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Using Quotations. “You Can Quote Me On That”  A quote is the exact wording of a statement from a source  Quotes make your ideas and opinions more believable,

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Presentation on theme: "Using Quotations. “You Can Quote Me On That”  A quote is the exact wording of a statement from a source  Quotes make your ideas and opinions more believable,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Quotations

2 “You Can Quote Me On That”  A quote is the exact wording of a statement from a source  Quotes make your ideas and opinions more believable, in writing or speaking. They are evidence that can support your thesis and statements.  There are several types of quotes

3 Direct Quotes  Quotes printed word for word exactly as the author wrote them are direct quotes.  These words appear in quotation marks  The attribution word appears outside the quotation marks  The attribution is the phrase that tells who said it—where you got the information

4 Examples of Direct Quotes  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” said Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller in the famous 1986 film.  “I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy,” states the lovable Ellen DeGeneres as Dory in the film, Finding Nemo.

5 Indirect Quotes  If the information from a source is not the author’s exact words, they are not placed in quotation marks. This is an indirect quote or paraphrase  Indirect quotes are used to:  Express a fact or statement  Clarify a quote that is too long, confusing, or dull  Condense the ideas of several direct quotes

6 Indirect Quotes or Paraphrases  Never change the meaning of a quote when you paraphrase!  You still need to cite (give credit to) your source, whether you quote, paraphrase, or summarize information from it.  DQ: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” said Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller in the famous 1986 film.  P: Ferris Bueller, played by Matthew Broderick, gave great advice about not missing out on all that life has to offer.

7 Paraphrases  A paraphrase is when textual evidence is presented in your own words. The paraphrase must include different words and different sentence structure.  Paraphrased information is not placed in quotation marks.

8 Partial Quotes  Sometimes you want to use a part of a quote rather than the whole thing. This is called a partial quote. To do this, only include quoted words or phrases inside the quotation marks.  Partial quotes are useful when the original is too long or not very interesting, or just plain confusing. In that case you can quote a phrase and paraphrase the rest.

9 Example of a Partial Quote  In his novel, Styles at LCC, author Harry Skaulp states that spiked hair is a “part of our cultural heritage, not merely a symbol of rebellion,” adding that he thinks nose piercing should be mandatory (75).

10 Deciding when to Quote o Avoid over-quoting o Quote words when how it is said is as important as what is said. Otherwise, paraphrase information.

11 Punctuating Quotations  The author’s exact words go inside the quotation marks  The author’s exact punctuation should be included with the words inside the quotation marks  If there are mistakes or specific, unusual diction choices in your quote that you want to keep, add the word “sic” in brackets [sic}. This tells your reader that you copied it as it was written and was not your mistake. Ex. She wrote, “They made there [sic] beds.”

12 Punctuating Quotes Cont.  If the quote seems ambiguous or unclear you may add words for clarity by including them in [brackets] Ex. “It [driving] imposes a heavy procedural workload on cognition that... leaves little processing capacity available for other tasks” (Taggart 16).

13 Integrating Quotations  Never just drop a quotation into your paper. Always introduce it and explain it with your own words.  A quote should never stand alone as its own sentence  There are three main ways to introduce quotations. These include:

14 A. Embedding Quotes  Embed the quotation within you sentence, punctuating it just as you would if it was not a quotation  Ex. Mrs. Barry teaches the use of quotation marks because quotes “add interest to writing and provide the best type of evidence to support an opinion or argument.”

15 B. Attribution  B. Introduce the quotation by using an attributive tag like he writes, she claims, they stated, she said, etc. and follow it with a comma.  Ex. To describe her job Mrs. Barry explained, “I never get bored, because no two days are ever the same.”

16 Attribution ctd.  The attribution phrase appears outside the quotation marks  Introduce a full sentence quotation by writing your own full sentence introduction followed by a colon to introduce the quotation  Ex. Richard Wright explains his reasons for writing: “I was striving for a level of expression that matched those of the novels I read” (“Richard Wright Biography”).

17 Standard Parenthetical Citation  Author’s last name - Farquhar  Page number – Farquhar 37  In parentheses - (Farquhar 37)  Before end punctuation mark – (Farquhar 37).  Despite what many people may think, the Founding Fathers did not all get along: “Busy as they were building a new nation, the Founding Fathers always managed to squeeze in enough time to tear each other apart”(Farquhar 37).

18 Some Notes on Citations  Online sources often do not have authors. In that case, write the title of the article in parentheses following the quote:  Example: ” Ads seek to grab your teen's attention, persuading him to feel something - even fear or intimidation - and to take action as a result”(“Children and Media: Advertising: Teens”)

19 Notes on citation cont.  If you mention the title of the article in the introduction to the quote, you do not need to cite it in parentheses:  Example: The article “Children and Media: Adverting: Teens,” stresses the need for teenagers to be aware of the persuasive nature of advertising: “Ads seek to grab your teen’s attention, persuading him to feel something-even fear or intimidation-and to take action as a result.”

20 And more citation notes...  If the quote ends in a period and it follows with a parenthetical citation, place the period outside of the closing quotation mark.  Example:

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