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Status of the ISO 55000 Asset Management System Standard July 2012 Jim Dieter, MIAM CPPM CF US/ANSI Head of Delegation to ISO PC 251 Chair of the US TAG.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the ISO 55000 Asset Management System Standard July 2012 Jim Dieter, MIAM CPPM CF US/ANSI Head of Delegation to ISO PC 251 Chair of the US TAG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the ISO 55000 Asset Management System Standard July 2012 Jim Dieter, MIAM CPPM CF US/ANSI Head of Delegation to ISO PC 251 Chair of the US TAG to PC 251 Subcommittee Chair, ASTM E53.10 Director of Strategic Programs, Sunflower Systems

2 The Need for Standards As emerging economies develop more rigorous business practices to help manage growth, standards around how organizations manage their assets will support international trade by leveling differences in how business is grown and managed

3 The Need for Standards Risk awareness has become a very high concern among business executives and government officials: The world has suffered from major industrial disasters, the financial crisis and great recession, and continued global instability caused by civil unrest and economic duress of certain nations There is a need for an element of stability and this standard intends to be a leveling force for international trade

4 Background: Standards Organizations ANSI – American National Standards Institute ISO – International Organization for Standardization, European based developer of international standards ASTM – ASTM International is a US based developer of international standards

5 Standards Development Committees PC 251 – ISO Project Committee tasked with developing a management system standard for Asset Management US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) - ANSI sanctioned US group participating in PC 251 ASTM E53 – ASTM standards committee for asset management standards, and the ANSI sanctioned host of the US TAG to PC 251

6 Topics  Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule?  Players – who’s involved?  Concepts – what’s new?  Take aways – what’s in it for you?

7 PC 251 Adopted 3 Year Plan

8 Timeline Status April 2013Feb 2014Jun 2012 Feb 2012 Oct 2011 Mar 2011 May 2011 Distribute WD2 Sep 2011 WD2 Comments RCVD CD1 For Comment CD2 For Ballot DIS

9 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  2000: First three ASTM E53 Asset Management standards published  2004: PAS 55 published  Winter 2009: BSI proposes PAS 55 as the basis for an ISO Management Systems Standard for Asset Management  Spring 2009: ASTM E53 decides to engage in the ISO Asset Management standards development process  November 2009: ASTM E53 approved as official US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) by ANSI

10 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  June 2010: Preliminary Meeting of ISO Asset Management committee in London  September 2010: ISO approval of PC 251, Asset Management Systems  January 2011: First Working Draft (WD1) released  February 2011: US comments on WD1 submitted

11 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  March 2011: First Official Meeting of PC251 in Australia  April 2011: Working Draft 2 (WD2) released for comment  June 2011: US TAG Face-to-Face Meeting at ASTM HQ in Philadelphia  August 2011: US comments on WD2 submitted

12 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  October 2011: Second Official Meeting of ISO PC251 in Arlington, VA (hosted by US TAG)  November 2011: First Committee Draft (CD1) for comment released  December 2011: US TAG Face-to-Face meeting to craft US comments at AMP Conference in Bonita Springs, FL  January 2012: US comments on CD1 submitted

13 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  February 2012: Third Official Meeting of ISO PC251 in Pretoria, South Africa  March 2012: Second Committee Draft (CD2) for comment released  April 2012: US TAG Face-to-Face meeting to craft US comments at Meridium Conference in Jacksonville, FL  May 2012: US comments on CD2 submitted

14 ISO 55000 History and Schedule  June 2012: Fourth Official Meeting of ISO PC251 in Prague, Czech Republic  August 2012: Planned release of Draft International Standard (DIS) for Ballot  TBD: US TAG Face-to-Face Meeting to discuss and comment on the DIS for Ballot  April 2013: Fifth Official Meeting of ISO PC251 in Calgary, CA  TBD 2013: Final ballot  February 2014: Target date for the release of ISO 55000

15 ISO 55000 Structure ISO 55000: Overview, Principles and Terminology  A (critical) marketing document (why) ISO 55001: Requirements  The “shall” statements (what) ISO 55002: Guidelines  Explanations and examples (how)

16 Topics  Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule?  Players – who’s involved?  Concepts – what’s new?  Take aways – what’s in it for you?

