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By: Joesph Hoselton, Kaitlyn Michael, Cassie Hill, and Vanessa Cottrill Period 6 January 2011 Toucan Parrot.

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2 By: Joesph Hoselton, Kaitlyn Michael, Cassie Hill, and Vanessa Cottrill Period 6 January 2011 Toucan Parrot

3 Rarely gets higher than 93 degrees F (34 degrees C). Doesn’t go lower than 68 degrees F (20 degrees C). There are seasons of climate such as rain. One season of rain usually lasts from 50 to 260 in. (125-660cm.) yearly. The trees in the rainforest form a canopy. Mossy rocks

4 Rain precipitation occurs. The average precipitation per year is 500cm. There are seasons of rainfall. Average precipitation by season is more than 100 inches a year. Rain cloud Rainforest Leaves

5 Most tropical rainforests are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Which is between 23½ degrees North and 23½ degrees South. This biome is common in many countries; Africa, Australia, South America, and the lower regions of Asia. This is the location of most of the Tropical Rainforests in green

6 Arenal National Park 1. This Costa Rican park is home of the most active volcano in Costa Rico. 2. Along side running from lava you can relax in the Tabacon hot springs or go rafting and hiking. This is a picture of the most active volcano in Costa Rico

7 Every plant has the adaptation that they will all shake there leaves when there leaves fill up of water when its raining so there stems will not brake off. Bromelids- leaves make a bowl shape so they can catch water and take the water to the center of the plant.

8 Strangler- Avoid competition to get sunlight by getting there nutrition from the ground and the trees its on. Lianas- Stretch to other vines that are in the sunlight and get there energy from the other vine. Strangler Lianas

9 There are millions of different types of animals that live in the Tropical Rainforest. 3 types of animal that live in the Tropical Rainforest are the Iguanas, the Spider Monkey, and the Toucan.

10 Iguanas –Have really tough water resistant skin so when it rains hard it doesn’t hurt the iguana. Can fall 40-50 ft. and not get hurt because they live in such tall trees. Spider Monkey- have strong tales to help them swing tree to tree because they don’t have opposable thumbs. They have strong hands to open fruits that are hard to open. A Iguana A Spider Monkey

11 Toucans- feathers can change colors to blend into its surroundings They have sharp claws to kill there pray.

12 The average temperature of the three warmest and coldest months do not differ by more than 5 degrees. Soil has poor nutrients and acid. This is a picture of a beautiful tropical rainforest

13 Every year brazil cuts down and area of forest the size of the state of Nebraska. According to estimates, fifty million acres are cut down each year. This is a picture of a rainforest that some trees are cut down

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