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CLOA AGM June 2012 Destination Development Winning private sector support Mark Smith Director of Tourism, Bournemouth.

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Presentation on theme: "CLOA AGM June 2012 Destination Development Winning private sector support Mark Smith Director of Tourism, Bournemouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLOA AGM June 2012 Destination Development Winning private sector support Mark Smith Director of Tourism, Bournemouth

2 "I play each point like my life depends on it."

3 What I would like to cover: Why real partnerships? How to unlock private funding? What are the 3 D’s for success?

4 Why real partnerships? Time = Money = Advantage Shared ownership / responsibility Facilitate financial commitment

5 How to unlock funding? Strategic planning foundation Build trust The benefits of BID’s & TBIDS

6 BIDS or TBIDS? BIDS – Existing legislation / Intricate / Proven UK / Equitable TBIDS – New legislation / Simple / Unproven / Free - loaders

7 The Bournemouth BIDs

8 A proven track record Model imported from Canada/USA/Japan Legally established in the UK in 2004/5 Over 126 successful UK BID ballots 45 renewals of which 40 re-approved Tried and tested process BTMB

9 Business Improvement Districts Where businesses choose to work together and make individual contributions to create a significant pot of money, which is 100% ring fenced, to be locally managed and locally spent, to generate additional improvements in the trading environment of local businesses.

10 Why are BIDs successful? B: Businesses are in control I: Investing 100% locally D: Decisions are profit led S: Supplementing what’s already there

11 Bournemouth’s BIDs

12 Town Centre BID Key objectives: Marketing & promotion  Based around retailing, food & drink  Day visits The visitor experience  Town Centre Rangers: Welcome, safety, cleanliness  Access Maps, way finding, car parking

13 Coastal Districts BID It’s different – area covered It’s innovative – tourism lead It’s about getting more people to stay longer

14 BID objectives To increase the number of people visiting Bournemouth & persuade them to stay longer To encourage visitors and local people to visit more of our unique coastal strip To provide visitors and local people with reasons to spend more in local shops To improve everyone’s experience and encourage repeat visits To help make businesses more profitable

15 Coastal Districts BID Steering Group: private sector led Des Simmons (Chairman) Mark Cribb (Urban Beach/Reef/Boscombe) John Butterworth (FJB Hotels) John Green (Hot Rocks) Peter Gunn (BHLive – BIC) Julie Leigh (FSB) Andy Lennox (Koh Thai Tapas/Boscombe) Heather Martyn (Southbourne traders) Ray McGlynn (Sovereign Centre) Mandy Payne (BAHA) Marianne Slettedal (Park Central Hotel) Mel Smith (Westbourne Traders) Andrew Wickham (Wilts & Dorset) Kevin Wood (Oceana Hotels) Andy Woodland (BAHA) Cllr Rod Cooper (Bournemouth Council) Mark Smith (Bournemouth Tourism)

16 What’s the process? Developing the Business Plan Confirming the priorities/identifying the solutions (Range of workshops) Identifying the issues (Initial business consultation survey) The ballot Feasibility study

17 Who gets to vote? Tourism and retail related businesses Area: Westbourne to Hengistbury Head Rateable value in excess of £9,500 770 businesses, with total RV of £33million

18 The ballot Requires more than 50% support from number of businesses that vote AND These must represent more than 50% of the rateable value of the voting businesses

19 How much will it cost? Depends on your suggestions Currently based on 1.5% of rateable value 1.5% levy produces £495,000 pa for 3 to 5 years from the 770 eligible businesses. This would generate £2.5m over 5 years. Levy is mandatory on all businesses, if the BID is voted through.

20 Delivering the Business Plan Set up a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee’ Board members elected by local businesses Funded by levy on all eligible businesses No major changes without a ballot BID has fixed life: can vote to renew Baseline agreements with the Council Voluntary contributions welcome

21 Examples of some of the benefits from other BIDs Marketing and events Safety, security, information Cleaning & maintenance Improved access, car parking promotions Saving money Negotiating better deals: Insurance Utilities Trade waste

22 The results

23 What are the 3 D’s of destination success? Direction Dynamism Differentiation

24 The Disney chain of excellence Creativity for competitive advantage Powerful leadership vision Corporate culture by design Exceptional quality service Sustaining customer loyalty

25 What are the 3 D’s of destination success? Direction Dynamism Differentiation

26 Summary Partnerships are vital Funding is possible Clear Direction Dynamic approach Creative Differentiation

27 "Whoever said, ‘It’s not whether you win or lose that counts,’ probably lost."


29 "I play each point like my life depends on it." Rafael Nadal

30 "Whoever said, ‘It’s not whether you win or lose that counts,’ probably lost." MARTINA NAVRATILOVA

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