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Zonta International District 9 Leadership Training Secretary.

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2 Zonta International District 9 Leadership Training Secretary

3 Introduction Congratulations and thank you for contributing your time and talent to Zonta club leadership. Since its founding in 1919, Zonta has grown and flourished thanks to the passion and skill of dedicated volunteers like you. The following training module is designed to help you succeed in your new role. It will familiarize you with the basics of being a club secretary and help you locate resources within Zonta to extend your knowledge and answer your questions. We know you’re busy, so let’s get started!

4 Your Most Valuable Resource Every Zontian should have a copy of the Club Manual. As secretary, it is essential. Download as a pdf from the ZI website, under Member Resources. Covers all aspects of club operation and management, including the roles of officers. Includes Zonta history and scripts for installing new members and club board.

5 The Role & Responsibilities of the Recording Secretary

6 Recording Secretary’s Responsibilities Attend meetings of the club and club board and keep a record (the minutes) of all proceedings, stating without personal comment what was discussed, acted upon, and the rationale. Bring the following items to all meetings: A copy of the agenda including unfinished business from previous meetings. The minutes of club and board meetings for the year, including the last meeting.

7 Recording Secretary’s Responsibilities The Secretary should also bring a policy book. In order to maintain easy access to the motions that set policy for the club, it is recommended that the club keep a policy book, divided by topics: Finance Service Committees etc. Decisions relating to specific topics are recorded in the relevant section with a notation of the date of the decision.

8 Recording Secretary’s Responsibilities Prepare draft minutes for the president to review. Distribute the minutes in advance and at the next meeting and record corrections. Keep proceedings of club board meetings privileged to the club board, but provide a summary report on club board actions to the club members.

9 Recording Secretary’s Responsibilities The recording secretary must also maintain the following files: Minutes of meetings Policy book Club newsletters Area director’s and governor’s newsletters The Zontian magazine

10 And there’s more! The recording secretary must report to the board as required and brief the incoming secretary within a reasonable time after leaving office.

11 The Role & Responsibilities of the Corresponding Secretary

12 Corresponding Secretary’s Responsibilities Bring updated membership, officer and committee lists and paper for ballot votes to all meetings. Ensure that existing members update their contact information via the ZI Web site. Promptly report to ZI Headquarters new member contact details (and changes for existing members if needed). Keep a record of all members’ attendance at meetings.

13 Corresponding Secretary’s Responsibilities Send a Club Officers Report Form to ZI Headquarters, the area director and the district governor before May 1. Conduct club correspondence including communications requested by officers and committee chairmen and letters of thanks to guest speakers. Ensure that the area director and district governor receive the club’s newsletter.

14 Corresponding Secretary’s Responsibilities Ensure that the club number is used on all correspondence with ZI Headquarters. Handle the club’s E-mail box (unless assigned by the president to another member) to ensure timely response to all E-mail inquiries or information provided by ZI Headquarters. Report to the club president/board as required and brief the incoming secretary. Pass the records of office and any other relevant materials to the incoming secretary within a reasonable time after the new secretary assumes office.

15 And there’s more! As recording or corresponding secretary, it is your duty to review and understand the complete range of your responsibilities. You can find complete information in the Club Manual on P 25.

16 Learn More As a Zonta club secretary, you have a wealth of resources available to learn more about your duties and responsibilities and about Zonta. The Club Manual is your primary reference document. It can be downloaded as a pdf from ZI Click on Member Resources and look for Club Manual. Your club’s By-laws and Rules Of Procedure.

17 Learn More Other resources include: The Zonta International website. Zonta International Governing Documents. This includes the International By-laws and Rules Of Procedure. Download at District 9 website Your area director

18 Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to watch this training module. Because of dedicated leaders like you, our clubs thrive and grow stronger. Good luck with your term and thank you for your service.

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