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Disaster Preparedness I Lessons Learned Don Hall Thomson Prometric 2006 Annual ConferenceAlexandria, Virginia Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster Preparedness I Lessons Learned Don Hall Thomson Prometric 2006 Annual ConferenceAlexandria, Virginia Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster Preparedness I Lessons Learned Don Hall Thomson Prometric 2006 Annual ConferenceAlexandria, Virginia Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation Expect the Unexpected: Are We Clearly Prepared?

2 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Thomson Prometric Thomson Prometric is the leading global provider of comprehensive testing and assessment services. We deliver standardized tests for 600 client programs, in 26 languages, over the Web or through a global network of 3,200 testing centers in 135 countries.

3 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Continuity Management at Prometric Thomson Prometric has defined a comprehensive Business Continuity Management (BCM) program that provides for contingency operations that will ensure the continuity of services provided to our clients, candidates, and channel testing partners using established “best practices” to safeguard the interest of our clients, reputation, brand, and revenue.

4 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Best Practices Disaster Recovery Institute Int’l (DRII) Business Continuity Institute (BCI) –Promote a common knowledge and standards for BCM –Certify individuals in the discipline –As such, in 1997, DRII, together with BCI, published the Professional Practices for Business Continuity Planners as the industry's international standard.

5 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Professional Practices Pre-Planning Project Initiation and Management Risk Evaluation and Control Business Impact Analysis Planning Developing Business Continuity Strategies Emergency Response & Operations Develop and Implement Business Continuity Plans Post-Planning Awareness and Training Programs Maintenance and Exercising Business Continuity Plans Public Relations and Crises Communications Coordination with Public Authorities

6 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Professional Practices Pre-planning Project Initiation and Management Risk Evaluation and Control Business Impact Analysis

7 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Project Initiation and Management Define Scope, Objectives, Policies and Critical Success Factors Establish the need for BCP Communicate the need for BCP Involve Executive Management Establish a Steering Committee or Task Force Develop the Budget Identify Planning Team(s) and Responsibilities Develop and Coordinate Action Plans Develop Ongoing management and documentation requirements for BCM Report to Senior Management Team

8 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Risk Evaluation and Control Identify the threats Eliminate threats, if possible Estimate probability of threats Perform Risk Analysis Identify costs to reduce risks –Spend resources on risks most likely to occur 80/20 Rule (1897, Vilfredo Pareto) Implement controls to reduce risks Exercise, evaluate, and make changes as needed to reduce the impact of risks

9 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Establish the value of each organizational resource as they relate to the function of the whole Provide the basis for identifying the critical resources required to develop your business recovery strategy Establish order of priority for restoration

10 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Professional Practices Planning Developing Business Continuity Strategies Emergency Response & Operations Develop and Implement Business Continuity Plans (BCP/COOP)

11 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Develop Business Continuity Strategy Identify the Enterprise Requirements Identify strategies, costs, advantages, and disadvantages for each –Compare internal and external Identify strategies for functional areas Assess strategies using BIA results Perform Costs/Benefits Analysis Consolidate Continuity and Recovery Strategies Across the Enterprise –Consolidate workspace recovery sites –Enterprise-level plans for media and communications

12 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Emergency Response and Operations Identify Types of Emergencies and the Response –Fire, Flood, HAZMAT, etc… Identify Components of Emergency Response –Reporting procedures (internal/external) –Pre-incident preparation –Emergency Actions (evacuation, firefighting, notifications, etc…) –Facility Stabilization –Damage mitigation –Testing procedures and responsibilities Develop Detailed Emergency Response Procedures –Protection of Personnel –Containment of the Incident –Assessment of effect –Decide optimum actions

13 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Emergency Response and Operations Identify Command and Control Requirements –Design and equip the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) –Define Command and Decision Authority roles –Communications vehicles (radio, e-mail, messengers, etc) –Logging and documentation methods Develop Command and Control Procedures –Opening the EOC –Security for the EOC –Scheduling the EOC teams (24 hour operations) –Management of the EOC –Closing the EOC Emergency Response and Triage Salvage and Restoration

14 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Develop Business Continuity Plans Advanced planning that is necessary to ensure the continuity of critical functions for an organization Putting in place supporting infrastructure and resources to respond to a disaster event Implement procedures to reduce the risk of identifiable threats Develop plans that cover all events that result in the total or partial destruction of a facility, or create an inability to perform essential functions Create plans that include procedures, equipment, and personnel for both automated and manual procedures.

15 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Professional Practices Post-Planning Awareness and Training Programs Maintenance and Exercising Business Continuity Plans Public Relations and Crises Communications Coordination with Public Authorities

16 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Awareness and Training Components of the COOP/BCP Why is BCP important to them! Who is the Business Continuity Coordinator Where to find more information When is it exercised How is the COOP activated

17 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Maintenance and Exercising BCP Maintenance Monthly –Call-trees –Personnel data Quarterly –Plan review As needed –Organizational Change –Process Change –Technology Change Exercise –Before (exercise preparation/plan review) –After (lessons learned) Annually –BIA –Corporate Strategic Direction

18 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Maintenance and Exercising BCP Exercise Validate your plans Familiarity with BCP procedures –Reduce decisions, confusion, and recovery time –Reduced costs at time of recovery! Exercise Types –Walk-through (paper-based) –Simulation –Operational Exercise Guidance –Start small –Detailed procedures should be followed closely –Should include backup data (restores) and call-trees –Conduct surprise tests (very risky, only a few) –Use “actual” but not “live” data

19 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Crises Communications Escalation –Disaster declaration criteria –Problem Identification and Escalation when is it a disaster –Contact Lists –Initial Response Items Primary Notifications –BC Coordinator, SMT, CMT/IMT –BC Teams –Damage Assessment Teams Secondary Notifications –Other employees –Customers –Public –Suppliers

20 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Crises Communications Public Relations –Issue initial Press Release “canned response” –Establish a schedule for Press Conferences –Communicate the name of “official” spokesperson –Be prepared for all “audiences” (internal, external, media, agencies)

21 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Coordination with External Agencies Identify applicable laws and regulations and determine impact Identify statutory industry requirements Ensure your plans meet all statutory and regulatory requirements –work with statutory agencies as appropriate Identify and coordinate with agencies supporting BCP aims –Identify and develop procedures with external agencies providing disaster assistance (financial and resources) Develop exercises with external agencies –Establish exercise objectives –Coordinate and execute exercises –Debrief and report on exercises to include action plans

22 Presented at the 2006 CLEAR Annual Conference September 14-16 Alexandria, Virginia Speaker Contact Information Don Hall, Director Business Continuity Thomson Prometric 1000 Lancaster Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone 443-923-8000 E-mail Website

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