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Published byAlice Frickey Modified over 10 years ago
End-of-Course Assessment Test Coordinator’s Manual Phase I 2008-2009 1
EOC TEST WINDOWS ‣ SpringApril 15, 2009–May 22, 2009 ‣ SummerJune 16, 2009–August 31, 2009 NOTE: Test windows for the 2009/2010 school year are different than 2008/2009. Please check DESE website for dates. 2 ‣ Districts can enroll in any or all administration windows. ‣ Districts have flexibility to choose when they will administer the assessments within the state assessment windows.
Districts can test all content in five consecutive days as originally structured for the fall/winter window or Districts can divide content into separate weeks, for example: Algebra I from April 15 th -21 st (Wed. – Tue.) English II from April 22 nd - 28 th (Wed. – Tue.) Biology from May 4 th – May 8 th (Mon. – Fri.) 3
All assessments for a specific content area (all math for example) must be administered throughout the district at all schools in the same week. 4
Districts must return EOC assessments for the tested content at the same time, e.g., all math content must be returned at the same time. 5
Call:Riverside Publishing Company Customer Service 877-553-3035 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. CST Monday through Friday or 6
EOC assessments use Course-Level Expectations (CLEs). When the content of the CLEs are covered, the test should be administered regardless of student grade level. 7
Some similarity to the Grade-Level Assessments (e.g., DTC and STC roles) Some distinct differences (e.g., handling of barcode labels) Those differences are notated in the manuals by several sections labeled “NOTE” that are set apart. 8
EOC assessments are available in two different versions: Paper/Pencil Online version Each assessment may be taken in either version. A district does not have to choose just one way; e.g., half the class can take p/p and half online. 9
Session I: Selected-response items Students use a separate answer sheet. Session II: Performance Events/Writing Prompt Students write directly in the test book. 10
‣ 47 items in Session I Algebra I, Biology and English II ‣ Includes both operational and embedded field test items ‣ A stem (question) 3 distracters (incorrect answers) 1 correct answer 11
Allows for more than one approach to a correct answer Assesses student’s applied knowledge 12
Special type of performance event Open-ended On-demand writing proficiency Scored holistically, using a four-point scoring guide 13
Phase IFall/WinterSpring 2009Summer 2009 Algebra I Session I 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each Algebra I Session II2 PE, taking about 30 minutes each Biology Session I 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each Biology Session II 2 PE scenarios with approximately 5 – 10 separate items per scenario, taking about 30 minutes for each scenario English II Session I35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each 35 operational + 12 EFT, taking about 1 minute each English II Session II1 Writing Task, taking about 30 minutes 14
‣ Session I and Session II were created to fit into a 55 minute class period. ‣ Tests are not strictly timed. ‣ Schedules should be flexible to enable students to complete each session. 15
‣ Make plans for students who need more time in sessions that occur right before lunch, e.g., sack lunches. ‣ Avoid scheduling a testing session at the end of the day in case a student needs more time to complete the assessment but must catch the bus, etc. 16
Detailed instructions for: ‣ Securing testing materials ‣ Distributing materials ‣ Collecting and returning testing materials 17
Well-rested students Upbeat, excited, positive attitudes Classrooms free of cueing materials Correct pencils – No. 2, non-mechanical Erasers that erase completely without smearing or tearing paper. Appropriate manipulatives – see slide 86 for list Make preparations for students needing extended time. 18
‣ Read the manuals thoroughly. ‣ For further questions the DTC should be the only contact with Riverside Publishing Customer Service. 19
IEP Students IAP/504 Students 20 Students Not Tested ‣ MAP-Alternate (MAP-A) ‣ Some ELL students will not take the English II assessments.
