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IEEE-SA Standards Development Overview
Christiane Vigil Manager, Funded Services IEEE Standards Association October 23, 2008
IEEE-SA Corporate Program
Provides an environment where corporations come together to develop standards that Open markets Strengthen existing markets Enhance global competitiveness Helps industry accomplish business objectives Fosters company-based standardization Open, consensus process Levels playing field -- one entity/one vote Multi-industry/multi-national participation Leverages the unique technology base supported by the worldwide technical communities of the IEEE Provides a venue to nurture existing and emerging technologies Rapid path to global standardization Support structure available for completion in 18-24month target timeframe 2
Why Create Corporate Standards at the IEEE?
Platform & protections create productive corporate standards environment 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation Proven policies and procedures Quick start-up No agreements among participants No infrastructure to form Well-defined rules and framework Transparent process Legal structure in place Clear intellectual property policy (RAND) Route to global standards Streamlined adoption of IEEE standards in ISO, IEC, ITU Joint copyright agreements Worldwide distribution 3
IEEE Standards Development
Five principles guide standards development Ensuring integrity and wide acceptance for IEEE standards IEEE standards reflect the standardization principles as stated by the WTO 4
Due Process Openness Develop operating procedures
Publish and make procedures available Follow procedures Everyone has access to the process Make information and actions publicly available for examination Include all materially interested and affected parties Avoid antitrust situations/appearance of collusion Opportunity to participate does not necessarily mean membership or a vote Openness 5
Consensus Agreement among the majority
Not 100% agreement Defined in the IEEE Sponsor balloting rules as 75% of 75% Obligation to the majority Approve and make available expeditiously Obligation to the minority Attempt to resolve comments 6
Balance Representation from all materially interested and affected parties Goal for development Encourage participation during standard’s draft development stages Mandatory for balloting Lack of dominance by any one interest group Common categories for interest groups: Producer, user, and general interest 7
Right of Appeal The right to initiate a challenge of the process
Any person has the right to appeal a standard during any stage and have the case heard by the respective authoritative body Bases of appeal can be Technical (within Sponsor) Procedural 8
Standards Development Process Flow
Idea! Maximum 4 years Project Authorization Request (PAR) Develop Draft Standards (In Working Group) Sponsor Ballot IEEE-SA Standards Board Approval process Publish Standard Maximum of 5 years Reaffirm, Revise, or withdraw standards 9
Project Authorization
A project may be started by any individual or any company (based on the method of participation) Each project must be supported by a Sponsor Official developer of standard Projects documented through approved document called Project Authorization Request (PAR) development/initiate/par_training.html Working group may exist as study group for six months before they submit a PAR 10
Working Group Development
Working group chooses process to create first draft document May be developed within group May be developed from a basis of existing documents and specifications Draft document refined and approved in working group May require multiple versions and review 11
Sponsor Ballot Process
Administered through IEEE-SA Issue ballot invitation to interested individuals or to entities (based on the selected method of participation) Sponsor chair approves balance Responders classify selves according to their interest in the standards subject User, producer, general interest One interest category cannot exceed majority of group Once formed, group remains static 12
Balloting Response and Results
Requires at least 75% participation response from balloters Requires at least 75% approval among participants Working group or its assigned ballot resolution committee attempts to resolve negative comments Recirculate revised draft and comments Comments on new or changed portions of document must be addressed 13
Approval and Publication
Approval of standard is granted by IEEE-SA Standards Board Standard published after approval Standard is valid for 5 years after approval After 5 years, must be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn 14
IEEE-SA Individual Standards Program
Each individual participant has one vote In working group (voting privileges are granted to individuals representing themselves when WG membership requirements are fulfilled) Multiple participants from one company or organization can join and vote in a Working Group In balloting group Mandatory fees Any required Sponsor fees IEEE-SA individual membership fee or a per-ballot fee for Sponsor ballot Ballot group Invitation to join is sent to individuals who have expressed an interest Minimum of 10 individual participants Multiple participants from one company or organization can join a sponsor ballot group Average completion time 3 to 4 years Global success stories 802, 1076 Behavioral languages, … 15
