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SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Virginia Assessment Program Overview Presentation to the Standards of Learning Innovation Committee July 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Virginia Assessment Program Overview Presentation to the Standards of Learning Innovation Committee July 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Virginia Assessment Program Overview Presentation to the Standards of Learning Innovation Committee July 15, 2014

2 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 History of the SOL Assessment Program 1983 – Initial development of SOL classroom assessments 1998 – Initial implementation of statewide SOL testing 2001 – Introduction of online testing 2006 – Introduction of reading and mathematics tests at grades 4, 6, and 7 to meet federal mandates 2012 – Introduction of technology-enhanced items 2013 – Introduction of operational online writing test 2014 – Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) Pilot 2

3 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Implementation of New Tests History in 2010-2011 Mathematics in 2011-2012 Reading, Writing and Science in 2012-2013 3

4 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Online Testing in Virginia SOL Non-Writing Tests Administered Online 4

5 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Current Standards of Learning Tests 5

6 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered in Elementary Schools 6 MathematicsReadingWritingScience History & Social Science Grade 3 Grade 3 Mathematics Test Grade 3 Reading Test Grade 3 Science Test Grade 3 History Test Grade 4 Grade 4 Mathematics Test Grade 4 Reading Test Grade 5 Grade 5 Mathematics Test Grade 5 Reading Test Grade 5 Writing Test Grade 5 Science Test Grade 4 or Grade 5 Virginia Studies Test Tests eliminated by legislation in the 2014 General Assembly are shown in strikethrough format.

7 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered in Middle Schools 7 MathematicsReadingWritingScience History & Social Science Grade 6 Grade 6 Mathematics Test Grade 6 Reading Test Grade 7 Grade 7 Mathematics Test Grade 7 Reading Test Grade 8 Grade 8 Mathematics Test Grade 8 Reading Test Grade 8 Writing Test Grade 8 Science Test U.S. History to 1865 Test U.S. History 1865 to Present Test Grade 7 or 8 Civics & Economics Test Tests eliminated by legislation in the 2014 General Assembly are shown in strikethrough format.

8 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered at End-of-Course 8 Mathematics English Science History & Social Science ReadingWriting Algebra I Test EOC Reading Test EOC Writing Test Earth Science Test World Geography Test Virginia & U.S. History Test Geometry Test Biology Test World History I Test Algebra II Test Chemistry Test World History II Test

9 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 End-of-Course Tests (EOC) Students take end-of-course tests when they complete the instruction for the course associated with the test (e.g., Algebra I, Earth Science). Therefore, these tests are not associated with specific grade levels. To earn a verified credit students must pass the course and the associated end-of-course test. 9

10 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Federal Requirements 10

11 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Federal Requirements for Reading and Mathematics Tests Tests must be administered Annually in grades 3-8 At least once in high school (grades 10-12) 11

12 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Federal Requirements for Science Tests must be administered at least once in Elementary School (grades 3-5) Middle School (grades 6-9) High School (grades 10-12) 12

13 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered in Elementary Schools 13 MathematicsReadingWritingScience History & Social Science Grade 3 Grade 3 Mathematics Test Grade 3 Reading Test Grade 3 Science Test Grade 3 History Test Grade 4 Grade 4 Mathematics Test Grade 4 Reading Test Grade 5 Grade 5 Mathematics Test Grade 5 Reading Test Grade 5 Writing Test Grade 5 Science Test Grade 4 or Grade 5 Virginia Studies Test Tests eliminated by legislation in the 2014 General Assembly are shown in strikethrough format. Shaded cells - indicate tests required by ESEA

14 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered in Middle Schools 14 MathematicsReadingWritingScience History & Social Science Grade 6 Grade 6 Mathematics Test Grade 6 Reading Test Grade 7 Grade 7 Mathematics Test Grade 7 Reading Test Grade 8 Grade 8 Mathematics Test Grade 8 Reading Test Grade 8 Writing Test Grade 8 Science Test U.S. History to 1865 Test U.S. History 1865 to Present Test Grade 7 or 8 Civics & Economics Test Tests eliminated by legislation in the 2014 General Assembly are shown in strikethrough format. Shaded cells - indicate tests required by ESEA

15 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Tests Administered at End-of-Course 15 Mathematics English Science History & Social Science ReadingWriting Algebra I Test EOC Reading Test EOC Writing Test Earth Science Test World Geography Test Virginia & U.S. History Test Geometry Test Biology Test World History to 1500 Test Algebra II Test Chemistry Test World History 1500 to Present Test

16 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 End-of-Course Tests According to Virginia’s current federal accountability plan, all end-of-course tests in mathematics and science are used to meet federal requirements. For example, the federal accountability pass rate for mathematics at the high school includes students who pass the Algebra I test, the Geometry test and the Algebra II test. 16

17 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Additional Requirements for ESEA Waiver Requires assessments that measure “college and career readiness.” To meet this requirement Virginia established “advanced/college path” achievement levels for the End-of-Course tests in Reading, Writing and Algebra II. Waiver approved for one year. 17

18 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Graduation Requirements 18

19 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Verified Credit Requirements for Standard Diploma Six Verified Credits Required – 1 in reading – 1 in writing – 1 in mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II) – 1 in science (Earth Science, Biology, or Chemistry) – 1 in history (World History to 1500, World History:1500 to the present, World Geography, or VA & US History) – 1 in subject area selected by student 19

20 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Verified Credit Requirements for Advanced Studies Diploma Nine Verified Credits Required – 1 in reading – 1 in writing – 2 in mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II) – 2 in science (Earth Science, Biology, or Chemistry) – 2 in history (World History to 1500, World History:1500 to the present, World Geography, or VA & US History) – 1 in subject area selected by student 20

21 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Substitute Tests for Verified Credit Substitute tests approved by the Virginia Board of Education may be used by students in lieu of SOL tests to earn verified credits. List of approved substitute tests may be found at Policy initially instituted at the request of local school divisions to avoid “double testing” of students who were taking Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) tests AND were also scheduled to take an SOL test. 21

22 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Computer Adaptive Testing In the current system, all students taking a particular test (e.g., grade 7 mathematics) are administered one of several versions of that test. Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) customizes the items administered to the each individual student. 22

23 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Pilots Using CAT Pilots using CAT for grade 7 mathematics and grade 8 reading were conducted in 2013-2014. Results support moving forward with transition to CAT. Timeline for transition will be dependent on funding. 23

24 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Questions About Current Virginia Assessment Program? 24

25 SOL Innovation Committee July 15, 2014 Characteristics of Good Assessments Purpose of assessment matches assessment need Measures content it is intended to assess Covers content that students should have learned by the time assessment is administered Fair to all students—does not advantage or disadvantage any particular group Provides access to students with disabilities and English language learners Provides consistent results 25

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