts. ◦A Reading PAT usually has three separate and distinct open ended parts while a Math PAT typically has four to five open ended parts. ◦The assessment vendor, Measurement, Inc., scores student responses holistically and a passing score is based on the responses to all the parts of the PAT. ◦Each window will have six LAL PATs and ten Math PATs. The PATs differ from one administration window to the next. 11
AHSA Administration Within the designated testing window, a local district makes the decision about how, when, and where AHSA PATs are administered as long as the location is secure and the staff are licensed professional employees of the district. ◦Per diem employees and those holding substitute credentials are not permitted to handle or administer the secure AHSA test materials. 12
Selecting AHSA PATs Of the six AHSA LAL PATs, the student can take up to four LAL PATs in a testing window and must successfully complete two Reading PATs and one Writing PAT by the end of the testing year. The three Reading PATs can be all narrative, all persuasive, or a combination of narrative and persuasive. 13
Selecting AHSA PATs (cont.) Of the ten AHSA Math PATs, a student can take up to five mathematics PATs in a testing window and must successfully complete one in each mathematics cluster (standard) by the end of the testing year. There are: Two PATs for Standard 1: Number and Numerical Operations Two PATs for Standard 2: Geometry and Measurement Three PATs for Standard 3: Patterns and Algebra Three PATs for Standard 4: Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Mathematics 14
How Do I Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs To Take? Review each student’s entire testing history ◦For the student who was administered the HSPA for the first time in March 2012 and repeated the HSPA in October 2012, (just as you did for the March 2012 All Sections Rosters & Cycle I Reports) review the October HSPA 2012 All Sections Rosters which will be posted on MI’s HSPA website on Dec. 18, 2012, and the October HSPA 2012 Cycle I Reports posted on MI’s HSPA website on Dec. 28, 2012. 15
How Do I Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs To Take?(cont.) If the student passed the HSPA section(s) in October 2012, that he/she failed in March 2012, the student has met his/her state assessment requirement and does not take the AHSA. 16
HSPA ALL SECTIONS ROSTER (All names and data are fictional.) 17
Using Just Proficient Means OR Cluster Means To Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs If the student did not pass the HSPA section(s) in October 2012 that he/she failed in March 2012, the student must take the AHSA. To determine which AHSA LAL cluster and/or Math cluster or standard the student needs, review the October HSPA 2012 Cycle I Reports (2012 HSPA Student Roster– Mathematics and/or HSPA Student Roster– Language Arts Literacy) posted on MI’s HSPA website on Dec. 28, 2012. Remember to look at the March 2012 Cycle I Reports (HSPA STUDENT ROSTER – MATHEMATICS and/or HSPA STUDENT ROSTER – LANGUAGE ARTS). 18
Using Just Proficient Means OR Cluster Means To Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs (cont.) Second block of columns on the HSPA Student Roster – Mathematics and/or HSPA Student Roster – Language Arts Literacy, titled Cluster Points has the numbers that will indicate which AHSA PATs student needs and in which Math cluster and/or LAL cluster or standard. 19
Math On the 2012 HSPA Student Roster– Mathematics, the numbers just above the bold solid line are the state cluster points (Just Proficient Means) for that HSPA Administration. For AHSA, use only the first four columns. If a student’s cluster score matches or exceeds the state cluster points, the student does not take the AHSA PATs in that Math cluster or standard. 20
HSPA STUDENT ROSTER –MATHEMATICS (All names and data are fictional.) 21
Language Arts Literacy ◦On the 2012 HSPA Student Roster – Language Arts Literacy the numbers just above the bold solid line are the state cluster points (Just Proficient Means) for that HSPA Administration. For AHSA, only use the first (Writing) and fourth (Reading) columns. ◦If a student’s cluster score matches or exceeds the state cluster mean, the student does not take the AHSA PATs in that LAL cluster. 22
HSPA STUDENT ROSTER – LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY ( All names and data are fictional.) 23
Using Just Proficient Means OR Cluster Points To Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs If a student has taken the HSPA and AHSA multiple times, review all of the student’s Cycle I Reports (HSPA Student Roster- Mathematics and/or HSPA Student Roster- Language Arts Literacy) and HSPA Individual Student Report (ISR) as well as AHSA e-reports to determine which AHSA LAL cluster and/or Math cluster or standard the student needs to take. Once the student passes a LAL cluster or Math cluster (standard) by matching or exceeding the Just Proficient Means or Cluster Points, that cluster or standard is passed forever. 24
