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TEKS Revisions and the End of Course Exams Tom Wurst March 25, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "TEKS Revisions and the End of Course Exams Tom Wurst March 25, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEKS Revisions and the End of Course Exams Tom Wurst March 25, 2010

2 Information originally from WHAT’S IN THE FUTURE FOR SOCIAL STUDIES? replaces Revision of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)Revision of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)

3 Social Studies Timeline SBOE discussion, November 2009SBOE discussion, November 2009 Public hearing, first reading and filing, January 2010; tabledPublic hearing, first reading and filing, January 2010; tabled Continue first reading and filing, March 2010Continue first reading and filing, March 2010 Proposed revised TEKS posted for official public comment, April 16, 2010 for 30 days on Texas RegisterProposed revised TEKS posted for official public comment, April 16, 2010 for 30 days on Texas Register Public hearing, second reading and adoption, May 2010Public hearing, second reading and adoption, May 2010 Information originally from

4 Professional development for TEKS, Spring/Summer 2011 and ongoingProfessional development for TEKS, Spring/Summer 2011 and ongoing Implementation of revised social studies TEKS, Fall 2011Implementation of revised social studies TEKS, Fall 2011 Information originally from Social Studies Timeline

5 Spring 2010 - Call for Proclamation 2013Spring 2010 - Call for Proclamation 2013 Summer 2012 - instructional materials review committees convene to review publisher submissionsSummer 2012 - instructional materials review committees convene to review publisher submissions Fall 2012 – SBOE adoption of instructional materialsFall 2012 – SBOE adoption of instructional materials Proclamation 2013 - instructional materials in schools, Fall 2013Proclamation 2013 - instructional materials in schools, Fall 2013 Information originally from Social Studies Timeline

6 Prior to 2012, TEA hopes to release a small set of EOC assessment itemsPrior to 2012, TEA hopes to release a small set of EOC assessment items Must be linked to college readiness Must be linked to college readiness College readiness will be embedded in the new grade 8 social studies curriculum College readiness will be embedded in the new grade 8 social studies curriculum Will have “fewer, clearer, deeper” focus Will have “fewer, clearer, deeper” focus Begins in 2011–2012 Begins in 2011–2012 Information originally from Changes to the Assessment Program—House Bill 3

7 Convene educator advisory committees in early 2010 Convene educator advisory committees in early 2010 Review curriculum to determine what should be eligible for assessment Review curriculum to determine what should be eligible for assessment Review assessed curriculum to determine what should be the focus of the assessment Review assessed curriculum to determine what should be the focus of the assessment Information originally from Changes to the Assessment Program—House Bill 3


9 Vertically align assessments from college and career readiness concepts in EOC assessments to new middle school assessments and to new elementary assessmentsVertically align assessments from college and career readiness concepts in EOC assessments to new middle school assessments and to new elementary assessments Standards for EOC assessments planned for fall 2011Standards for EOC assessments planned for fall 2011 Information originally from Changes to the Assessment Program—House Bill 3

10 Freshman class of 2011–2012 is first group to have EOC assessments as a graduation requirement Freshman class of 2011–2012 is first group to have EOC assessments as a graduation requirement That is the current 7 th graders That is the current 7 th graders All 12 EOC assessments will be available in 2011–2012 All 12 EOC assessments will be available in 2011–2012 Information originally from EOC Assessments

11 Current legislation requires the phase-out of high school TAKS and replaces it with EOC assessments in English I, English II, English III English I, English II, English III Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II U.S. History, World History, World Geography U.S. History, World History, World Geography Biology, Chemistry, Physics Biology, Chemistry, Physics Information originally from EOC Assessments

12 Information originally from EOC Assessments 2009–20102010–20112011–20122012–20132013–20142014–2015 GR 9TAKS EOC GR 10TAKS EOC GR 11TAKS EOC GR 12TAKS* EOC or TAKS* Plan for phase-out HS TAKS and phase-in EOC assessments *Out-of-school testers and 12 th grade re-testers

13 Follows the Test Development Process posted on the TEA student assessment website Follows the Test Development Process posted on the TEA student assessment website Involves educator committees such as focus groups, advisory committees, item reviews, and data reviews Involves educator committees such as focus groups, advisory committees, item reviews, and data reviews Involves the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Involves the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Includes higher-education faculty Includes higher-education faculty Information originally from EOC Assessments

14 Educator involvement in test development is critical to process Educator involvement in test development is critical to process Highly qualified educators are needed to serve on educator committees, especially at the high school level Highly qualified educators are needed to serve on educator committees, especially at the high school level The Educator Recommendation Form can be found at evelop/recform.pdf The Educator Recommendation Form can be found at evelop/recform.pdf evelop/recform.pdf evelop/recform.pdf Information originally from EOC Assessments

15 Aligned to TEKS Aligned to TEKS Untimed Untimed Multiple-choice questions Multiple-choice questions After first year, field-test questions will be embedded in operational test After first year, field-test questions will be embedded in operational test Information originally from Social Studies EOC Assessments Similarities between TAKS and EOC

16 Current coverage of Grade 11 U.S. History TEKS TAKS grade 10 covers 0% of U.S. History Since 1877 TEKS TAKS grade 10 covers 0% of U.S. History Since 1877 TEKS TAKS exit level covers about 62% of U. S. History TEKS TAKS exit level covers about 62% of U. S. History TEKS U.S. History EOC assessment covers 100% of U.S. History TEKS U.S. History EOC assessment covers 100% of U.S. History TEKS Information originally from Social Studies EOC Assessments Differences between TAKS and EOC

