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New Technology Challenges & Successes A look at technologies that are being utilized in our newest branch library, with emphasis given to the role that.

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Presentation on theme: "New Technology Challenges & Successes A look at technologies that are being utilized in our newest branch library, with emphasis given to the role that."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technology Challenges & Successes A look at technologies that are being utilized in our newest branch library, with emphasis given to the role that RFID, wireless access, blogs and wikis all play in daily library operations, including the real world benefits that such technologies can provide. Michael Casey, Branch Manager, Gwinnett County Public Library Chris Hall, IT Coordinator, Gwinnett County Public Library Computers In Libraries 22 March 2006 Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

2 UnConference Fundamental Law of Conventional Conferences The sum of the expertise of the people in the audience is greater than the sum of expertise of the people on stage. Dave Winer at So……please participate, ask questions!. Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

3 Building a New Library From the ground up… July 2005 Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

4 Choosing Technologies to Advance the Library So many factors to consider… Community needs Library needs for service delivery How do you deliver your materials and services? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

5 Decision Making Considerations Library’s strategic plan Organizational culture Library’s budget Size of building Expected return on investment Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

6 Decision Making Considerations Library’s Strategic Plan What are your strategic goals? If technology serves no goal then it serves no purpose Must operate within the framework of your mission and vision What tools serve those goals? Input from all parties required Bleeding Edge vs. Leading Edge vs. Close Follower Always looking, always alert Emerging Technology Team or some outward looking group that matches technology with library needs Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

7 Decision Making Considerations Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

8 Decision Making Considerations Organizational Culture What is your library’s technology culture? Buy it off the rack? Build it yourself? Piece it together using existing parts? What place does IT have in the organization? Do they play a part in all levels of planning and decision making? Are they brought in early or only after the idea has been decided upon? Or, worse, are they only brought in after the product has been purchased? What is your library’s comfort level? Single vendor versus best of breed “We’ve bought from them before, we’re buying from them again.” Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

9 Decision Making Considerations Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

10 Decision Making Considerations Budget Finite resources Firm ROI expectations Size of Building Finite amount of space Community needs should take priority Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

11 Decision Making Considerations Return on Investment How does this technology impact your library customer service staff efficiency bottom line numbers circulation library visits (real or virtual) votes in the upcoming election Set your expectations before implementation and stick to them during the review! Be willing to change or discard anything that’s not giving you what you need. It’s easier to change now than later! Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

12 Decision Making Considerations Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

13 Technolust “Technolust - an irrational love for new technology combined with unrealistic expectations for the solutions it brings.” Technoplans vs. Technolust by Michael Stephens Library Journal, November 1, 2004 No discussion of new technologies would be complete without mentioning: How to avoid this? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

14 Technolust Keep it grounded Always ask… How can it allow us to best serve our customers? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

15 Good Use of Technology How Do We Serve More With Less? Efficiency Does it make better use of staff energy and time? Effectiveness Does it reach more users with equal or less effort? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

16 What Tools Did We Choose? RFID – Radio Frequency Identification WiFi – both staff and public wireless network access Blogs – internal and external communications Wikis – knowledge management Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

17 What Tools Did We Choose? Two Views Internal and External Benefits of the technology Actual Implementation Installation Maintenance Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

18 RFID Internal Benefits Efficiency Role in new branch opening more work upfront with tagging mobile tagging – taking it to the shelves Check-out and Check-in time reduced Less material handling Material quickly placed back into the stream Self-service customer use Greatly improved inventory control and more….. RFID is new! There will be growing pains! Long term savings will be there! Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

19 RFID External Benefits Staff have time for direct customer service to more users Customer’s more independent when completing simple tasks Customer satisfaction and empowerment RFID is new! There will be growing pains! Long term savings will be there! Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

20 RFID Implementing Test, test, retest Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

21 RFID Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

22 WiFi Internal Benefits Un-tethered network access to serve anyone anywhere with the right tool Going to the customer Expansion or remodeling freedom – only power and space are required to move computers Customers utilize own equipment, not library’s hardware or software Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

23 WiFi External Benefits Customer’s more independent when completing simple tasks Their hardware, their software, our data Access to WiFi in surrounding parks or seating areas Town or citywide WiFi? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

24 WiFi Implementation Staff WiFi security Customer WiFi coverage maintenance simplicity for user Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

25 WiFi Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

26 Internal Benefits Communications in general – speaking to different people about different issues Horizontal and vertical communications Horizontal Staff Staff Vertical Management Staff Trust issue – should names be used on posts? We do. Blogs New staff New branch Stressed management ? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

27 Blogs External Board Customers Administration Staff Library news that allows for easy feedback Public / open communications Direct communication with board Get your message out Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

28 Blogs Implementation WordPress Movable Type Blogger TypePad Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

29 Blogs Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

30 Wikis Internal Benefits Knowledge management Captures valuable and fleeting information reference desk questions Reduces the excuse of “the guy who knew that is gone” Digital repository for library documents Improves staff comfort with library history and philosophy policies and guidelines – history behind their creation mission and vision – what was the thought process Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

31 Wikis External Benefits Community knowledge management local history geneology shared user knowledge Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

32 Wikis Implementation MediaWiki TWiki Kwiki PBWiki JotSpot Socialtext Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

33 Wikis Questions? Comments? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

34 Review RFID – Radio Frequency Identification WiFi – both staff and public wireless network access Blogs – internal and external communications Wikis – knowledge management Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

35 Review Only one way to do more with less… Efficiency Does it make better use of staff energy and time? Effectiveness Does it reach more users with equal or less effort? Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006



38 New Technology Challenges & Successes Contact Info Michael Casey AIM: librarycrunch Skype: michaelcasey Chris Hall Thank you Casey & Hall, Computers In Libraries. 22 March 2006

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