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Division of Student Services The mission of the Division of Student Services is to provide comprehensive programs and services which support and enhance.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Student Services The mission of the Division of Student Services is to provide comprehensive programs and services which support and enhance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Student Services The mission of the Division of Student Services is to provide comprehensive programs and services which support and enhance the educational, social and physical growth and development of the general college population and the community as a whole. The Division of Student Services encompasses the Office of the Associate Vice President, and the departments of:  Enrollment Services (including Admissions, Records, and Financial Aid)  Student Development (including Academic Advising, Personal Counseling, Career Services, Testing, and Health Services)  Opportunity and Outreach (including Disability Services for Students, Access, REACH, EOC, and ETS)  Student Success (including tutoring, mentoring, orientation and remediation support)  Student Life  Athletics  Career and Internship Office

2 Division of Student Services OES Highlights from 2011-2012 ADMISSIONS : Completed web page redesign. Release date: September 2012 New RIBGHE Residency Policy implemented. As of 7/11/12, 54 students have applied and 20 have been approved for in-state tuition. Created new webpage for transfer articulation agreements and established 10 new articulation agreements and updated 14 others. Increased number of recruitment events by 10% from previous year. FINANCIAL AID: Revised Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy and coding system in Banner. Created tool in MyCCRI to assist Financial Aid /OES staff with counseling students and to assist Advising & Counseling with appeals. Improved accessibility and quality of information on website including the creation of a Financial Aid Calendar. Coordinated placement/awarding of all student employees for College Work Study and Student Help. As of July 12, 2012, financial aid offered up 9% over same time last year. (38,867,400, 2010-11; 45,945,409 2011-12) RECORDS: Continually update TES (Transfer Evaluation System) with courses that have previously been established to be equivalent to CCRI courses. Jude Tomasino is engaged in an OHE project to convert the Transfer Guides into TES format across the three state institutions. Implemented X25 – a management reporting system to assist in the development of the Master Schedule and other course scheduling initiatives. Collaborated with Student Veteran’s programs on campus, maintained their website and certified all Student Veteran's. There was a 5% increase in student veterans’ using their VA benefits over previous year. (Largest of all colleges; Fall 2011, 531; Sp 2012, 510) Moved the graduation process fully online, including, with coordination from the bursar's office, online payment Made the waitlist process available for all classes offered. Coordinated with academic affairs and financial aid to establish and refine the Verification of Enrollment process.

3 Division of Student Services Student Development Highlights from 2011-2012 ACADEMIC ADVISING: Total traffic in all centers for all purposes up 10% from AY 2010-2011 for more than 23,000 individual, one-on-one appointments or meetings with students. Implemented automated text and e-mail confirmations for ACCUPLACER testing and freshman registration appointments. PERSONAL COUNSELING: Total personal counseling increased by 6% (685) from AY 2010-2011. Collaborated heavily to coordinate and deliver training for Critical Stress Response Team and Mental Health First Aid. FRESHMAN REGISTRATION: Number of students advised and registered increased 13% (2228) from same period last summer as of July 1, 2012. TESTING: Total testing appointments increased 5% (11,411) from AY 2010-2011. Implemented PSB testing for allied health majors. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS: Appeals reviewed up 76% with all 1764 students receiving an appointment to develop a personalize education plan regardless of whether the appeal is approved or denied. JOINT ADMISSIONS AGREEMENT: Number of students accepted into the JAA increased 2% (1061) from AY 2010-2011. Number of CCRI graduates transitioning to RIC or URI is up 31% (155) from AY 2010-2011. Internal evaluation indicates participants have a high degree of satisfaction with the program with 99% reporting that they would recommend the program to a friend.

4 Division of Student Services Opportunity and Outreach Highlights from 2011-2012 DISABILITY SERVICES FOR STUDENTS: Population of students continues to grow with approximately 1,500 – 1,700 students identifying with DSS across all campus locations and with increasingly complex needs. Expanded testing capacity and assistive technology options at the Knight campus. (new testing lab) Partnered with CITLA for more training on learning needs and ADA compliance Remember, accessibility is everyone’s responsibility! ACCESS/TRIO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES: Modular remediation program using ACCUPLACER diagnostics and online curriculum with instructional support in a lab setting designed to reduce or eliminate the need for developmental coursework was piloted in Summer 2011  32 students initially tested; 18 completed their curriculum  72% placed out of at least one developmental class  39% placed out of 3 or more developmental classes  94% of students who completed the summer institute were still enrolled as of Spring 2012 Financial and economic literacy training was integrated into service delivery  145 students completed self-paced online Financial Literacy 101 curriculum  91% of students reported they “learned a lot” from the course EOC, ETS & REACH: EOC served approximately 3,000 students including veterans Talent Search served over 1,000 middle and high school students REACH continues to provide testing for RI Works applicants and monitors participant enrollment and completion of post-secondary credential