Individual Membership in the IEEE-SA
Benefits Unlimited balloting of IEEE individual standards only Updates on IEEE standards activities 2008 Dues US $43/year for IEEE members (IEEE-SA membership is mandatory to participate to individual projects sponsor ballot) US $212/year for non-IEEE members 16
IEEE-SA Corporate Standards Process
Participation and voting is by entity – One entity=One vote There is one designated representative (DR) or alternate (DRA) per meeting who votes on behalf of the entity Entity can send multiple participants for their technical input Voting privileges are granted when IEEE-SA and WG membership requirements are fulfilled This participation model applies to the working group and the balloting group Primary difference from individual method of standards development Average completion time 18 months Global success stories: 1800 SystemVerilog (IEC Ed.1), 1850 Property Specification Language (IEC Ed.1) 17
Entity Projects Required Fees
IEEE-SA Requirement for membership in Working Group To participate and vote, must pay entity participation fee (EPP fee) Currently US $3900 per company/per project/per year Privileges include: The ability to make technical contributions to the draft The ability to make and speak to motions at meetings The ability to vote in working group Three entities minimum Working group requirement for membership (in WG) As dictated by working group policies and procedures Working group services fee (optional) Attendance requirement (usually) to obtain voting rights Observers Entities that do not commit to pay the EPP fee May attend any of the working group meetings Do not have the ability to vote, to make motions and will not receive other working group membership privileges (access to private area of the website, etc.) 18
Entity Projects Required Fees
Sponsor Ballot group invitation is sent to All IEEE-SA corporate members Entities that have expressed an interest Entities identified by Working Group and Sponsor Chairs Sponsor Ballot group requirements: Return the sign-up form Hold IEEE-SA corporate membership or pay the per-ballot fee (20% premium) Commit to review the draft and cast a vote Minimum of five entities for a valid sponsor ballot group 19
IEEE-SA Corporate Membership
Benefits Unlimited Sponsor balloting rights for entity projects only Complimentary individual memberships Eligibility to serve on Corporate Advisory Group Voting privileges for IEEE-SA governance Advance access to news and information on IEEE-SA standards activities 2008 Dues <$1M.: $1,000 – Includes trade associations, universities, SDOs $1M to $1B: $3,000 >$1B: $5,000 – includes Government agencies 20
Standards Development Process Flow Entity Projects Fees
Sponsor ballot requirement: 2008 Corporate Membership fee (US$1,000-US$5,000) OR Non-Member per ballot fee (US$1,200-US$6,000) Mandatory fee: Entity Project Participation 2008 Fee: US$3,900/year/ company/project Idea! Project Authorization Request (PAR) Develop Draft Standards (In Working Group) Sponsor Ballot IEEE-SA Standards Board Approval process Publish Standard Options: Funded Professional Services: Project Acceleration Package A La Carte Services Customized Services Average completion time months with Professional support services 21
IEEE-SA Funded Professional Services Optional Project Acceleration package
Project management Draft document development support Priority balloting support Expedited document publication Public relations services Website development and maintenance Meeting attendance/travel 22
IEEE-SA Funded Professional Services Optional
Additional services available à la carte Technical writing services (fee negotiation, contract management, deliverables schedule) Meeting planning Prepaid standards distribution Provides no-cost access to end-users International adoption support Customized services Available upon request 23
Value of IEEE-SA Funded Professional Services
Provide active facilitation and oversight of standard development process Anticipate and prevent potential pitfalls that can slow the process Accelerate the development of the document Result in avoided costs (travel, time…) Promote an optimal working environment Allow the WG to focus on technical aspects of standards development Expedite important milestones of the process (priority balloting, expedited publishing) Offer flexible payment options 24
Next steps Create and submit PAR (Project Authorization Request)
Initial steps in working group formation Creation of study group Determine method of participation Create and submit PAR PAR approval Adopt policies and procedures (P&P) Model P&P for entity projects available at Elect working group officers Decide initial meeting schedule and locations Decision points Contract with IEEE-SA for funded project management Set the fees for working group membership, if any 25
IEEE-SA Standards Development Overview
Thank you! Christiane Vigil Telephone:
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