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Pay-Per-Click Advertising How to Maximize the Return from Each Click-through Steven Schwartz President, Southeastern Massachusetts.

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Presentation on theme: "Pay-Per-Click Advertising How to Maximize the Return from Each Click-through Steven Schwartz President, Southeastern Massachusetts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pay-Per-Click Advertising How to Maximize the Return from Each Click-through Steven Schwartz President, Southeastern Massachusetts E-Commerce Network University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth

2 Agenda Definition Why Advertise? ROI Key Elements Resources Q&A

3 What is Pay-Per-Click According to “Pay-Per-Click is an online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying click-throughs.”

4 How Does it Work? Bid on relevant keywords Advertising engine displays your text ad on their results page or network of web sites You only pay when people click

5 Why Advertise? Get instant visibility Cost to enter is small Track ROI

6 Who Are the Major Players? Google Yahoo MSN Find What Ask Jeeves/Teoma

7 Google Keyword Targeted CPC (Cost Per Click) More Clicks, Better Results You set max per keyword and budget Track Results – Conversion Tracker Ads appear on Google content network via Adsense program

8 Yahoo Sponsored Search (Formerly Overture) Bid on keywords (auction format) Highest bidder gets highest placement on the page Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, CNN, Infospace Yahoo Publishers Network Content Match (Beta)– Like Google Adsense

9 MSN Text Ads Limited to MSN, CNBC, Hotmail, Program will eventually replace Yahoo results May be an opportunity down the road

10 Getting Started Very Easy to Set Up Take the time to –Plan –Research –Setup –Execute –Track Results

11 1 st Step: Budget and ROI Define program objectives What’s success? How will you measure success? Define and set conversion expectations

12 Conversions Any interaction that you want to track Valuable events like: –Product Purchase –Form Completion –White Paper Download –Event Registration –Inquiry

13 2 nd Step: Research Keywords Yahoo Search Marketing –Keyword Selector Tools –Keyword Bid Tool –ROI Calculator Google –Keyword Lookups –Keyword Analysis –Traffic Estimator

14 Bid Example

15 ROI: What’s Each Conversion Worth? Source:

16 How Can You Maximize Your ROI? Great Ad Copy Keyword Specific Landing Pages Improve Conversions Continually Track What’s Going On

17 Scenario 2

18 Copywriting Focus on Your Ad Copy –Title –Body text –URL Google lets you run multiple ads Art more than science Look at competitors Hire copywriter

19 Elements of a Good Ad Attention Promise of Benefit Credibility Persuasiveness Interest Desire Action

20 What Will Make You Stand Out? Do you have the lowest price? Do you have the best variety? Do you have high-quality products? What makes you credible? How do you meet the needs of the potential buyer?

21 Focus on the Ad Title Most people scan the title Body copy holds less weight Insert relevant keyword in the Title –Google lets you do it automatically If prices are low, put price in Free add-ons can make a difference –Free shipping –Free 30 day trial

22 More Ad tips Quantify your ads –Most, Lowest Avoid Using Hype –Buyers are savvy Create a Sense of Urgency –"limited-time offer“ –"available for overnight shipping." If you have space, add creditability –30 day money back guarantee –5 star rated vendor

23 Ad Tips Look at Competitors Create a unique approach that focuses on the opposite or reverse of what your competitors are advertising Test, retest and track

24 Conversion - Landing Page You just spent $$ to bring someone to your web site, now what? Don’t waste it on your home page Build specific landing pages that match the expectation your ad generated Call to action – highlight your conversion - Buy - Download - Register

25 Landing Page Call to action Copy Navigation – Limit, can distract Merchandising –Local, Geography, Season Micro-site –Self contained site just for the offer

26 Improved Conversion

27 Do your landing pages convert? A/B Test Multivariate Testing - Offermatica Track visitors from Ad to Landing Landing to Next Step and beyond Google Conversion Tracking Use a Good Metrics Program Like –Webtrends, Click Tracks, Net Tracker –Urchin (Recently purchased by Google)

28 Campaign Analysis Daily – watch after launch of campaign Weekly – Check listing performance –Traffic –Sales –ROI Numbers Monthly – Deep Analysis –Search engine –Products –Keywords

29 Resources Good Keywords - Softnik Technologies PPC Toolkit – Softnik Technologies Arelis Keyword Tracker Bid Management Tools –AtlasOnePoint (formerly GOTOAST) –BidRank

30 Conclusion PPC Advertising is a very effective way generate traffic and sales Takes effort, planning, testing and constant monitoring

31 Q & A Steven Schwartz (401)440-4028

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