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PERSONALITY. Classification of Personality Tests n Uni-dimensional or Multi-dimensional n Theoretical or Psychometric (data reduction) Factor Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "PERSONALITY. Classification of Personality Tests n Uni-dimensional or Multi-dimensional n Theoretical or Psychometric (data reduction) Factor Analysis."— Presentation transcript:


2 Classification of Personality Tests n Uni-dimensional or Multi-dimensional n Theoretical or Psychometric (data reduction) Factor Analysis or Criterion Reference n Normal or Abnormal Traits n Group or Individual Administration n Oral or Written n Self/Other Report or Behavioral n Objective or Projective

3 Evaluation of Personality Tests n Construct n Developmental Information n Standardization Information n Norms n Administration Information n Psychometrics reliability - validity - factor structure n Reviews

4 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) n Original development 1940 –Hathaway & McKinley n (MMPI-2 1989) MMPI-2-RF 2008 n Over 18 years n MMPI -A – 1992 (adolescent) 14 – 18 yrs n Clinical populations n paper-pencil, computer or audio n 35-50 minutes n About 338 questions

5 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF)(MMPI-2-RF) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2-RF)(MMPI-2-RF) n Criterion based (or data reduction) large pool of questions select appropriate criterion groups factor analysis

6 MMPI – 2-RF scales n 50 scales n 8 Validity scales n addiction scales n supplemental scales

7 Problems with MMPI-2  norms  inter-item consistency is low  high inter correlations between scores  validity  reading at 6th grade  self-report

8 California Psychological Inventory-260 (CPI)(CPI) California Psychological Inventory-260 (CPI)(CPI) n Developed 1956 -- revised 2005 n assess normal adult personality n 260 true/false questions (1/2 from MMPI) n 30-45 minutes n paper-pencil n normed on college students

9 California Psychological Inventory (CPI) n 29 socially desirable behavioral tendencies Interpersonal styles self acceptance self control flexibility n more positive than MMPI n used for educational, vocational, counseling

10 16 Personality Factors - 16 PF16 PF 16 Personality Factors - 16 PF16 PF n Cattell - 1956 - last revised 2000 n data reduction by factor analysis n administer hundreds of questions and factor analyze responses = 16 factors n 185 items (true, ?, false) n 30-60 minutes n 7th grade reading level n computer or hand score

11 16 Personality Factors - 16 PF n Measures 16 primary personality traits n Heavily used in research n good reliability - test/retest n good validity - construct and criterion n lots of norms and profiles n used for career and vocational guidance

12 16 factor scales n 16 bipolar dimensions of personality n 5 global factors u Extraversion u Anxiety u Tough-mindedness u Independence u Self-control n IM (impression management)

13 Revised NEO Personality Inventory NEO – PI-R NEO – PI-R Revised NEO Personality Inventory NEO – PI-R NEO – PI-R n Costa & McCrae - 1985/1995 n Neuroticism n Extraversion n Openness n Agreeableness n Conscientiousness

14 Are they the same factors??? 16 factor scales n 5 global factors u Extraversion u Anxiety u Tough-mindedness u Independence u Self-control Revised NEO n Neuroticism n Extraversion n Openness n Agreeableness n Conscientiousness

15 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (MBTI) n Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs n 1940s n Based on Jung’s personality dimensions n 126 forced choice questions n 20-30 minutes

16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) n Heavily used in research n lots of validity studies n used in academic and counseling settings n vocational preferences n interpersonal interactions

17 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (example of MBTI types) (example of MBTI types) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (example of MBTI types) (example of MBTI types) n Measures 4 dimensions of personality extroversion-introversion (EI) sensing-intuition (SN) thinking-feeling (TF) judgement-perception (JP) n combine into 16 personality types e.g. ESTJ

18 Keirsey Temperament Sorter – II KTS-II KTS-II Keirsey Temperament Sorter – II KTS-II KTS-II Similar to MBTI test profile - high validity – computerized - shorter n 4 Scales n (E)=Expressive vs. (I)=Attentive n (S)=Observant vs. (N)=Introspective n (T)=Tough-minded vs. (F)=Friendly n (J)=Scheduling vs. (P)=Probing

19 MBTI/KRT/images n Scores???? n ESFJ – (MBTI) n ISFJ – (KRT) n ENTP – ABAB n Reliability???? n Validity????? n Standardization????


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