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Welcome Class of 2019.  Hickory Ridge is comprised of approximately 90 teachers, with 24% having an advanced degree and 18% having their national board.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2019.  Hickory Ridge is comprised of approximately 90 teachers, with 24% having an advanced degree and 18% having their national board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2019

2  Hickory Ridge is comprised of approximately 90 teachers, with 24% having an advanced degree and 18% having their national board certification.  Hickory Ridge students achieve high scores in proficiency and growth on NC Common Exams and EOC’s

3  Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities.  Hickory Ridge offers a broad range of clubs and organizations for students to grow in leadership and service, recognize achievements and honors, and allow for exploration of individual interests.  Our athletes participate in 28 interscholastic sports including: baseball, softball, golf, tennis, swimming, basketball, football, etc.

4  More Choices, More Freedom, More Responsibility  We only have homeroom periodically – not everyday.  Lockers are given only if you request one and pay $5 for a lock.  Bookbags can be carried from class to class.  We start school at 7:15 and end at 2:15.

5  All the rules will be given to the students in the Student Handbook at the beginning of the year  After School Detentions  Saturday School  In school suspension  Out of school suspension  Long term suspension/Alternative placement

6  Countywide initiative to incorporate technology into the classroom  Student-centered and allows choice  Increase student engagement and ACHIEVEMENT!  Individual teachers determine when/if BYOT will be used

7  Don’t forget Compulsory Attendance Law – students 15 and younger will be in violation of the law if you miss more than 10 unexcused days for the whole year!  In high school, attendance is also taken during each class period  If you are tardy 4 times in the same class, it equals 1 absence  If you are absent more than 8 times in a class, you may not get credit for the class  After 8 absences in one period, you would have to make up time in Saturday school  Over 13 days absent in one semester = no credit (regardless of grade in class)

8  Block Schedule  4 classes a day  About 90 minutes each  8 classes per year  For each class you pass with at least a 60, you earn one credit  You will need 27 credits to graduate

9  3 classes have End of Course tests.  Algebra I  Biology  English II  The difference is that EOC’s are given after each subject instead of at the end of the grade level.  Students also take NC Final Exams  17 Total  All final exams count for 25% of the overall grade

10  Earn the minimum amount of credits each year  To be a sophomore, you have to earn 6 credits-Students MUST PASS classes (60%)  To play a sport, you must earn 3 out of 4 credits in the previous semester and be promoted to the next grade level  To be able to get your learner’s permit or driver’s license, you must pass 3 out of 4 credits in the previous semester

11  Total Credits: Minimum of 27/Maximum of 32  ENGLISH: 4 credits  MATH: 4 credits  SCIENCE: 3 credits  SOCIAL STUDIES: 4 credits  HEALTH & PE: 1 credit  CAREER CLUSTER: 4 credits  Middle school credits in math (Math I and Math II) count towards graduation but not towards GPA.

12  HRHS Counselors see students based on last name:  A – DMs. Jenny Osborne  E – KMs. Kelly Lord  L—RMs. Kathy Habjanic  S—ZMs. Betsy Navel  Graduation CoachMr. Ryan Ferguson  Student Services Website – important information Student Services Website  *If you want to see us, stop by the guidance office and fill out a form, email us or call us.

13 A career cluster has 4 classes in a specific area of interest with at least one class being a second level.

14  Every class you take is recorded on your transcript.  Attendance, EOC’s, immunizations, GPA, and class rank are also included; however, not teacher comments and discipline  Sample transcript Sample transcript

15  Grading scale is located on the student handbook folder  A= 90-100  B= 80-89  C=70-79  D=60-69  F= 0-59  There is a GPA equivalent for every grade  A=4.0; B=3.0; C=2.0; D=1.0; F=0  For every honors level course, 1/2 quality point is added to the GPA  For every AP (Advanced Placement) or College and Career Promise course, 1 quality point is added to the GPA  GPA can be found on Parent Portal and on transcripts

16  Regular Classes  Covers content outlined in Common Core Curriculum for each subject area  Honors:  Offer the same curriculum as regular classes but are tailored for high-achieving students — covering additional topics or some topics in greater depth  Advanced Placement (AP):  Cover the breadth of information, skills and assignments found in corresponding college courses  Align with the standards and expectations of leading liberal arts and research institutions  Provide motivated and academically prepared students with the opportunity to study and learn at the college level  Students can earn college level credit based on the grade they make on the AP Exam in May and the college they attend (not all colleges give the same credit)  “Studies have shown that the rigor of a student's high school curriculum is the single best predictor of success in college” per

17  Should your child take an Honors class?  Ms. Isaacs will discuss Honors classes Ms. Isaacs  Please consider where your child might want to go to college and with whom they will be competing.  Remember, class rank starts as a freshman!

18  Our current junior class:  92 out of 369 students have a 4.03 or higher—which is Top 25% of the class  36 out of 369 students have a 4.47 or higher—which is Top 10% of the class  Our current senior class:  80 out of 319 students have a 4.18 or higher-- which is Top 25% of the class  31 out of 319 students have a 4.54 or higher-- which is Top 10% of the class

19  Honors English I – 93% or higher in 8 th grade Language Arts  Most students start in Math I (there is no honors version)  Honors Math II – 85% or higher in 8 th grade Math I  Honors Earth Science – 93% or higher in 8 th grade Science  Honors Biology - 85% or higher in Honors Earth and 85% or higher in 8 th grade Math I and plans on taking AP Science class by Junior year

20  Honors World History - 93% or higher in 8 th grade Social Studies  Honors Civics – 93% in 8 th grade Social Studies and plans on taking AP World History as a Sophomore  Chinese I, French I, or Spanish I– 85% or higher in 8 th grade Math and 8 th grade Language Arts

21  If your child begins to struggle in a HS class, please know that we offer tutoring in a variety of ways:  Peer Tutoring: Wednesdays after school in the media center until 3:15  Teacher Tutoring: Most of our teachers will stay after to help students (ask them for the schedule)  Paid Tutors: We have a list of teachers in the county that you can pay for tutoring after school

22  Your child will hear a lot about classes on Wednesday.  They will pick their courses for next year and bring home a registration sheet for you to sign.  Consider all four years when choosing classes (they already received a four year plan).  Have your child return the registration form to their Encore teacher by Tuesday, March 17 th.  HRHS counselors will meet with each student individually to look over their choices.

23  You should get your child’s schedule in June – but sometimes classes have to be balanced after that.  You should have a limited time to request an online schedule change, but you are not guaranteed one.  Please make sure your child chooses wisely now.  Official schedules will be distributed at Open House in August.


25  4 year program  “School within a school”  Focus on interdisciplinary project-based learning  Develops workplace “readiness” with field trips, job shadowing, and internships  DOES NOT CONFLICT with Honors/AP classes, sports, clubs, heterogeneous grouping  Director of Cabarrus County Visitors Bureau-Ms. Donna Carpenter

26 Average Salaries of Travel and Hospitality jobs that require at least a Bachelors Degree can be:  Convention & Event Planner:$46,000  Hotel General Manager: $50,014  Executive Chef: $69,000  Corporate Travel Manager:$80,448  Human Resources Director:$80,863  Senior Marketing Manager:$100,000+

27 Counselors will be available this evening at a table in the commons to answer specific questions. Be sure to stop and speak with  Core classes-Commons  Electives-Gym  Clubs-Cafeteria  Academy-Media Center

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