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CTE Programs: Moving to Pathways with Courses.

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1 CTE Programs: Moving to Pathways with Courses



4 A Pathway Must: 1.Be associated with sector(s) within an industry or encompass a function that crosses industry sectors. 2.The scope of a pathway may be influenced by size and number of opportunities in the related industry and available college programs. 3.Provide opportunities to prepare for a range of careers. a.multiple employment opportunities after high school. b.opportunities for students to enter and succeed in postsecondary and continuing education programs. 4.Prepare students to transfer skills required for employment in the range of occupations aligned to the pathway. 5.Be structured so that students have the opportunity to learn skills across the pathway as well as in specialized areas.

5 A Career Pathway Structure

6 FY14- New Standards, Courses & Tests

7 Structure of NEW CTE Content Standards

8 Format of the NEW Design Technical Content Standards Course & Unit Descriptions Strand: Strands are large content areas under which multiple outcomes are organized. »Includes a concise description that captures multiple, broad areas of learner knowledge and skills expected across the strand and, to the extent possible, the multiple outcomes under the strand. Outcome: »Outcomes are overreaching statements that summarizes the knowledge and skills described in the overall set of individual competencies that follow. Competency: essential knowledge or skill »Competencies are specific statements of essential knowledge or skill to be learned in the components of the pathway program.

9 Exercise Science and Sports Medicine Medical Bioscience Allied Health and Nursing Health Informatics Health Science Pathways Health Science Career Field Health Science CTE Technical Content Standards

10 One Common Strand: Business 21st Century Standards Knowledge Management Employability Financial Management Business Ethics and Law Business Leadership and Communication Business Literacy Business Operations Marketing Entrepreneurship Global Environment

11 CTE Course Structure

12 Why Courses?

13 Course Development Considerations

14 Elements of a Sample Course Outline: Nutrition & Wellness Subject Code: 179003 Course & Unit Descriptions Health Science 2012 Career Field Technical Content Standards All Pathways Academic Standards Health Science and Human Services Career Field Exercise Science & Sports Medicine Pathway Exercise & Athletic Training Bio-Stats in ES & SM Exercise Physiology & Biochemistry Nutrition & Wellness Fitness Evaluation & Assessment Athletic Injuries & Prevention Sports Exercise Psychology

15 Using Content Standards: Building a Course of Study Content Standards Sample Course Outlines Program of Study

16 End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments

17 Career-Technical Education Technical Assessment Redesign

18 Highlights of Assessment Features All pathways will have a test. Pathway tests are comprised of end of course (EOC) exams. Any combination of EOC tests can be used to calculate a total test score. Seniors will have same FY13 tests available. 9-11 students should begin taking new end of course tests. Pretest development underway. Recognition for student achievement.

19 Support Transcripted Credit Transfer

20 Role of Industry Credentials To what extent are we… Chasing Credentials vs. Buying into industry credentials that have value to businesses in our communities? Industry credential attainment will be reported on Local District Report card and the CTE report card. --Criteria will be forthcoming. “Credentials are relevant to employers only to the extent that it leads to more productive employees.”

21 Developing a Program of Study

22 Program of Study Design Framework: Essential Components of a Program of Study Partnerships Course Sequences Credit Transfer Agreements Guidance Counseling and Academic Advisement Industry Certifications and Licenses

23 Electronic Submission Proposed to go live: ~October 15th Form self-populates much of the data Use of electronic signatures Written directions on ODE webpage ( Opt to view Webinar

24 CTE- 26 Process Identify Program Type –New program; Renewal of Existing; Middle Alignment POS –Post-Secondary; Secondary CTE-26 Assurance Page Timeline for Submitting



27 CTE-26 Approval Process Electronically submitted to ODE Receipt notice sent to district contact, Tech Prep Regional Center CA’s and career field consultants within two days Paper applications still accepted although prefer scanned documents

28 CTE-26 Approval Process Career field consultants work with districts to verify intent, correct errors and make modifications 60 day timeframe for consultants to approve, not approve or withdraw applications Approval letters sent via email to district contact and Tech Prep Regional Center CA’s within 2 days of approval

29 3317.161 Approval of New CTE Programming The budget specifies that a city, local or exempted village school district, community school, or STEM school that wishes to offer CTE programming must first seek approval of the lead district in the career technical planning district (CTPD). The intention is to increase student access to valuable CTE programs while maintaining a coordinated delivery of services

30 Approval of CTE Programming for FY15 The lead district’s decision to approve or disapprove shall include but is not limited to: A. Demand for the CTE program in industries in the state B.Quality of the program C.Attainment for industry credentials or PS education D.Admission requirements of lead district E.Past performance of the district or school F.Traveling distance G.Sustainability H.Capacity I.Availability of the program within the CTPD J.The cost to begin the program

31 The following timelines will govern the program application process. Approval is valid for five years following the fiscal year in which the program was approved. March 1st.Lead districts must approve or disapprove CTE programming applications no later than March 1st. March 15Appeals may be made to the department not later than March 15. May 15.The department will notify the district or school and the lead district of its decision to approve or disapprove by May 15.

32 CTE Renewal Timelines

33 FY14= 2013–2014 School Yr.FY15= 2014–2015 School Yr.FY16= 2015–2016 School Yr.FY17= 2016–2017 School Yr.FY18= 2017–2018 School Yr.

34 Program Renewal As stated in Ohio’s Perkins IV Five-Year Plan, all state-approved secondary career-technical programs are to be renewed on a 5 year cycle. Information Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing TechnologiesFor this year we are asking that all Information Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies career field programs submit an FY15 CTE-26 application with a Program of Study.

35 Isaac Kershaw, Ph.D. Assistant Director Office of Career-Technical Education 25 South Front Street, MS 606 | Columbus, Ohio 43215-4183 614-644-5922 desk-phone

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