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Nebraska Pork Partners  Natasha Knapp, sophomore in Animal Science/Pre-Vet  Internship with Nebraska Pork Partners in Albion, Nebraska  Worked in all.

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Presentation on theme: "Nebraska Pork Partners  Natasha Knapp, sophomore in Animal Science/Pre-Vet  Internship with Nebraska Pork Partners in Albion, Nebraska  Worked in all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nebraska Pork Partners  Natasha Knapp, sophomore in Animal Science/Pre-Vet  Internship with Nebraska Pork Partners in Albion, Nebraska  Worked in all stages of the swine industry  Worked from May 20 through August 3

2 Nebraska Pork Partners  3 year old company found in August 2003 formally known as Furnas County Farms  16 th largest pork producer in US  Employs around 450 people across Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota  Headquarters located in Columbus, Nebraska  Some of the competitors include Progressive Swine Tech (PST), Iowa Select Farms, Cargill, and others

3 Nebraska Pork Partners  I saw and worked in all stages of the swine industry FarrowingGestationBreedingNurseryFinisher  Visited: Transfer Station Truck Wash Boar Stud Feeding Mill

4 Nebraska Pork Partners 6 Weeks at NuAge Farrowing in Albion, Ne Farrwoing: walked the farrowing barns to check for dead Moved sows and gilts from breeding up to farrowing Picked up afterbirth and dead Fed 3 day farrowing sows Helped sorting piglets Processed piglets Treated piglets Sleeved sows Weaned Mistral mats Posted dead sows Powerwashed

5 Nebraska Pork Partners Breeding: Walk gestation and breeding barns Heat checked sows and gilts Artificially Inseminated sows and gilts Moved sows, gilts, and culls Helped to preg/check Swiped the allies

6 Nebraska Pork Partners 3 weeks at Nursery: Unloaded pigs Sorted pigs Vaccinated against PRRS virus with needless guns Fed pigs in the barns Set up barns Fixed and replaced water nipples Loaded pigs using hot shots Burying dead Posting dead

7 Nebraska Pork Partners 2 Weeks at Finisher Counted pigs Broke down barns Picked out sick pigs for the hospital pens Treated sick pigs Posted dead Set up barns and spread feed on the floor

8 Nebraska Pork Partners Had an opportunity to visit: Transfer station- where they get the piglets off the weaning trailers on to the big scale to take the weight of the whole group and then load on to the semi-truck Truck wash- where trucks get washed by the powerwasher and then backed to kill all the pathogens Boar Stud- has about 3000 boars and has a lot of new equipment Feeding Mill- learned how the feeds get mixed and distributed

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