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LRC Proposals (Croke Park 2) Ballot for Industrial Action May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LRC Proposals (Croke Park 2) Ballot for Industrial Action May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LRC Proposals (Croke Park 2) Ballot for Industrial Action May 2013

2 Context Cuts already imposed upon teachers The non-payment of the cumulative pay increases of 6% which were due under the Towards 2016 Review and Transitional Agreement The Pension Related Deduction or so-called ‘pension levy’ was introduced with effect from March 2009 as follows: a 3% levy on the first €15,000 of gross income; a 6% levy on the next €5,000; and 10% on the remainder The Moratorium on Recruitment and Promotions in the Public Service was introduced in March 2009. Pay cuts legislated for under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest No. 2 Bill 2009, took effect from 1 January 2010 as follows: 5% on the first €30,000 of salary 7.5% on the next €40,000 of salary 10% on the next €55,000 of salary

3 Context Cuts already imposed upon teachers Under the Public Service Agreement 2010-2014 teachers work an extra 33 hours per year and lecturers an extra 2 hours ‘flex’ and 1 hour student contact per week Pay cuts of 10% were applied to the salary scales and allowances of new entrants from 1 st January 2011 A Public Service Pension Reduction (PSPR) of an average of 4% was applied to pensions with effect from 1 st January 2011, on pensions of €12,000 and upwards Qualification allowances and a range of other allowances were discontinued for ‘new beneficiaries’ from 1 st February 2012 Entitlement to certified and uncertified sick leave has been reduced. Changes to maternity leave announced in Budget 2013 mean that teachers will lose their entitlement to 30 days leave in lieu from 1 May 2013.

4 LRC Proposals 86% Voted Against No tweaking of LRC Proposals

5 Why Ballot? The government has intimated that it will legislate to impose cuts in pay wef 1 st July 2013 Need to have a mandate for industrial action, in the event that government seeks, by legislation or otherwise, to impose cuts in pay or to worsen working conditions. If Government imposes cuts wef 1 st July, we must be in a position to react from the beginning of the 2013/14 school/college year. The mandate for industrial action is entirely consistent with the overwhelming rejection of the LRC proposals.

6 Ballot Ballot on Industrial Action to be taken in the event that Government seeks, by legislation or otherwise, to impose cuts in pay or to worsen working conditions. Are you willing to take industrial action (e.g. work to rule, non-cooperation, withdrawal from various initiatives) up to and including a series of strike actions as directed by the TUI Executive Committee and in co- operation with the other teacher unions? YES NO

7 Industrial Action What does this mean? Work to RuleTeachers/Lecturers do no more than the minimum required by their employment contract, while complying with safety and health legislation. Do not engage in any activities or additional duties which are not stipulated in your contract, for example, FETAC programme development or any after school activities which you are not remunerated for - Do only what you are paid to do. Non cooperation/ Withdrawal from various initiatives Non cooperation with or withdrawal from: School Self Evaluation Junior Cycle Reform Literacy and Numeracy Strategies FETAC Programme Development Supervision and Substitution If Government stops payment for S&S, non-cooperation with an unpaid, imposed scheme

8 Industrial Action What does this mean? Non cooperation/ Withdrawal from various initiatives Withdrawal from all aspects of the 2010 – 2014 Public Service Agreement: 33 additional hours / ‘flex’ and student contact hour (3 rd Level) Teachers would revert to being available for 2 class periods per week as opposed to 3 for S&S Where a teacher has been 'freed up' because a colleague teacher has taken his/her class away, that teacher would not be required to be reassigned, in accordance with his/her timetable, to facilitate the absence of the colleague teacher. Non cooperation with FETAC Programme Development Non compliance with FETAC internal verification Non compliance with Self Evaluation of Programmes and Services

9 Industrial Action What does this mean? Strike Action As a means of last resort In concert with the other teacher unions Will be strategically organised, e.g. rolling Involves a total withdrawal of labour for a predefined period Limited to 3 days maximum under this mandate Why a series of strike? A series of strike means: Different counties/sectors could strike on different days Providing the mandate does not necessarily mean that members will be required to engage in strike action. That will depend on the circumstances that develop

10 Questions? When will this action take place, if needed? How much of an impact would industrial action have if we get a pay cut in June/July and we cant engage in action until September?

11 Recommendation Vote Yes for Industrial Action Fight to protect your pay and terms and conditions of employment

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