‣ Foreign Exchange Students ‣ MoVIP All inquiries go to MoVIP at (573) 526-4219. MoVIP students taking EOC assessed courses will be assessed through MoVIP. ‣ Homebound Students Homebound students take EOC assessments if enrolled in EOC courses. ‣ Homeschooled Students Homeschooled students take assessments for any EOC courses for which they are enrolled in a district. 21
Transcribe to answer sheet or regular test book Mark SIS appropriately Return the Large Print/Braille version of the test book to Riverside Scoring Services with the unused non- scorable testing materials. 22
YES for Algebra I and Biology No for English II assessments Native language responses are ok from ELL students – transcribe appropriately. 23
Cheating Reading English II Signing Paraphrasing Reading to students in native language Using bilingual dictionary for English II 24
Students can use, at minimum, a four- function calculator for Algebra I – for both sessions. Students cannot use cell/mobile phones, electronic music players, digital cameras, handheld scanners, gaming devices, etc. 25
20 point checklist for DTC (District Test Coordinator) 14 point checklist for STC (School Test Coordinator) Examiners have their own manual per content. 26
One point of contact with RPC (Riverside Publishing Company) Test Book Accountability Form and security barcode verification numbers Accounting/bookkeeping work for test materials Test Security Examiner Training 27
Distributing & collecting both secure and non- secure materials Ordering additional materials if/when needed Working with out-of-district schools before the testing period Ensuring all forms completed appropriately Assembling materials for UPS after testing 28
Accounting/bookkeeping work within their building Training Examiners, e.g., ensuring knowledge about electronic equipment parameters Keeping materials SECURE Being single point of contact with DTC Ensuring all forms are completed appropriately Assembling materials after testing and returning to DTC 29
Test book security is very important. Whenever possible, tests should be stored away from classrooms. 30
In 2nd Shipment Two barcodes for each student for each content being tested Information on barcode labels comes from MOSIS pre- code system Check for accuracy & completeness Student Name MOSIS ID Date of Birth School Name District Name Grade 31
Do not add the label and complete the SIS. The student barcode label will override the biographic information bubbled on the SIS. This procedure is distinctly different from the MAP procedure. See the note in the TCM, at the bottom of page 13. 33
If/Then chart gives explicit instructions on page 14 RPC will not print additional barcode labels. District is responsible for SIS for the students who do not receive labels or whose information is incorrect. NOTE: Any unused barcode labels do not have to be returned, e.g., student who moved out-of-district. 34
‣ Accommodation Codes (indicated on Session I SIS only) ‣ Test window ‣ Form ‣ Status codes 36
This is a new bubble designed for students who are not yet ready to take the EOC assessment for which they were enrolled. 37
PRIOR to the testing window(s), the district should have their “DTD-D” procedures clearly in place The procedures should: Include decision parameters Clearly state who comprises the team Be in writing but does not need to be an official School Board policy NOT applying barcode label to Session II test book for these students. 38
‣ Do not send test books to the new district. ‣ Mark the bubble on the SIS under Status Codes that says, “No Longer Enrolled in District.” ‣ Do not apply barcode label to Session II test books. 39
If a student or group of students were accidentally enrolled for any EOC assessment, do the following: 1. ASAP, call Riverside Publishing Customer Service Line to stop enrollment process if possible. 2. Notify DESE Accountability Data and Accreditation section as well. However, if too much time has elapsed, follow the procedures on next slide. 40
2 nd, mark the 0 (zero) in the State Use bubbles 42
3 rd, send a letter to DESE Accountability documenting the circumstances. 43
1. If the district receives the testing materials and/or the barcode labels for those students, DO NOT put those barcode labels on any of the test books. 2. Return the testing materials for those students to Riverside Publishing. 3. Include the Session I answer sheet/SIS (appropriately marked with the two bubbles) with the scorable materials. 4. The STC or DTC should destroy the unused barcode labels. NOTE: At the end of testing, any unused barcode labels do not have to be returned. 44
Accommodation Codes are listed on pages 40, 41 and 42 in the Test Coordinator’s Manual and also included in the Examiner’s Manuals. 45
Fall and summer forms are tracked by Riverside Publishing and DESE. The spring window has the largest number of forms and, therefore, students are asked to bubble in the number on their form. 48
Does not have accommodation codes listed (accommodation codes apply to both Session I and II but are bubbled only on the Session I answer sheet for both sessions) Does not indicate test window or form number Does have Status Codes 49
‣ Come about 2-3 weeks before district’s testing window for the first content area. ‣ Packaged by school before being sent to district office address. 52
‣ District Packing List ‣ Copy of School Packing Lists (for shipment 2 of secure materials) ‣ Test Coordinator’s Manual ‣ Test Examiners’ Manuals ‣ District Return Kit (One folder per district) 53
Includes items such as: ‣ Pre-code labels ‣ Building ID sheets ‣ Packing forms ‣ Test Accountability Form ‣ Return labels 54
United Parcel Service Authorized Return Service (UPS A.R.S. ) The label is pre-printed with the return address for the appropriate scoring site. The district applies the label(s) to the package(s) to be returned. The DTC will call UPS to pick up the testing materials. 55 UPS Return Labels
Test Coordinator’s Manual Test Examiners’ Manuals Session I Answer Sheets Algebra I Reference Sheets NOTE: Districts may keep the Algebra I reference sheets. 56
The school (not district) receives the five percent overage of the original enrollment testing materials in Shipment 1 and 2. 57
Secure materials arrive in district approximately 2 weeks before the district test window. Box 1 of X District Packing List Cover Memo 58
Student Barcode Labels Session I Test Books (Selected Response) Session II Scorable Test Books (Performance Event/Writing Task) 59
Check the shipment 1 packing list -- do you have the quantities and type of non-secure materials needed? Do you have the forms and shipping labels? SAVE the boxes. 61
Check the packing list -- do you have the quantities and type of secure materials needed? Do you have the forms and shipping labels? SAVE the boxes. 62
The DTC uses the online Additional Material Order (AMO) for replacement or additional materials. 63
Inventory test books before and after test administration. Security Barcodes – located on the front cover of every EOC Assessment Session I and Session II test book. Every test book has unique security barcode #. Ensure 100% rate of return. 65
‣ In order to preserve the sequential integrity of the security barcodes, do not share test books among schools. ‣ If a test book is loaned to a school and later determined to be missing, the original school will be responsible for the missing test book. 66
Session I test books contain selected-response items for Algebra I, Biology and English II. Each content has a separate test book. Answers go on separate answer sheets, not in the test book. 67
After testing is completed, ALL test books (both used and unused) must be accounted for and returned to Riverside Publishing Company. 68 Scorable answer sheets are machine scored. MUST be handled carefully – must not be folded, clipped, stapled, taped, or torn.
