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Nebraska Homestead Settlements of the Late Nineteenth Century Willa Cather: My Antonia (1918) Fremd High School: E208 Mr. Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "Nebraska Homestead Settlements of the Late Nineteenth Century Willa Cather: My Antonia (1918) Fremd High School: E208 Mr. Anderson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nebraska Homestead Settlements of the Late Nineteenth Century Willa Cather: My Antonia (1918) Fremd High School: E208 Mr. Anderson

2 The Chrisman Sisters in front of their sod house, 1886

3 The Hilton family didn’t want their European relatives to see that they were living in a dirt house, but they wanted to show off their pump organ, so they dragged it out in the yard for the photograph.

4 Mr. and Mrs. John Curry—Custer County, Nebraska, 1886

5 The Shores family—Custer County, Nebraska, 1887. Mr. Jerry Shores was one among several former slaves to homestead in Nebraska.

6 James Pierce home—1880. Mr. Pierce was a former whale hunter who failed at a Minnesota homestead, but succeeded in Nebraska.

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