Using Just Proficient Means OR Cluster Points To Decide Which AHSA PATS The Student Needs (cont.) If a student has no HSPA scores, then the student should take the maximum AHSA PATs permitted in each of the LAL clusters and Math clusters (standards). In each testing window, a maximum of four LAL PATs and five Math PATs may be administered. 25
HSPA INDIVIDUAL STUDENT REPORT (ISR) ( All names and data are fictional.) 26
Choosing AHSA PATs for the second administration First AHSA testing scores will be available on March 15, 2013, after the March 2013 HSPA and make-up administrations. After reviewing AHSA scores from the first window, repeat the steps outlined previously to determine if a student still needs to pass some clusters during the second AHSA testing window. Maximize student’s opportunity to pass in this window by giving the student all available PATs in a LAL clusters or Math clusters that he/she still needs to pass within allowable limits, i.e., maximum of four LAL PATs and a maximum of five Mathematics PATs. 27
AHSA APPEALS May 27, 2013 through Wednesday, June 12, 2013 The second AHSA administration Scores will be posted on MI’s website on May 24, 2013, and the 2013 March HSPA All Sections Roster will be posted May 17, 2013. AHSA appeals for students not yet demonstrating proficiency on the Language Arts Literacy (LAL) or Mathematics state assessments may be submitted from Monday, May 27, 2013 through Wednesday, June 12, 2013. ◦These appeals should be for students who can demonstrate proficiency through two graded work samples as well as performance on the HSPA/AHSA assessments. It is important to note that work samples must clearly demonstrate a level of proficiency at a minimum equal to that required by the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) and/or AHSA. ◦The 2013 March HSPA Cycle I Reports will be posted May 31, 2013. ◦AHSA Appeals results are e-mailed on a rolling basis and schools will be notified before their graduation ceremonies. 28
Choosing AHSA PATS For The Third Administration The Third AHSA testing window is only for students who are expected to graduate in summer of 2013 and still have clusters (LAL and/or Math) to pass. Review the student’s entire HSPA and AHSA testing history to determine if the student still needs to pass some clusters. Maximize the student’s opportunity to pass in this window by giving the student all available PATs in LAL clusters and/or Math clusters that he/she still needs to pass within allowable limits, i.e., maximum of four LAL PATs and a maximum of five Mathematics PATs. 29
AHSA Test Security o AHSA District Test Coordinators are responsible for maintaining the security of the AHSA test materials which include all the PATs, reading passages and writing prompts. The AHSA Test Materials may not be shared between districts, with commissions, state agencies, private schools for the disabled or regional day schools. o Security breaches may have financial consequences for the district, professional consequences for staff and disciplinary consequences for students. 30
AHSA Test Security (cont.) After sending the used answer documents to MI, the AHSA District Test Coordinator has one week following each testing window to: ◦Shred all copies of AHSA test materials, unused Answer Documents, and unused HSPA ID Bar Code labels. ◦Sign in to the Test Material Return Form on MI’s AHSA webpage and check the box to verify that he/she has destroyed all secure AHSA test materials. ◦Obtain an Appendix G from each staff member who handled the AHSA test materials to verify that he/she has turned over all paper copies and has not saved the AHSA test materials on stand alone or network computers. 31
32 Returning Materials to MI As soon as you’ve completed all testing in any given AHSA testing window, immediately return ALL used answer folders to MI via FedEx overnight. BE SURE that you are returning an answer folder for each and every student you tested. DO NOT return PATs or any other testing materials to MI with the answer folders to be scored. MI scores ONLY responses in English and Spanish. If students responded in other languages, their responses MUST BE TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH prior to being returned to MI for scoring. Once you’ve shipped your return, login to the Test Material Return Form on MI’s AHSA website to register your return shipment. This is very important in the event of a lost shipment!!! On the Test Material Return Form, check the box to verify you have shredded all secure testing materials (PATs).