17 ISO/PC251 Participating Countries 1. Argentina 2. Australia 3. Canada 4. Chile 5. China 6. Czech Republic 7. Denmark 8. Finland 9. Germany 10. India 11. Ireland 12. Italy 13. Republic of 14. Korea 15. Netherlands 16. Mexico 17. Norway 18. Peru 19. Portugal 20. South Africa 21. Spain 22. Sweden 23. United Kingdom 24. United States of America 25. United Arab Emirates 26. Japan 27. France 28. Switzerland

18 US TAG Participating Organizations Stratum Consulting Partners E-ISG Asset Intelligence

19 Anyone can participate in E53.10 or the TAG For the US TAG there is a $1,000 initial application fee and $250 annual participation fee. Recommend that you join both ASTM Committee E53 as well as the US TAG. Katerina Koperna– - will furnish information about joining Contact any E53.10 officer for further details regarding joining the TAG. Sponsorship Opportunity

20 Topics  Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule?  Players – who’s involved?  Concepts – what’s new?  Take aways – what’s in it for you?

21 Concepts – what’s new?  Asset Asset or property?  Asset life  Asset Management  Asset Management System

22 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 “…to provide for the Government an economical and efficient system for”: –the procurement and supply of personal property and nonpersonal services –the utilization of available property –the disposal of surplus property –records management Title II – Property Management

23 ISO 55000 Definitions Asset – something with potential value to an organization and for which the organization has a responsibility Asset System - group of assets that interact and/or are interrelated so as to deliver a required business function or service Asset = Asset System

24 ISO 55000 Definitions Asset is the term used around the world NPMA, ASTM E53 and government entities are adopting the term

25 Asset Life Asset life is defined as the period from its conception to end of life Assets often pass through identifiable asset life stages The description (and naming) of stages can differ for different assets and different applications/organizations An asset system, through the replacement, modification and/or maintenance of component assets, may even have an indefinite life

26 Asset Responsibility Period

27 Responsibility Period The “responsibility period” is the period of time over which an organization has accountability for an asset and can be within one or many of the assets life stages The role of asset management is to maximize value from assets across each of the asset life stages that fall within or in some instances beyond the "responsibility period" of the organization

28 Responsibility Periods Asset Management Lifecycle for Organization 2 Asset Management Lifecycle for Organization 1

29 Asset Management Life Cycle An asset holds continuing value potential to one or more organizations over its life Asset life does not necessarily coincide with the period over which any one organization holds responsibility for the asset

30 Asset Management Asset management enables the realization of value from assets Value realization is achieved through the use of analytical approaches and implementation processes that have similar core characteristics, no matter what the industry

31 Concepts – what’s new?  Asset  Asset or property?  Asset life  Asset Management  Asset Management System

32 ISO Required Management System Definition Management System – Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives

33 ISO Required Management System Definition These standards describe a Management System for Asset Management They do not describe processes for the management of assets ASTM E53 standards cover life cycle functions of the management of assets

34 Topics  Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule?  Players – who’s involved?  Concepts – what’s new?  Take aways – what’s in it for you?

35 What’s in it for your organization? ISO 55000 promises to be a widely recognized and adopted international standard Assurance that they are doing the right things Focus is on supporting the mission and objectives of your organization Realizing value from the organization’s assets

36 What’s in it for you? Better enable all of us to do our jobs Increased management awareness of asset management More “transportable” job skills and expertise More opportunities

37 ASTM E53.10 Committee ISO Asset Management Activities Officers: Chair:James Dieter, CPPM CF, Sunflower Systems, Vice Chair:Scott Morris, Genzyme, RecordingScott Pepperman, Executive Director, National Association Secretary:for the State Agencies for Surplus Property, MembershipKim Doner, CPPM, SRA International, Secretary: ASTM Staff Katerina Koperna, ASTM International, Manager

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