17 Information originally from Social Studies EOC Assessments Exit Social Studies TAKS 5 objectives 5 objectives 55 items 55 items measures SE’s from U.S. measures SE’s from U.S. history, world history and history, world history and world geography world geography U.S. History End of Course 6 objectives 6 objectives 68 items 68 items measures all 92 U.S. history SE’s measures all 92 U.S. history SE’s

18 Information originally from Social Studies EOC Assessments ObjectivesNumber of Items Objective 1: Issues and Events 20 Objective 2: Geography 7 Objective 3: Economics and Technology 15 Objective 4: Government and Citizenship 8 Objective 5: Culture 8 Objective 6: Social Studies Skills 10 Total number of items 68

19 Total number of questions—68 Mean raw score—36 Mean percent correct—53% Information originally from 2009 U.S. History Results

20 World Geography EOC Current coverage of world geography TEKS TAKS grade 10 covers about 17% of World Geography TEKS TAKS exit level covers about 14% of World Geography TEKS World Geography EOC assessment covers 98% of World Geography TEKS Information originally from

21 World Geography EOC Assessment Year 1: Planning activities (2007) Year 2: Item Development (2008) Year 3: Field testing (2009) Year 4: Live testing (2010) Information originally from

22 World Geography Blueprint ObjectivesNumber of Items Objective 1: Issues and Events 6 Objective 2: Geography 20 Objective 3: Economics and Technology 12 Objective 4: Government and Citizenship 8 Objective 5: Culture 12 Objective 6: Social Studies Skills 10 Total number of items 68 Information originally from

23 World Geography EOC Assessment TAKS 5 objectives 50 or 55 questions includes grade 8, world geography, and world historyEOC 6 objectives 68 questions world geography only Information originally from

24 World Geography EOC Assessment 2009 Field Test was administered to a total of 51,568 students 27,046 of testers took online form 24,522 of testers took paper form Two forms – online and paper – for purposes of a comparability study Information originally from

25 World Geography EOC Assessment 2010 World Geography EOC Assessment is part of TEA’s “Mandatory Sampling” May 10-28, 2010 is the testing window Districts selected to participate will administer online only Districts not selected to participate may volunteer Districts that volunteer may select online or paper administrations of the World Geography EOC Assessment Information originally from

26 Current coverage of World History TEKS TAKS grade 10 covers about 10% of WH TEKS TAKS grade 10 covers about 10% of WH TEKS TAKS exit level covers about 7% of WH TEKS TAKS exit level covers about 7% of WH TEKS World History EOC assessment covers about 99% of WH TEKS World History EOC assessment covers about 99% of WH TEKS Information originally from Social Studies EOC Assessments

27 How will EOC compare to TAKS? TAKS 5 objectives 5 objectives 50 or 55 questions 50 or 55 questions includes grade 8, world includes grade 8, world geography, and world geography, and world history historyEND-OF-COURSE 6 objectives6 objectives 68 questions68 questions world history onlyworld history only World History EOC Assessment 27

28 Information originally from World History EOC Assessment Item review process begins (Summer/Fall 2010) Field test (Spring 2011) Re-evaluation and posting of final blueprint (Summer/Fall 2011) First live administration (Spring 2012) What’s next?

29 In order to graduate, a student must achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of EOC assessments taken in that content area and a scale score that indicates satisfactory performanceIn order to graduate, a student must achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of EOC assessments taken in that content area and a scale score that indicates satisfactory performance Information originally from EOC Assessments

30 A student must achieve a minimum score, as determined by the commissioner, for the score to count towards the student’s cumulative score A student must achieve a minimum score, as determined by the commissioner, for the score to count towards the student’s cumulative score A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each EOC assessment A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each EOC assessment The 0–100 scale with references to scores of 60 and 70 has been deleted from the law The 0–100 scale with references to scores of 60 and 70 has been deleted from the law Information originally from EOC Assessments

31 If a student does not achieve the minimum score on an EOC assessment, the student shall retake the assessmentIf a student does not achieve the minimum score on an EOC assessment, the student shall retake the assessment A student’s score on an EOC assessment will be worth 15% of the student’s final grade for that course A student’s score on an EOC assessment will be worth 15% of the student’s final grade for that course A school district is not required to use the student’s score on subsequent administrations to determine the student’s final grade for that course A school district is not required to use the student’s score on subsequent administrations to determine the student’s final grade for that course Information originally from EOC Assessments

32 Untimed, but designed to be about 2 hours Untimed, but designed to be about 2 hours Not grade specific Not grade specific Not required to be part of student’s grade Not required to be part of student’s grade Not included in state or federal accountability Not included in state or federal accountability No retests available until 2011–2012 No retests available until 2011–2012 Information originally from Current EOC Assessments

33 Revised TEKS most likely will be adopted in March 2010 Revised TEKS most likely will be adopted in March 2010 Scheduled to be implemented in the 2011–2012 school year Scheduled to be implemented in the 2011–2012 school year Spring 2012 (and beyond) assessments will be aligned to TEKS in place in the state for that school year Spring 2012 (and beyond) assessments will be aligned to TEKS in place in the state for that school year Information originally from Effects of Social Studies TEKS Revisions on Assessments

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