Translated AHSA PATs English Language Learners (ELLs) who take the AHSA in English and respond in English do not need a MAC II score to graduate. English Language Learners (ELLs) who take the AHSA in their native language or respond in their native language must score a 530 on the MAC II test. The “use of the MAC II score of 530 serves as proof of a student's adequate English fluency”. The MAC II test is also an approved NJDOE test to gauge student’s English proficiency. (ACCESS is not acceptable for the AHSA.) ◦MAC II score can be gridded on the answer document or emailed to ◦MAC II can be administered repeatedly. There are state translations in Spanish, Gujarati, Haitian– Creole and Portuguese. 33
Translated AHSA PATs (cont.) Other languages may be translated within the testing window. The translation may be done by certificated world language teachers, by certificated ESL teachers, by certificated bilingual teachers, by faculty from four-year colleges and universities or community colleges, or community members with four-year college degrees who are not related to the student. The security of the AHSA PATs must be maintained at all times during the translation process. After testing, you must mail your locally translated version to Dr. Faye Ball, New Jersey Department of Education, P. O. Box 500, 100 Riverview Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08625-0500 If you need assistance, please contact the Bilingual/ESL Office at 609-292-8777 or 34
Special Education(SE) Students SE students exempt from taking the HSPA are not placed in the AHSA process. These students usually take the APA. SE students exempt from passing one or both HSPA content areas, do not take the AHSA in those HSPA content areas that they are exempt from passing. SE students who do not pass one or both HSPA content areas and have not been exempt from passing, are eligible for the AHSA process. ◦IEP team may exempt SE students from repeat HSPA testing. 35
Special Education(SE) Students (cont.) Out of District Placement ◦It is the responsibility of the out-of-district placement facility to verify status as a testing center by contacting MI’s help desk at 1-800- 572-1049 or ◦If not a testing center, contact Dr. Peggy McDonald, director, Office of Special Education Programs at 609- 633-6833 or for instructions about how to become an approved testing site. 36
AHSA (SRA) practice materials The only available Practice Materials for AHSA are old HSPT11 SRA tasks and the 2002- 2003 HSPA SRA PATs. All other years (2003- 04 through 2010-11) are SECURE test materials. ◦Hard copies of these practice materials were available from your county offices of education. On the SRA website, we have added the PowerPoint presentation from the SRA Mathematics Scoring Open-Ended Items workshop. 37
AHSA 2013-2014 TEST SCHEDULE AHSA Testing Windows ◦January 13 – February 7, 2014 ◦March 24 – April 11, 2014 ◦June 16 - 27, 2014 Scores Reported Online ◦March 21, 2014 ◦May 23, 2014 ◦August 1, 2014 AHSA APPEAL CYCLE ◦Monday, May 26 Through Wednesday, June 11, 2014 38
Related Websites Assessment Homepage NJDOE SRA page hs/index.shtml#sra Measurement Inc. NJ Assessments (choose HSPA or AHSA as needed) 39
NJDOE Program Coordinators Orlando Vadel 609-341-3456ASK 3-8 Veronica Orsi 609-292-8739HSPA Diane Kubinski 609-292-3226NJBCT Elizabeth Celentano609-984-0107APA ___________________________________________ Measurement Inc. HSPA/NJBCT/AHSA Helpline: (800) 572-1049 or 40
NJDOE Contacts OFFICE OF ASSESSMENTS Jeffrey Hauger, Director (609) 984-6311 Faye Alease Frieson Ball, AHSA Coordinator (609) 984-1970 Timothy Giordano, Mathematics Coordinator for AHSA, HSPA and NJASK 3-5 (609) 633-8015 OFFICE OF LANGUAGE ARTS LITERACY Mary Jane Kurabinski, Director (609) 633-1726 OFFICE OF STEM EDUCATION Meghan O. Snow, Director (609) 218-9280 41
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