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Reciprocal Influences of Education on Values Concerning Family, Careers and Society Miles Kimball Colter Mitchell Arland Thornton Linda Young-DeMarco University.

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Presentation on theme: "Reciprocal Influences of Education on Values Concerning Family, Careers and Society Miles Kimball Colter Mitchell Arland Thornton Linda Young-DeMarco University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reciprocal Influences of Education on Values Concerning Family, Careers and Society Miles Kimball Colter Mitchell Arland Thornton Linda Young-DeMarco University of Michigan All authors contributed substantially to this paper, and names are listed alphabetically to reflect the substantial contribution of each. Paper available at

2 Higher education is associated with…  Individual achievement  Marriage and intergenerational relationships  Divorce, cohabitation, and childbearing  Careers, fulfillment, and community service

3 Focus of Research  Causal Relationships College Major Values

4 Focus of Research  Causal Relationships College Major Values

5 Focus of Research  Reciprocal Causal Relationships College Major Values

6 Theory  Three Streams of Thought: Science Developmentalism Postmodernism

7 Science  Alternative authority structure  Alternative view of life and purpose

8 Developmentalism  Narrative of progress: Individual over family Materialism Equality and Freedom

9 Postmodernism  Rejection of absolute or universal standards  Epistemological doubt

10 College Major MajorSciencePostmodernismDevelopmentalism All Majors+++ Humanities++ Social Science ++ Natural Science ++

11 Two Fundamental Hypotheses  Hypotheses 1: College major will influence values concerning family, careers, and society  Hypothesis 2: Values will influence the choice of college major

12 College Major Major Family Career Society Humanities--+ Social Science--+ Natural Science-??

13 Monitoring the Future  High school seniors in the United States  The baseline interview takes place during senior year (Time 0)  Time 1 is one or two years after high school  Time 3 is five or six years after high school

14 How Important Is … (4pt scale)  Family Having a good marriage and family life Being able to give my children better opportunities than I've had Living close to parents and relatives  Career Being successful in my line of work Having lots of money Being able to find steady work  Society Working to correct social and economic inequalities Making a contribution to society Finding purpose and meaning in my life

15 College Major Categories  Natural Science  Social Science  Humanities  Other/Undecided  No College  “Trades” (clerical, vocational/technical, business, education, and engineering)

16 Controls  Year of initial survey (1976-1995)  Region  Gender  Parental education  Political preferences and beliefs  Religion

17 Analyses College Major Values

18 Figure 1 Measurement and Structural Effects Model of Personal Values

19 Table 3 Predicting Time 3 Attitude from Time 1 Attitude and College Major at Time 1 LISREL Models (Z – ratios in parentheses) N=4173

20 Analyses  Values College Major College major stability Choosing a new college major

21 Table 4 Predicting the Stability of Time1 College Majors Through Time3 for the Time1 Attitude (Z-Ratios in Parentheses) N=4173

22 Table 5 Multinomial Logistic Regressions Predicting the Time3 College Major from the Time1 Attitude for Individuals in College at Time1 Who Indicated a Change in College Major by Time3 (Trades is the Omitted Category) (Z-ratios in Parentheses) (N=888)

23 Summary and Conclusions  College major changes values  Values affect college major choice  Strong causal nexus between values and major life decisions

24 Table 3 Predicting Time 3 Religiosity from Time 1 Religiosity and College Major at Time 1 LISREL Models (Z – ratios in parentheses)

25 Table 4 Predicting the Stability of Time1 College Majors Through Time3 for the Time1 Religiosity (Z-Ratios in Parentheses)

26 Table 5 Multinomial Logistic Regressions Predicting the Time3 College Major from the Time1 Religiosity for Individuals in College at Time1 Who Indicated a Change in College Major by Time3 (Trades is the Omitted Category) (Z-ratios in Parentheses)

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