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Dr. Stefan Jarolimek SYLFF Conference, Riga 19.05.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Stefan Jarolimek SYLFF Conference, Riga 19.05.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Stefan Jarolimek SYLFF Conference, Riga 19.05.2011

2 Questions Dr. Stefan Jarolimek I Riga I 19.05.2014 2 1. What is CSR communication?  working definition of CSR communication 2. How can we measure CSR communications?  a multi case study approach  cutlural factors: nation, branches, organization Does it work?

3 What is CSR communication? 3 “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. It is about enterprises deciding to go beyond minimum legal requirements and obligations stemming from collective agreements in order to address societal needs. Through CSR, enterprises of all sizes, in cooperation with their stakeholders, can help to reconcile economic, social and environmental ambitions.” (European Commission 2006: 2) Carroll 1991:42 Dr. Stefan Jarolimek I Riga I 19.05.2014

4 What is CSR communication? 4 A working definition of CSR communication: CSR communication can be defined as the communication from organizations itself or by journalism about events of organizations that are a) longer term measures (sustainable), b) voluntary (not legally bound). The actions/events reported have c) a clear connection to the organizations activities, but it is not their objective. CSR communications can usually be found in all public communications (PR, corporate webpages, corporate magazines as well as in journalism and in special CSR media like the CSR-report). Issues of CSR communication can be subdivided into social, economical and ecological responsibility. The function of CSR communication is the legitimacy of business activities towards stakeholder groups and society. Dr. Stefan Jarolimek I Riga I 19.05.2014

5 How to measure CSR communication? 27.10.2011 5  Levels of analysis: Influencing cultural factors, Self-image of organization, strategies  Exemplary sample of organizations, according to branches and nations Branch/Na tion USAGermanyRussia Energy (1.) Sector Pacific Gas and Electric Aral (BP) Gasprom (Neft) ExelonRWE-DeaRosneft Automotive (2.) Sector Ford Volkswag en Gaz General Motors BMWLada Banking/Fi nancing Bank of America Sparkass e Sberbank (3.) SectorCitigroup Deutsche Bank WTB

6 Does it work? Results from Deutsche Bank 6 CSR reports of Deutsche Bank in Germany, Russia (global report) and in the USA Dr. Stefan Jarolimek I Riga I 19.05.2014

7 Discussion 7 1. Arts and Music: Is the funding of arts and music not CSR? Do we need arts and music in society and is the promotion of young artists a responsibility of business towards society and culture?  change in working defintion: “3. if there is clear connection to business activities or is part of the promotion of arts and music”. 2. Corporations and its foundations: Is CSR communication of Deutsche Bank and of Deutsche Bank Foundation the same?  pragmatic solution: same name, same public image? Dr. Stefan Jarolimek I Riga I 19.05.2014

8 8 Thank you for your attention! Dr. Stefan Jarolimek Berliner Str. 108a D-13189 Berlin

9 How to measure CSR communication? A multi case study approach 9  Influencing cultural factors national culture: laws economic system, the relationship between economics and politics, media system, professional ethics of (economic) journalists. branch culture: ecological, economics, social responsibility organization culture: Mission and vision (and the role of CSR in it); stakeholder, transparency and discussion of values (ethics), surrounding world of organization  Self-image of organization Media sample: cultural artifacts of organizations, i.e. webpages and CSR-reports Time sample: one year (e.g. 2011), Method: quantitative content analysis, Interviews with CCOs  (Public image Media sample: political and economical newspapers and magazines in different countries. Time sample: media coverage of one year (e.g. 2011). Method: comparable to self image (see above).)  Interpretation of data and relevance for communication research

10 10 How to measure CSR communication? A multi case study approach: cultural influences

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