When testing is complete, students should remove any stray marks that are on the selected-response areas of the answer sheets. DTC/STC destroy any unused Session I answer sheets. 69
One Session II test book per content area. Session II test books consist of performance events or a writing task. Students will write their answers in the test book. 70
After testing is complete: To-be-scored Session II test books go to Assessment Resource Center (ARC). All unused, non-scorable Session II tests must be accounted for and returned to Riverside Publishing Company (RPC). NOTE: Do not apply barcode labels to unused test books. 71
Both the DTCs and the STCs have pre-test and post-test responsibilities with the Test Book Accountability Form. Examiners do not use the Test Book Accountability Form. Examiners must: ● Count the number of books received. ● Document this information in preparation for returning the test books to the STC to ensure 100% rate of return. 72
1. FAX Test Book Accountability Form to Riverside Publishing – (630) 467-7150. 2. Keep the original Test Book Accountability Forms on file at district -- DO NOT return with testing materials. 73
DTC completes the following responsibilities for each scorable district shipment: Pack one shipment of scorable Session I answer sheets to Riverside Scoring Services. Pack one shipment of scorable Session II test books to Assessment Resource Center. Record the total number of scorable materials. Make corrections to preprinted information if necessary. 74
1. Scorable Session I answer sheets go to Riverside. 2. Scorable Session II test books go to ARC. 75
Two Building ID Sheets must be completed for each building. One Building ID Sheet goes with Session I answer sheets to Riverside Scoring Services. One Building ID Sheet goes with Session II test books to ARC. School identification information has been pre-coded on the form. 76
The District Return Kit includes four pre-coded Building ID Sheets per school and four blank Building ID Sheets per school. Do NOT make any changes to the preprinted information. If the pre-coded information is incorrect or was not provided, blank Building ID Sheets can be obtained from the DTC. Instructions for returning these sheets can be found in Step 5, Packing and Shipping Test Materials. STC may destroy unused overage of Building ID Sheets. 77
At minimum, two Group ID Sheets (GIS) per content area, per school, must be completed. For each group identified, one GIS will go to Riverside Publishing and one GIS will go to ARC. The district can use additional GISs for further breakdown of testing groups for their own convenience. 78
The information on the GIS must be identical for Session I and Session II groups. The assessment results will be returned based on how the district has organized the scorable materials. Please refer to the detailed instructions printed on the back of the GIS. Please note that the GIS is a scanned document and cannot be photocopied. DTC can provide additional GIS. 79
Contact with any fluids resulting from a student health issue (e.g., blood) Contact with any potentially hazardous material 80
DTC is responsible for appropriate amount of testing materials. DTC orders more materials if needed. Additional materials are shipped via UPS ground. Must request 1 week in advance of building’s test window. STC uses overage before requesting additional materials. 81
The EOC Assessment testing materials MUST be secure at all times. Both written and oral discussion of specific EOC Assessment items breaches the security and integrity of the test. Testing materials may NOT be photocopied, duplicated, scanned or made accessible to personnel not responsible for testing. 82
When not in use, secure materials must be kept in a locked room or cabinet in the school building to prevent unauthorized access. For the protection of all concerned, testing materials should not be kept in the classrooms if at all possible. 83
Manuals are not secure materials – they are available on the DESE website. Each Examiner must have: A Test Examiner’s Manual The appropriate quantity of test books per content area Session I answer sheets per content area Required ancillary testing materials for each student 84
Ensure that each student receives a Session I answer sheet and the Session II test book with the correct student barcode label for that student. Ensure that the barcode label is affixed appropriately. Reminder: Test Books are secure – Examiners should not review, read or discuss items. 85
Algebra I Assessment Graph, grid or scratch paper (not provided) Straight edge (not provided) Calculators (not provided) Reference Sheets (provided with testing materials) Biology Assessment Metric rulers (not provided) Scratch paper (not provided) Draft paper (not provided) English II Assessment -- Session II only Dictionaries, thesauruses, and grammar handbook (not provided) 86
