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Graduate Diploma in Law University of Plymouth Sheila Dziobon Programme Manager GDL Simon Payne Head of School.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Diploma in Law University of Plymouth Sheila Dziobon Programme Manager GDL Simon Payne Head of School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Diploma in Law University of Plymouth Sheila Dziobon Programme Manager GDL Simon Payne Head of School

2 A Degree but not in Law? TRUST ME! You too can be a LAWYER

3 Graduate Diploma in Law l A one-year conversion programme leading to exemption from the academic stage of training. l Go from this to the Legal Practice Course – also available at the University of Plymouth l Follow up with your 2 year training contract with a law firm and …..

4 HEY PRESTO! You are a qualified solicitor Or You are eligible to go on to the Bar…Bar Vocational Course…pupillage…

5 What are the benefits of studying the GDL at the University of Plymouth l You have the benefit of studying in a University environment often along with LLB students. l You will be taught by a team of committed staff with a mix of backgrounds as solicitors – barristers or academics l You will have access to all the usual social, sporting and recreational facilities available to students at the University of Plymouth

6 Graduate Diploma in Law - Foundations ENGLISH LEGAL SYSTEM FOUNDA TION 29 AUG - 26SEPT. Term 1Term 2Term 3 Law of Tort - courseworkExam Contract Law- courseworkExam Public and EU Law- courseworkExam Land Law- courseworkExam Equity and Trusts- courseworkExam Criminal Law- courseworkExam

7 Graduate Diploma in Law - Research Project l On something other than a foundation subject l Of your own choice within the parameters of available supervision l Must have European aspect (EU or ECHR) l Support from individual supervisor l Submitted after the exams

8 FEES AND SCHOLARSHIPS l Standard fees are £4450 for UK/EU full time students l 10% discount for Plymouth undergraduates/graduates l LPC fees packages l Scholarships Fees reduction (25%) scholarship for best student applicant with most aptitude for entry tothe legal profession Fees reduction scholarships for three best CI students

9 What about you? l Do you have a min. 2.2 (Hons) degree? l Are you committed to practising law? l Are you prepared to work hard over a 36 week period?

10 Answered ‘yes’ to those questions? l At the University of Plymouth we can offer you the opportunities you need. l The one-year GDL is validated by the Joint Academic Stage Board and its successful completion gives you the required exemptions. l You can stay on at Plymouth for the Legal Practice Course

11 Some how to questions… l How to find out more information…e mail or l How to apply if you have not already done so…via Lawcab –

12 Funding the GDL and beyond… l Law Firm Sponsorship (see ng/ ) ng/ l Charitable support…http://www.egas- l Other charity information – from local public library, awards officer at your local authority or maybe local Law Society l Career development loans and other commercial loans l Funding beyond GDL…

13 CAREERS l Overall position…in 2004-5 8345 FT LPC places and 5708 TCs registered. Pass rate approx 90% (approx 7510) ie about 75%. l Key source of information links from LCAN ining_contracts/p!ekmXji;jsessionid=a6308af2af57$5 D$7E$D NB nature of private practice esp. in SW. ining_contracts/p!ekmXji;jsessionid=a6308af2af57$5 D$7E$D l Most students when they start the GDL or indeed LPC do not have a TC. l What if I don’t get a TC immediately?

14 CAREERS – THE BAR l BVC options and costs l Pupillage – approx 550 pa (not all for BVCs) l Tenancies – approx 600 pa l BVC places c 1600pa l See istics.php istics.php

15 CAREERS SUPPORT l Careers Advisor with responsibility for law l University intranet Law Careers page l Assistance with CVs and Application Forms l Mock interviews l Psychometric tests l Careers Tutor in the Law Academic Staff l GradSouthWest l Local Law Society links

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