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Leadership in the Agency Environment SOWO 874, FALL2012.

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1 Leadership in the Agency Environment SOWO 874, FALL2012

2 Agency-Environment Relations ENVIRONMENT – all external conditions that actually or potentially affect an organization. DOMAIN – the points at which the organization is dependent on resources from the environment. DOMAIN CONSENSUS – a set of expectations about what the organization will or will not do. LEGITIMACY – a generalized conception that the actions of an entity are desirable or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, and beliefs.

3 Environmental Elements National and International Economics Political, Economic, and Cultural Attitudes Demographic Composition Demographic Composition Religious Organizations Religious Organizations

4 Characteristics of the Environment Placidity vs. Turbulence Homogeneity vs. Heterogeneity Richness vs. Paucity Stability vs. Instability Simple vs. Complex Organized vs. Unorganized Certainty vs. Uncertainty

5 ADAPTATION – the process of change by which the organization provides a better and better solution to the problem COPABILITY – the internal ability to maintain your identity and overcome change Contingency Theory -No single structure is effective for all organizations -Structures must meet contextual demands of the environment Political Economy/ Resource Dependence Theory -In order to survive you must have legitimacy and power as well as resources -These resources are controlled by agents in the external environment Adaptation Theories

6 More Theories... ECOLOGICAL THEORIES - Survival of the fittest amongst similar organizations - Survival of the fittest amongst similar organizations - Your ecological niche determines the capacity of organizations - Your ecological niche determines the capacity of organizations - Can organizations not change? - Can organizations not change? INSTITUTIONAL THEORY - Organizations are driven to incorporate practices and procedures of prevailing institutions (i.e., the government) - Organizations that conform gain legitimacy and resources

7 ConsolidatedSystemicPromotionalObligational Degree of Central Control ~ A relationship between an autonomous organization and one or more other Organizations that join to achieve a goal none could achieve on its own. Inter-organizational Relationships (IORs)

8 Reasons For Collaboration The Need for Resources The Need to Expand The Need to Compete The Need to Move Quickly The Need to Achieve Economies of Scale

9 An Applied Example: A youth tutoring organization is having trouble connecting with their Latino students … Initial Phase You find out the father of one of your students sits on the board of a Latino Advocacy organization. You ask the father if he will introduce you to the director. Between the two boards a common vision statement is drafted based on each agencies core values. Committee meetings are scheduled and you begin forming trust by attending and being professional at these meetings. Implementation Phase The advocacy organization begins offering translation services and bi- lingual tutors to your organization and in return we market their agency and include them in major fundraisers. A collaboration manager is hired at each agency to monitor the partnership. They report directly to you the director. Research continues by both organizations so that the most up to date knowledge can be shared. Quarterly reports are submitted to both boards.

10 Chapter 22: Policy Advocacy and Lobbying A critical skill for managers of HSOs is “the ability to conduct meaningful policy advocacy in order to boost awareness of and resources available to an organization, its clients, and its community” (p. 455).

11 Advocacy in the Human Services Historically relevant to social work and social activism (i.e. settlement house movement, Progressive Era, etc. Currently relevant to social work and social activism (NASW, Code of Ethics) What can it look like?  Policy Advocacy vs. Case Advocacy; Macro vs. Micro

12 Advocacy in Human Services Management What is the actual participation of human service organizations or managers in advocacy work? (Sosin, Pawlak and Flynn, Salamon) What are the benefits from participating in this kind of work? (importance for clients, improved service delivery systems, organizational health, more?)

13 Barrier 1: Legal Restrictions and Misunderstandings Fear of violating the law; Consequences are too great Misunderstanding of lobbying regulations What happens if an issue for which you are passionate about violates organizational policies? How do you respond? How can we address this problem?

14 Barrier 2: Leadership Initiative and Training Lack of managerial initiative Lack of training or access to training Lack of political involvement; Is the social political and vice versa? Can we think of examples within this school that promotes advocacy work? How can we address this problem?

15 Barrier 3: Organizational Capacity Challenges to networking and advocacy What needs to be addressed? (enhancing the public understanding of key policy issues, strengthening relationships with key policymakers, responding effectively to community expectations, and interacting with other organizations, more?) Resources for advocacy work (Human resources and funding)

16 Strategies and Tactics Coalitions Media Communications Framing the Issue New Technologies Who Should Participate? Striving for Effectiveness

17 CLASS ACTIVITY You currently hold a managerial position within the Autism Society of North Carolina and are looking to increase the amount of advocacy work within the Triangle. There is a new education bill that may decrease the the budget of disability services within public schools, which will most likely decrease the amount of certified teachers who can offer special assistance to children with disabilities, including children with autism. Using what we have discussed today related to agency-environmental relations, interorganizational relationships, advocacy and lobbying, how would you begin to address this issue and what resources or relationships would be the most important to develop first?

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