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Emotional Intelligence in IT Susan Cuff Business Development Director, Spring Group plc.

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1 Emotional Intelligence in IT Susan Cuff Business Development Director, Spring Group plc

2 British Computer Society Second woman president in 46 years. 16% of IT degree students are female. Less than 20% of IT professionals are women. IT has “geeky” image. Women are under represented –Decision making –Systems design –User interface design. “Not only women, but industry are missing out.”

3 A response to Wendy Hall! Broad agreement, across all businesses, for 25 years. But so what? WOMEN IN IT. Skills shortages. Overseas workers. Graduate trainee programs. Cross training. “Hybrid” managers. Recession and boom. Do we need them? NO CHANGE

4 Some suggestions 1.Issue lies in recruitment process? Job spec advertisement Hard/techie language Indication of macho culture Rarely mention of softer skills. Interview 90% conducted by male superior. Peer group/team intro 90% male. Customers 90% male. Candidate vision Need for obvious ambition. Need to play politics. Need to behave like a man.

5 2.Issue lies in women’s own/perceived ‘capped’ ambitions? No belief in earnings potential. No desire for relentless work addiction. No desire for ‘vertical’ career. Preference for stability, not restless mobility.

6 3.Issue lies in male, corporate antipathy? Old thinking. Lazy thinking. Not perceptive. UK corporate imperatives of productivity and cost cutting are not selective – they simply have to be delivered.

7 Step forward….. Emotional Intelligence – as old as the hills! Recognise our own and others’ feelings and reactions. Manage our own emotions. Manage emotions in our relationships. “Handle” ourselves and each other well. NOT ALWAYS EASY, BUT HIGHLY EFFECTIVE

8 Driving productivity – some key dependencies Clearly understood deliverables. Properly equipped. Well motivated. Measures in place. Teamwork. Communication. Thinking ahead. Personal/team drivers considered up front. Holistic plan. Team dynamics fully considered.

9 Cost Cutting some key dependencies How much; why; when; legitimacy? Who; why; how? Follow up plan. Holistic – not knee jerk. Communication, management of emotion. Communication, team re-build, management of emotion, harmony, creativity.

10 Great Culture some key dependencies Leadership –Role model –Consistency –Inspiration –Compassion. Listening. Creative/ideas encouragement. Teamwork.

11 Some conclusions Change the language –School –University entrance –Milk round –Recruitment process. Seek and use female role models at any and all levels. Use women to train men in holistic skills set. Use female role models from all businesses at schools and colleges. Women must describe their softer skills as key attributes. Women must positively challenge culture from school onwards. Celebrate Emotional Intelligence it enables all environments INCLUDING the techie IT world!

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