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Independence of the Mechanism: Critical Success Factors beyond the Paris Principles Rachel Murray University of Bristol.

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Presentation on theme: "Independence of the Mechanism: Critical Success Factors beyond the Paris Principles Rachel Murray University of Bristol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independence of the Mechanism: Critical Success Factors beyond the Paris Principles Rachel Murray University of Bristol

2 Factors within the responsibility of the state Appointment of the members and designation/establishment Affects legitimacy ‘Transparent process that also involves both the legislature and civil society’ ‘wide consultation and include a process for the public nomination of candidates’ Wide advertisement of posts Criteria is clear and public Stable mandate and security of tenure

3 Appointment by legislature? But open to political manipulation Inherent tension: Maintain close relationship Maintain a distance Perception of independence is key

4 Financial autonomy Manage own budget, decide how best to allocate funding Appoint own staff Responsibility of state: Who determines the funding? Government or parliament? Ability to apply for external funds Who is the accounting officer?

5 Factors that are within the control of the national institution/framework Concept of independence presupposes this Fulfilling its remit: How it performs its mandate How it spends its money? Need to be strategic

6 Other factors within control of institution A. Engagement with others Not need to be ‘friends’ Need to have constructive dialogue Cooperation and trust Independence from government and other stakeholders Challenges re civil society: Maintain consultation Develop relations with civil society Opposing camps? Integrity of members

7 Accountability To whom? Role of CRPD Committee? Relationship of Article 33(2) bodies with Committee? Use of annual reports dialogue Role of ICC: ‘accreditation’?

8 Conclusion Independence is multifaceted Those issues within control of the state: appointments, allocating of appropriate funding, legal framework Those issues within the control of the national institution(s) themselves Look to CRPD Committee for guidance

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