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The Mystery Bags Game Solving Equations.

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1 The Mystery Bags Game Solving Equations

2 There once was a king who loved to watch his many bags of gold.
The Mystery Bags Game There once was a king who loved to watch his many bags of gold.

3 But it can get very boring watching gold all day, so he had the court jester make up games for him to pass the time. The game the king loves best is the Mystery Bags game.

4 First, the jester takes one or more empty bags and fills each bag with the same amount of gold. These bags are called the “mystery bags.”

5 Next, the jester digs into his collection of lead weights
Next, the jester digs into his collection of lead weights. He takes out his pan balance and places some combination of mystery bags and lead weights on the two pans so that the sides balance. The game is to figure out the weight of each mystery bag.

6 Your Task The game sound rather easy, but it can get very difficult for the king. See if you can win the mystery bags game in the various situations described on your worksheet by figuring out how much gold there is in each mystery bag. Explain how you know you are correct. You may want to draw diagrams to show what’s going on.







13 Write an equation to represent this situation
Use your methods from Problem 3.2 to find the number of gold coins in each pouch Write down a similar method using the equation that represents this situation





18 Question 1 There are 3 mystery bags on one side of the balance and 51 ounces of lead weights on the other side. 51 oz.

19 2 There are 1 mystery bag and 42 ounces of weights on one side, and 100 ounces of weights on the other side.

20 3 There are 8 mystery bags and 10 ounces of weights on one side, and 90 ounces of weights on the other side.

21 4 There are 3 mystery bags and 29 ounces of weights on one side, and 4 mystery bags on the other side.

22 5 There are 11 mystery bags and 65 ounces of weights on one side, and 4 mystery bags and 100 ounces of weights on the other side.

23 6 There are 6 mystery bags and 13 ounces of weights on one side, and 6 mystery bags and 14 ounces of weights on the other side. (The jester could get in a lot of trouble for this one!)

24 7 There are 15 mystery bags and 7 ounces of weights on both sides. (At first the king thought this one was easy, but then he found it to be incredibly hard.)

25 8 The king wants to be able to win easily all of the time, without calling you in. Therefore, your final task in this assignment is to describe in words a procedure by which the king can find out how much is in a mystery bag in any situation.

26 Solving Multi-Step Equations
Graphic Organizer

27 Solve Multi-step Equations
These are the steps to … Solve Multi-step Equations Name AHSGE: II – 1 Solve multi-step equations of first degree Why are these steps important? Many Real World Problems can be solved by writing an equation and solving it. Also, upper level math classes require you to solve equations. Solving Equations is on the AHSGE. Step 1 Gist of step Details Eliminate Fractions Use the LCD Multiply both sides (each term) by the LCD. -9b – 3 = -3 (b + 2) no fractions Step 2 Remove Parenthesis Use Distributive Property Distribute: Multiply any term on the outside by each term on the inside. -9b – 3 = -3b – 6 Step 3 Combine Like Terms Same variables and exponents Add or subtract (according to the sign in front of the term) variables with variables, and constants with constants. Do this on the left and the right. No like terms on the left or the right. Step 4 Isolate the variable By itself If variables are on both sides of the equal sign, isolate the variable by adding or subtracting. -3 = 6b - 6 Step 5 Golden Rule of Equations “ Do unto one side and you do unto the other.” At this point, a two-step equation (or less) should appear. Add or subtract first. Then multiply or divide. 3 = 6b ½ = b Tamra: Sequence (5 main idea with details) Solving equations is the second concept I thought of for the grad exam. This organizer is used in algebra. It is more detailed than the two step equations that are taught in middle school. This organizer is in black and white. Black and white is easier to copy on the copier than color. Color shows up better for PowerPoint presentations. Notice the gist of the step. Then there is a more detailed version of the step and an example. I try to use the most simple and precise wording as possible. Notice the name box. I use this to state the grad exam objective. Note the why are these steps important? Always make sure students fill in this box.

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