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Bellwork: Which is correct? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) o so yu ka me sa へいせい 二十五ねん 十がつ二十一にち・げつようび Assignments: -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Which is correct? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) o so yu ka me sa へいせい 二十五ねん 十がつ二十一にち・げつようび Assignments: -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Which is correct? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) o so yu ka me sa へいせい 二十五ねん 十がつ二十一にち・げつようび Assignments: -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice -Write or record 5 basic sentences describing some classroom objects around you and their location

2 へいせい二十五 - ねん 十がつ 二十二にち ・ かようび Bellwork- 1) What does “ か ” do at the end of a sentence? 2) You have probably heard Sensei use the word “ これ ”in class. Any idea what it means? 3) What is “ です ” Assignments: -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice -Write or record 5 basic sentences describing some classroom objects around you and their location

3 平成 二十五ねん 十がつ 二十三にち・すいようび Goal 1: I will be able to understand how to ask and answer questions about what something is. Bellwork- Write in Japanese (from now on that means use hiragana!!) 1)pencil 2)paper 3)pen 4)book 5)student 6)teacher Assignments: -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice -Write or record 5 basic sentences describing some classroom objects around you and their location

4 へいせい二十五ねん 十がつ 二十四にち・もくよう び Goal: I will be able to recognize the meaning to all the new vocabulary words Bellwork- In Japanese 1) trash 2) trash can 3) money 4) bag 5) hat Assignments: (Due Today!) -Get Hiragana test signed -Nan desu ka 1 Vocab. practice -Hiragana practice

5 平成 二十五ねん 十がつ 二十五にち・きんようび Agenda -Kiritsu - Date -Bellwork -Vocab review -Vocab quiz -Hiragana retest -Hiragana prizes Goal: I will be able to write the new vocabulary in hiragana. Bellwork: Translate to English 1) これ は とけい です。 2) あれ は なん ですか。 3) それ は きょうかしょ で はありません。 (or えんぴつ じゃないです。) Assignments: -Due yesterday unless absent

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