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A briefing about your BCM Programme.  Why BCM  Benefits of BCM  Programme Objectives  Methodology  Tasks & Deliverables Programme Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "A briefing about your BCM Programme.  Why BCM  Benefits of BCM  Programme Objectives  Methodology  Tasks & Deliverables Programme Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 A briefing about your BCM Programme

2  Why BCM  Benefits of BCM  Programme Objectives  Methodology  Tasks & Deliverables Programme Overview

3 “Business Continuity Management is an holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organisation and the impacts to business operations that those threats, if realised, might cause, and which provides a framework for building organisational resilience with the capability for an effective response that safeguards the interests of its key stakeholders, reputation, brand and value creating activities”. Threats, Impacts, Framework, Response, Stakeholders BCM definition (BS 25999)

4 Principles of BCM Understanding what could go wrong - threats Asset Dispersion – backup data, store off-site Focus on Critical Capabilities and business priorities – know what is URGENT to your business unit / organisation Teamwork & Mutual Support – understand your dependencies: people, information, IT, suppliers etc Awareness, training and rehearsals – be familiar with your plans Flexible response – knowing what to do in an emergency, where to go and who to contact

5  Protect reputation  Corporate governance  Financial regulations  International regulations  Customer expectations  Partner contractual requirements  Audit  Insurance  Known threats  Business benefits Drivers – why we do BCM

6 What are you protecting against Component Operator error Building level incident Metropolitan area event Regional event The failure event spectrum Causes of downtime Hardware/software failures Natural disasters and accidents Human error Malicious acts Utility issues Business crises Source: HP

7  Protects Stakeholders Employees 3 rd Parties / business partners Shareholders  Protects Corporate Image, Reputation & Brand  Improves Customer Service  Meet customer expectations  Improves Market Competitiveness  Process for Corporate Survival  Added value Increased efficiency Full business participation Business benefits

8  The objective of Steelhenge’s programme of activity is to ensure that FEWA can continue to provide an acceptable level of business continuity to all stakeholders, regardless of the cause of disruption.  This project will provide FEWA with organisational resilience across its operations in the form of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) incorporating: Business continuity and recovery plan Crisis management plan Crisis communication plan Project objectives

9 Provision of Business Continuity Consultancy Services in three phases:  Phase 1 Site visits, gap analysis, maturity modelling, road map development etc  Phase 2 Policy and BCMS development, business impact analysis, risk assessment, crisis, business continuity and communications plans development etc  Phase 3 Exercising, training and awareness Scope of work

10 Sites in scope

11 Phase 1: May – July 2011

12  Clear understanding of the FEWA current position – Gap analysis  Draft BC Policy – Policy Document  Clear scope of the required programme - PID  Roadmap for the project – Project Plan as part of the PID (Project Initiation Document)  Develop the strategic key services of FEWA and criticalities – Critical Services overview  A benchmark report of what has been found - BS 25999  A statement of work for the next phase – SOW  A maturity model against which progress can subsequently be measured – Capability assessment Phase 1 details

13 Phase 2: Aug – Dec 2011

14  Business Impact Analysis – Findings Report  Risk Assessment – Findings Report  BC Strategy development - Options Paper People, sites, systems, operations, reputation, supply chain  BC Planning - Methodology  Crisis plans development - Plans Structure, roles & responsibilities Command and control Procedures  EOC Assessment - Report  Crisis Communications development - Plans  BCMS structuring – System documentation  Management presentation and review - Presentation Phase 2 details

15 Phase 3: Jan – Sept 2012

16  Finalise Communications Plan – Comms Plan  Emergency Service, Local Authority and NCEMA liaison and plan integration – Stakeholder Liaison Plan  BC Awareness programme – Training programme Internal and external communications programme  Training Senior management Awareness training Practitioner training  Desktop and simulation exercises – Rehearsal Programme  Management system embedding – Rehearsal Programme  Final report and review - Report Phase 3 details

17  Three developmental workshops Operational criticality workshop BC awareness workshop BC validation workshop  A Business Continuity Pocket Aide Memoire for all FEWA staff  A maturity model covering all phases of the programme  A staff induction package and introduction to FEWA Business Continuity  Design and development of a FEWA Business Continuity Awareness Package to develop awareness of BC across the organisation  ICT recovery test in Phase 3  Exercise evaluation and monitoring in Phase 3 Additional deliverables

18  AE/HSE 7000 – May 2011  BS 25999 Parts 1 and 2 (2006 and 2007) have been developed by practitioners and the BSI to provide a system based on good practice for BCM.  Part 1: a Code of Practice that takes the form of guidance and recommendations.  Part 2: a Specification - it establishes the process, principles and terminology for a BCMS, providing a basis for understanding, developing and implementing a business continuity management system within an organisation.  Optional: Self certification  Optional: Formal certification Standards and best practice

19 BCM process methodology

20 Timeline Recovery / Resumption Incident Response Within minutes to hours: Account for people; Deal with casualties; Contain damage; Assess damage; Invoke Business Continuity Business Continuity Within minutes to days: Contact staff, customers, suppliers etc. Recover critical processes; Rebuild lost work-in-progress Within weeks to months: Repair / replace damage; Relocate to permanent site Recover costs from insurers Overall Objective: Back-to-Normal as soon as possible Timeline Incident Normal From: BS25999-1:2006 British Standard for Business Continuity Management Context

21  FEWA Project Sponsor – Mohammad Mohd. Saleh – Director General  FEWA Project Manager – Ms Shaikha Yousuf Al Shaer (Central Laboratory Manager & Acting HSE Director HSE Department)  Steelhenge Project Director – James Royds FBCI  Steelhenge Project Manager – Bill Ogilvie MBCI  Steelhenge Account Manager – Phil James SBCI  Steelhenge Commercial Services – Dominic Cockram MBCI Project Governance

22 High level project plan – Phase 1

23 High level project plan – Phase 2

24 High level project plan – Phase 3

25  Identifying what your critical activities and outputs are  Identifying the impact of the loss of those critical activities  Identifying the risks and threats to critical activities / key business processes  Developing measures to mitigate vulnerabilities  Developing a strategy to support the continuity of operations following disruption BCM – a summary

26  Designing plans to respond to disruption to your operations and recover your business  Creating an internal crisis management team structure, roles and responsibilities  Training staff in BCM awareness and emergency response  Rehearsing the plans through scenarios to validate their effectiveness and the abilities of the crisis team  Aligning with standards (AE/HSE 7000, BS 25999), self or formal certification BCM – a summary

27  Knowledge transfer  FEWA is ready to respond with right people at the right time with the right plans to reduce the impact or consequences of a crisis with a proven process for managing the crisis  Words into action  Self sufficiency and long term process (not short term project)  Confidence for all your Stakeholders  Operational Resilience Value proposition

28  The approval to plan  The confidence to cope  The reassurance to recover  Meeting and exceeding customer and stakeholder expectations  A proven continuity management process which is one of the key indicators of effective corporate governance Value Summary

29  BCM starts as a project and becomes a process  Think strategic, act/influence tactical and operational  Understand the importance of information and the implications this has for your area of responsibility (business unit / process)  Orientate in the direction of threat(s) and think consequences not causes Key messages and conclusions

30 Thank you for reading! James Royds FBCI

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