5 Division of Student Services Student Success Highlights from 2011-2012 TUTORING/WORKSHOPS: Number of students receiving tutoring services fell 14% from AY 2010-2011 largely due to increases in the tutor-in-the-classroom program and a small decrease in student employment funding. Sections with a tutor in the classroom increased 170% (10 – 27) 78% increase in the number of study skills workshops delivered from AY 2010-2011. MENTORING: Overall, applications for a mentor were down 9% and pairings of a student with a mentor were at 89% for AY 2011-2012, down from 98% in AY 2010-2011. NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION: Increased the number of orientation sessions offered 146% from 15 in summer 2010 to 37 in summer 2011 Attendance increased 62%. Over 50 sessions now offered in summer 2012. REMEDIATION: ACCUPLACER reviews assisted 23 students in placing out of a remedial reading course and 16 students out of a remedial math course. 32% of those completing the math review placed out of MATH 0500 and MATH 0600. 67% of those completing math and reading reviews tested out of both subjects. Ended three-year pilot on learning communities for students with remediation needs. On average, participants persisted at a median rate of 64% after one semester and 43% after two semesters. The comparison population with similar remediation needs persisted at a median rate of 62% and 30% respectively.

6 Division of Student Services Athletics Highlights from 2011-2012 Men’s basketball was 2 nd in country for DII NJCAA in Illinois Men’s baseball qualified and played in the national tournament in OK Men’s tennis were national runner’s up Women’s basketball qualified for district tournament Robert Allen won nationals in Cross Country and won 2 events at indoor track nationals and 1 event at outdoor track nationals Student Athlete Support Program increased the number of 1 st year student-athletes that maintain academic eligibility by 4% and increased the number of 2 nd year student-athletes who transfer out by 3.2% Career & Internships Highlights from 2011-2012 Centralized student employment process and listings to better facilitate 360+ student employment placements, despite a cut back in student employment funding. Student Life Highlights from 2011-2012 Worked with IT and Student Government to create an Office of Student Life Website and updated the student government website that debuted February 2012. Initiated enhanced development of student government leaders through increased opportunities to work with and attend functions of the Association of Student Government Associations.

7 Division of Student Services CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE AND COLLEGE READINESS: Successful application of CACG funding for new Connect to College (C2C) grant program ($545,000) Helped develop and oversees the Rhode Island College Access Network and organized an inaugural conference of over 100 attendees. NEASC PREPARATION: Published Division Mission Statement and tasked each department and office to develop a subordinate and complementary mission and publish a standard of ethical conduct consistent with College standards and professional association codes. THREAT ASSESSMENT AND STUDENT CONDUCT: With Human Resources and Advising, trained 17 staff and faculty to provide Mental Health First Aid. As part of Emergency Planning and in collaboration with Advising, 11 staff and faculty have been certified as second responders to address issues of stress immediately following a critical incident. Completed thorough review of the Student Code of Conduct to include recent changes in ADA and Title IX regulations. Recently updated sexual offender notification protocols and procedures with College Police.

8 Division of Student Services Goals for 2012-2013 1. Implement new reading support program on all four campuses.  4 Literacy Coaches hired and currently being trained 2. Develop pre-ACCUPLACER preparation programs to bookend post-ACCUPLACER Rapid Reviews.  Program being piloted this July/August 3. Offer Summer Institute/modular remediation using ACCUPLACER diagnostics and MyFoundations Lab in Summer ’12.  27 Student actively participating as of this date. 4. Hire full-time Disability Services coordinator for Flanagan campus. 5. Increase number of students receiving career assessment services so that more students can focus on major requirements earlier. 6. Expose more faculty, staff and students to the customized portal for CareerKey.

9 Division of Student Services Goals for 2012-2013 (continued) 8. Promote internships and co-operative education within program curricula by meeting with faculty chairs, recruiting more employers for sites, and making students more aware of the benefits of experiential learning. 9. Enhance Advising and Counseling services to students not meeting Academic Standards. 10. Continue to improve and expedite the financial aid appeal process. 11. Increase the number of sites available for students to perform service learning and community service hours. 12. Explore and pilot instruments to measure affective variables that impact student persistence and success. 13. Utilize ACES review on arithmetic and algebra ACCUPLACER scores, placements and results to initiate dialogue with Math Department on revising placement scores, processes, and remediation plans as needed. 14. Issue third iteration of Student Satisfaction Survey and initiate preliminary longitudinal analysis.

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