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2012 HY3 HISTORY. ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS Internet Usage We see nothing wrong to using the internet to research and gather material, including sources.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 HY3 HISTORY. ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS Internet Usage We see nothing wrong to using the internet to research and gather material, including sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 HY3 HISTORY

2 ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS Internet Usage We see nothing wrong to using the internet to research and gather material, including sources. However we see too many “copy and paste” extracts from a minority of candidates on the events – which are not that worthy - and too many copy and paste extracts on the historiography issues. We are aware that some sites are heavily used but it is not enough to copy and paste. That is not adequate for this exercise and there is nothing to be gained by copying and pasting these details THOUGH there is much to be gained by gathering the material and putting it to good use in the essay. HY3 In this unit we have some general concerns and need to give guidance on a couple of issues.

3 ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS There has to be more to the history coursework exercise than downloading from Wikipedia or other sites.

4 ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS INTEGRATING SOURCE EVALUATION and INTERPRETATION / HISTORIOGRAPHY To achieve Level 4 the candidate should consider the value of the SELECTED source to the validity of the interpretation and to the school of history or historian they are discussing.

5 ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS INTEGRATING SOURCE EVALUATION and INTERPRETATION / HISTORIOGRAPHY The integration of source evaluation, interpretation and historiography is the best way to tackle HY3 and many able candidates were able to do so to gain Level 4 marks. The emphasis in the essay should be on using the sources to discuss both the interpretation and historiography related to the set question. There needs to be greater awareness of the development of the historiography and how much value certain historians / schools of history would place on SOME of the particular sources selected for the essay.

6 ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS WORD LIMIT Although the vast majority of candidates and centres kept to the word limit there were instances where this was not the case and a penalty was applied. We have said that 4000 words is the limit and will continue to apply the penalty where it is breached. Centres should ensure that candidates who breach the word limit (4000 of their own words) are penalised: 1 – 500 words should be deducted 2 marks. 501 – 750 words should be deducted 4 marks. more than 750 words should be deducted 8 marks.

7 An example of the type of essay at HY3 that deserves high marks at Level 4 can be found on the WJEC website. The web based support does also offer examples of scripts at HY1 to HY4 in the Teacher Guidance Notes section. ISSUES FROM THE 2012 EXAMS

8 GUIDANCE ON HY3 FOR 2014 An amended submission is required for HY3 for use in 2014 (the cohort starting in 2012) which must be based on the proposal form available on the WJEC website. This will include a new style mark scheme. The deadline for submission for approval is the 30 th of November 2013 – just over a year from now.

9 GUIDANCE ON HY3 FOR 2014 A new question is required which is CLEARLY based on an interpretation by a historian and capable of being challenged by at least one other historian with a differing or contrasting view on the interpretation. The new question will work best where there is a clear development in the historiography debate – e.g. structuralist / intentionalist or Marxist / Revisionist.

10 GUIDANCE ON HY3 FOR 2014 Each question will need a document pack. You can re-use the approved pack if it meets the criteria below and is very closely related to the new question.

11 SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMENT PACK CRITERIA FOR 2014 Each pack should contain a minimum of eight sources and a maximum of ten sources Each pack should contain a variety of different types of sources. Make sure that the sources used in the pack have a detailed attribution to aid source evaluation. Each pack should contain at least two sources debating the specific interpretation to be studied. Usually these would be two historians with differing or contrasting views on the interpretation.

12 SUMMARY OF THE DOCUMENT PACK CRITERIA FOR 2014 Do not use MAPS as sources. They can be used for class work instead. Do not use more than one video as a source in the document pack. These can be used in class instead. Do not use more than one page of A4 for any source Do not use more than one source from a particular book / author. A variety is required.

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