Session I: Test Books and Answer Sheets Ensure students have removed all stray marks from coding tracks. Collect test books from students. Count and compare to pre-testing numbers. Return test books and answer sheets to STC in separate bundles by content area. Separate used and unused Contact STC regarding contaminated test books. 88
Session II: Test Books Collect test books. Verify barcode labels are affixed properly and students used the answer sheet & test book with the appropriate label. Verify SIS to ensure the form is bubbled in correctly. Return all test books to STC, separate used and unused. Return Test Examiner’s Manual to be destroyed. Return all graph, grid, scratch or draft paper. 89
Session I: Test Books and Answer Sheets Use the Test Book Accountability Form Return tests to DTC in separate bundles by content area. Destroy unused answer sheets and Examiners’ Manuals. Shred all graph, grid, scratch or draft paper. Separate used and unused materials. Contact DTC regarding contaminated test books. 90
Session II: Test Books Collect scorable test books. Check – any ink, markers, etc. Only No. 2, non- mechanical pencils can be used since these test books are scanned during scoring process. Erase all stray marks on the coding tracks. Verify SIS Verify Building ID Sheet and destroy unused ones. Separate scorable and non-scorable test books. Return to DTC 91
100% Return Rate Fax Test Book Accountability Form to Riverside Publishing. Retain the original Test Book Accountability Form for district records. Verify that the Group ID Sheets are utilized consistently for Session I and Session II scorable materials Ship materials 92
STEP 5: Packing & Shipping Testing Materials 93
STC Responsibilities Reuse shipping boxes Use Building ID Sheet Do not tape boxes closed Give boxes to DTC 94
DTC Responsibilities Follow step by step instructions for completing forms, taping boxes, affixing correct labels, keeping materials secure until shipping is complete. Return Shipment 1 must be ready for pickup promptly after the district has completed testing in a content area Making shipping arrangements with UPS. Riverside is responsible for shipping costs. Follow diagram on page 32 of the TCM 95
Contact UPS at 800-742-5877. Follow the prompts to send a package. Same-day pickup is available but not guaranteed. Follow specific instructions for materials in Shipment 1 in the District Return Kit. VERY IMPORTANT: Retain the bottom tracking number for UPS for district records. Neither UPS nor Riverside Publishing can track the district’s shipment without the tracking number. 97
STC Responsibilities Reuse shipping boxes Use Building ID Sheet Do not tape boxes closed Give boxes to DTC 98
DTC Responsibilities Collect all packed shipping boxes from the STCs. Complete the ARC Return Packing Form. Place the ARC Return Packing Form on top of the materials in Box 1 of the scorable Session II test books. Affix orange label. Securely store until UPS pickup. 99
As with Return Shipment 1, Return Shipment 2 must be ready for pickup promptly after the district has completed testing in a content area. Retain the bottom tracking number for UPS for district records. 100
All scorable Session II test books must be returned to ARC via UPS. Follow 9 bulleted steps on page 36 of TCM Note: Again, packaging will vary depending on how districts administered the tests. 102
DTC Responsibilities All Session I test books and Session II unused test books for all content areas are considered secure, non- scorable materials and must be returned to Riverside Scoring Service. Return Shipment 3 must be ready for pickup promptly after the district has completed testing in a content area. 103
The following slide (from TCM page 40) lists the only accommodations allowed for ELL students. Please see NOTE 1: Oral reading, oral reading in native language, or the use of a bilingual dictionary during the English II assessment will result in the LOSS (Lowest Obtainable Scale Score). 106
NOTE 1: Oral reading of the English II test results in the LOSS (Lowest Obtainable Scale Score). Students identified as blind/visually impaired (who do not read Braille) may use the oral reading accommodation if it is their primary instructional method with no penalty. 110
NOTE 2: Paraphrasing test questions invalidates all EOC assessment student scores for accountability purposes. 111
NOTE 3: Use of magnifying equipment, amplification equipment, graph paper and testing with the teacher facing the student are not listed as accommodations because these are not required to be reported as accommodations for the EOC assessments. 112
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