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Presentation on theme: "ORDER OF OPERATIONS LESSON 2a."— Presentation transcript:


2 BEDMAS B – Brackets E – Exponents D – Division from left to right
M – Multiply from left to right A – Add from left to right S – Subtract from left to right

3 TRY THESE 1) (10 ÷ 5) × 25 - 14 2) 5 × 15 + (10 × 5)
3) (13 × 20) × 4) ( 5 x 6)2 ÷ 9 + (6 ÷ 3)3

4 SOLUTIONS (10 ÷ 5) × 25 – 14 (2) x 25 – 14 50 – 14 36

5 SOLUTION 5 × 15 + (10 × 5) 5 x 125

6 SOLUTION (13 × 20) + 2 + 2 × 20 + 12 + 15 260 + 2 + 2 x 20 + 12 + 15

7 SOLUTION ( 5 x 6)2 ÷ 9 + (6 ÷ 3)3 (30)2 ÷ 9 + (6 ÷ 3)3
(30)2 ÷ 9 + (2)3 900 ÷ 9 + (2)3 900 ÷ 9 + 8 108


9 RULES TO FOLLOW Rule 1: Simplify all operations inside parentheses.
Rule 2:   Simplify all exponents, working from left to right. Rule 3:   Perform all multiplications and divisions, working from left to right. Rule 4:   Perform all additions and subtractions, working from left to right.

10 BEDMAS B – Brackets E – Exponents D – Division from left to right
M – Multiply from left to right A – Add from left to right S – Subtract from left to right

11 EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate this arithmetic expression 18 + 36 ÷ 32 SOLUTION:
= ÷ 9 Simplify all exponents ( Rule 2)

12 EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate this arithmetic expression 18 + 36 ÷ 32 SOLUTION:
= ÷ 9 Simplify all exponents ( Rule 2) ÷ 9 = Division ( Rule 3)

13 EXAMPLE 1 Evaluate this arithmetic expression 18 + 36 ÷ 32 SOLUTION:
= ÷ 9 Simplify all exponents ( Rule 2) ÷ 9 = Division ( Rule 3) 18 + 4 = 22 Addition ( Rule 4)

14 EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 52 x 24 Solution: 52 x 24 Copy Question Down

15 EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 52 x 24 Solution: 52 x 24 Copy Question Down
Simplify Exponent ( Rule 2 )

16 EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 52 x 24 Solution: 52 x 24 Copy Question Down
Simplify Exponent ( Rule 2 ) = 25 x 16

17 EXAMPLE 2 Evaluate 52 x 24 Solution: 52 x 24 Copy Question Down
Simplify Exponent ( Rule 2 ) = 25 x 16 = 400 Multiplication ( Rule 3 )

18 EXAMPLE 3 EVALUATE 289 – (3 X 5)2

19 EXAMPLE 3 EVALUATE 289 – (3 X 5)2 SOLUTION: 289 – (3 x 5)2
Copy Question Down

20 EXAMPLE 3 EVALUATE 289 – (3 X 5)2 SOLUTION: 289 – (3 x 5)2
Copy Question Down = 289 – (15)2 Simplify Parentheses ( Rule 1)

21 EXAMPLE 3 EVALUATE 289 – (3 X 5)2 SOLUTION: 289 – (3 x 5)2
Copy Question Down = 289 – (15)2 Simplify Parentheses ( Rule 1) = Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2)

22 EXAMPLE 3 EVALUATE 289 – (3 X 5)2 SOLUTION: 289 – (3 x 5)2
Copy Question Down = 289 – (15)2 Simplify Parentheses ( Rule 1) = Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = 64 Subtraction ( Rule 4)

23 EXAMPLE 4 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9

24 EXAMPLE 4 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
Copy Down Question

25 EXAMPLE 4 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 Copy Down Question = 8 + (10) x 34 ÷ 9 Simplify Parentheses(Rule 1 )

26 EXAMPLE 4 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 Copy Down Question = 8 + (10) x 34 ÷ 9 Simplify Parentheses(Rule 1) = 8 + (10) x 81 ÷ 9 Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2)

27 EXAMPLE 4 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 Copy Down Question = 8 + (10) x 34 ÷ 9 Simplify Parentheses(Rule 1) = 8 + (10) x 81 ÷ 9 Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = ÷ 9 Perform all Multiplications and Divisions, working from left to right ( Rule 3)

28 EXAMPLE 4 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 Copy Down Question = 8 + (10) x 34 ÷ 9 Simplify Parentheses(Rule 1) = 8 + (10) x 81 ÷ 9 Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = ÷ 9 Perform all Multiplications and Divisions, working from left to right ( Rule 3) =

29 EXAMPLE 4 EVALUATE 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9 SOLUTION: 8 + (2 x 5) x 34 ÷ 9
Copy Down Question = 8 + (10) x 34 ÷ 9 Simplify Parentheses(Rule 1) = 8 + (10) x 81 ÷ 9 Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = ÷ 9 Perform all Multiplications and Divisions, working from left to right ( Rule 3) = = 98 Addition ( Rule 4 )

30 YOU TRY THESE 1) 32 x 43 2) 27 – 256 ÷ 43 3) 9 x (5 + 3)2 – 144

31 1) 32 x 43 Solution: 32 x 43 Copy Question Down = 9 x 64
Simplify Exponents (Rule 2) = 576 Multiplication ( Rule 3 )

32 2) 27 – 256 ÷ 43 Solution: 27 – 256 ÷ 43 Copy Question Down
= 27 – 256÷64 Simplify Exponents (Rule 2) = 27 – 4 Division ( Rule 3 ) = 23 Subtraction ( Rule 4 )

33 3) 9 x (5 + 3)2 – 144 Solution: 9 x (5 + 3)2 – 144 Copy Question Down
Simplify Parentheses ( Rule 1) = 9 x Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = Multiplication ( Rule 3 ) = 432 Subtraction ( Rule 4 )

34 4) 7 + 3 x 24 ÷ 6 Solution: 7 + 3 x 24 ÷ 6 Copy Question Down
Simplify Exponents ( Rule 2) = ÷ 6 Perform all Multiplications and Divisions, working from left to right ( Rule 3) = 7 + 8 = 15 Addition ( Rule 4 )


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