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Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active or Developing Regional or Independent Transmission Organizations

2 Midwest ISO Overview Midwest ISO (MISO) is a FERC-approved regional transmission organization, the independent, non-profit grid monitor for the transmission of high-voltage electricity MDU is a transmission owning utility member of the Midwest ISO

3 Midwest ISO and Montana MDU is a transmission owning member Basin and WAPA receive reliability services from Midwest ISO PSC is very active at MISO and in the new Organization of Midwest ISO States (OMS) Energy market training by MISO scheduled for March 4 in Glendive

4 4 Operational since December 15, 2001 35 Control Areas including WAPA and Basin Two Centers  Carmel, IN  St. Paul, MN Regional Reliability Coordinator Website: MISO Operations

5 5 Determine available transmission capacity Midwest ISO Duties Schedule wholesale transmission service at “non-pancaked” rates under a single FERC- approved tariff Regional transmission planning

6 Organization of MISO States Board of Directors Illinois: Kevin Wright Indiana: David Hadley Iowa: Dianne Munns Kentucky: Gary Gillis Manitoba: Gerald Forrest Michigan Laura Chappell Minnesota: Leroy Koppendrayer Missouri: Steve Gaw Montana: Greg Jergeson Nebraska: Louis Lamberty Executive Committee President: Susan Wefald Vice President: Steve Gaw Secretary: Bert Garvin Treasurer: Laura Chappell At Large: Dianne Munns Executive Director: Bill Smith Nominating Committee Greg Jergeson, Chair North Dakota: Susan Wefald Ohio: Judy Jones Pennsylvania: Terrance Fitzpatrick South Dakota: Gary Hanson Wisconsin: Bert Garvin

7 Organization of MISO States: Committees & Montana Representatives Transmission Planning and Siting (Art Compton & Jeff Blend, DEQ) Congestion Management and FTR Allocation (Greg Jergeson, PSC) Resource Adequacy and Capacity Markets (Jay Stovall, PSC) Market Monitoring and Market Mitigation (Marla Larson, PSC & Larry Nordell, MCC) Market Rules and Implementation Timelines (Kate Whitney, PSC) Seams Issues (no Montanan) Pricing (Marla Larson, PSC)

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