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ALA Annual Conference 2012 Mike Dicus & Rob Walsh NCIP and SIP.

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1 ALA Annual Conference 2012 Mike Dicus & Rob Walsh NCIP and SIP

2  NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP)  ANSI/NISO Z39.83  First version in 2002  Recent version approved in 2008  Now operates under ‘continuous maintenance’  Maintenance agency is EnvisionWare, Inc.  for more information

3  3M  Auto-Graphics  Borrow Direct  College Center for Library Automation  EnvisionWare, Inc.  Ex Libris (USA), Inc.  eXtensible Catalog (XC)  Innovative Interfaces, Inc.  OCLC, Inc.  Polaris Library Systems  RapidRadio  Relais International, Inc.  SirsiDynix  The Library Corporation  VTLS, Inc. Purpose is to facilitate communication among implementers and generally promote use of the NCIP standard

4  Defined “Core” messages for resource sharing and self-service  Created Implementer Registry  Published “Introduction to NCIP”  Revised guidelines for RFP writers re: NCIP  Continuously review recommendations for changes to the standard

5  Purpose is to view and compare NCIP services supported by various implementers  Information is self-reported  Focuses on “Core” messages  Publicly available 

6  Lots of implementation activities  Most vendors report recent & ongoing activity  Some projects involve 3 or more vendors  Seeing new uses for NCIP  Sometimes requires only a single NCIP service  Usually involves messages from the “Core” message set

7  ANSI/NISO z39.83 – 201x, version 2.02  Currently at ballot  Ballot closes June 27, 2012  Next round of changes considered at the in- person meeting in late 2012

8  Continuous maintenance of the standard  Promote implementations  Expand participation in the NCIP SC  Discuss relationship to/overlap with SIP

9 SIP Work Item

10  SIP = Standard Interchange Protocol  Communications protocol first published by 3M in the late 1990s  Primarily used to connect self-service circulation kiosks to integrated library systems  Version 3 published in January 2012

11  3M approached NISO in January about transitioning SIP to NISO  New Work Item proposal was submitted; approved in mid April  Press release issued in early June  Working group is now forming

12  From the work item proposal:  “the goal of this work item is to take the currently existing SIP version 3.0 and shepherd it through the NISO standardization process”

13  SIP published as Draft Standard for trial use with no or only minor changes  Recommendations for significant revisions before SIP can be published as a NISO standard  Recommendation that SIP should not be published as a NISO standard

14 Working group will form under the Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee Participants will be representatives of: – ILS vendors world-wide – Organizations that develop library applications and devices that communicate with the ILS – Librarians interested in interoperability between the ILS and 3 rd party systems Anyone interested in being part of the working group should contact NISO

15 Appoint working groupJuly 2012 Approve initial work planJuly-September 2012 Submit SIP as a Draft Standard for trial use October 2012-March 2013 Finalize documentApril-May 2013 Approve and publish Draft StandardJune 2013 Note: This timeline is tentative. One of the first tasks for the working group will be to refine its charge and establish a realistic timeline for completion.

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