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Introduction to Jenzabar
The Course Management System
How to get in Open an internet browser Go to the Mount jenzabar site
Jenzabar works best with Internet Explorer Go to the Mount jenzabar site Enter domain name, user name and password Domain: msmary (employees) or mount (students) User name and password: the same as your username and password Just like logging on to webmail msmary\rupp XXXXXXX
The Course Management System
Use for an online supplement to your courses Click Faculty in the top right, then Course Manager in the drop-down menu If you are currently teaching courses, they will appear on the right, under Course Manager, as links If you are not currently teaching, click All my courses, then past or future Other examples of course management systems you may have heard of are WebCT and Blackboard.
Course Manager Click on a course to go to its course information page
Your name, address, and the course meeting times should automatically appear Your picture and office hours will also automatically appear if you already added them in My Info Or, select a category from the “Go directly to:” dropdown list
Coursemates Jenzabar’s term for the students in a course
Use their pictures to learn names and faces Students can replace their Mount ID pictures with whatever they want Although this may change should go to their Mount address
Coursemates, cont. New Feature!
You can one student at a time, or selected students, or all students in a course Click either selected students or All Check the box next to a student’s name to select him or her New Feature!
Attendance New Feature!
You can use jenzabar to keep track of student attendance Click Attendance You will see student names and the dates of class meetings up to the present The default is that all students are present All boxes are checked All have 100% attendance New Feature!
Attendance, cont. Uncheck a box if a student is absent Click submit
Attendance percentage will recalculate
Announcements You can add Announcements that will show up on the students’ course manager page on the dates you specify A reminder about a quiz A change in the syllabus
Adding Announcements Click Announcements; click Edit; click Add
Enter the text of the announcement Short description: will display on the course manager page Full announcement: will display in a separate small window Enter the start date and end date Click on the tiny calendar to select the dates Check faculty or student or both This determines who will see the announcement Click Save
Handouts Probably the most useful feature
Jenzabar calls a “handout” any computer file that can be downloaded, not just a paper handout A PowerPoint presentation or an Excel spreadsheet, for example, could be a handout Click Handouts, then Edit to work with handouts
Working with Handouts: Adding a Handout
To add one or more handouts, select the number of handouts you wish to add from the dropdown list, then click Add Browse to where you have previously saved the handout Enter the name of the handout in the label field This is the text that will be displayed on the Handouts page as the link
Adding Handouts, cont. Enter a description of the handout, if desired
Specify a header from the dropdown list, if desired You have to have previously specified a header Specify the dates the handout will be available to students, if desired Click Save
Adding Handouts, cont. E.g. a Word document will open in MS Word.
When a student clicks on the label, the handout will download to her computer and open in the appropriate program (if she has it). E.g. a Word document will open in MS Word. She can then save or print the file as she likes. A student can use File Tools to download programs that will enable him to view handouts if he doesn’t have the full program. For example, he can download a PowerPoint viewer that will let him look at a PowerPoint presentation.
Adding Handouts, cont. If the handout is a large file (like a PowerPoint, e.g.) it’s best to add it where you have a fast connection If you try to add a large file using a dialup connection, it’s likely to time out and you’ll get a “this page cannot be displayed” error
Working with Handouts: Headers
Handouts can be grouped under headers Click Add next to Add Header You can add only one header at a time Enter the name of the header and a description, if desired If you already have added handouts, they will be listed. You can specify that they be listed under this header Select them Hold down Ctrl key to select more than one Click Save
Working with Handouts: Editing Handouts
If you see that you made a mistake in the label or description of the handout, go back to the Edit Handouts page Click Edit to get there Then click Edit next to the handout you need to fix You can change a handout’s header, label, or description. Edit will allow you to change only what appears on the jenzabar page—it does not edit the handout itself
Working with Handouts: Deleting Handouts
If you decide you don’t want a particular handout, go to the edit handout page and click delete next to the handout you want to delete Deleting handouts is quicker than adding them
Working with Handouts: Changing the Order of Display
You can change the order in which handouts or headers are displayed Click the up or down arrow next to the handout or header to move it up or down in the order The default order is: Handouts and headers display in the order they were added Handouts not under a header display before the headers New Feature!
Working with Handouts: The Handout Bank
If you have handouts that you use in more than one class, or in more than one semester, you can place them in the Handout Bank Check the box next to the handout, then click Copy Selected Handouts to Bank
The Handout Bank, cont. Go to the course in which you want to retrieve handouts from the bank Click Bank under Handouts (in the left column) Check the handouts you want to add to this course Click Copy Selected Handouts to this Course
Web Links Works much the same way as Handouts Click Edit
Add any Headers you want to group the web links under Click Add and choose a number of web links to add In the URL field, enter the URL of the desired web site
Adding Web Links, cont. The easiest way is to have 2 browser windows open In the second window, go to the desired web site Copy the URL Highlight it Press CTRL-c to copy Go back to the jenzabar window Press CTRL-v in the URL field to paste
Adding Web Links, cont. Enter a label
This is the text that will display on the web links page It is what students will click on to get to the link Enter a description of the link, if desired Specify a header from the dropdown list, if desired Specify the dates the link will be available to students, if desired Click Save
Web Links, cont. Like Handouts, Web Links can be grouped under headers or added to a bank They can be deleted or edited Again, editing will change only what you entered in jenzabar: the URL, the label, the header, or the description
Syllabus Click Syllabus, then Edit to get to the Syllabus page
Either enter a URL to insert a link to a syllabus stored on another server You can link to a course web page here Or enter text in the box labeled HTML. Maximum number of characters is 7500 It won’t let you do both
Syllabus, cont. Another option: upload your real syllabus as a handout
Right-click on the handout link Select Copy shortcut Go back to Syllabus Paste (ctrl-v) in the URL field Link to syllabus will show up as Click here for syllabus.
Readings Just a list of the assigned readings
Click Readings, Edit, Add Enter the requested information Click Save This is not the texts of the readings themselves Those would have to be uploaded as handouts or weblinks
Chat and Forums Chat is synchronous Forums are asynchronous
Everybody participates at the same time Forums are asynchronous Everybody can participate at different times You might use Chat for virtual office hours, or an online review session You might use Forums to allow students to extend discussion outside of class
Chat Tell your students when the Chat is going to take place
At the specified time, click Join the Chat A new window will open Participants type in the box at the bottom of the window where it says Say Click Send when you’re done typing
Chat, cont. The participants are listed on the right of the window
The current “speaker” is starred All the postings appear in the main part of the window Click View Transcript to see a record of what’s been said Opens in another new window Can be saved or printed It seems to go away when the chat is over
Forums Threads coming soon!
A Topic is a discussion on a particular topic Only the instructor can create a new topic A Thread is a subtopic under a Forum At this point, jenzabar doesn’t allow for threads Students can only post replies to topics created by the instructor This may be changing with a later release Threads coming soon!
Coursework Allows students to do or turn in assignments online
Click Coursework, then Edit, then Add Enter the Title of the assignment, an abbreviation, and a point value The point value is used by the gradebook; even if you don’t use the gradebook, you must enter a value to continue. I just enter “1” for everything. Enter the Start date and time, and Due date and time. Click on the little calendar The assignment will only be available to students during the specified period.
Types of Coursework Offline is for conventional assignments that students turn in to you on paper. Use this option only if you are using the jenzabar gradebook to calculate your grades. Online is for tests or quizzes that the students do while logged on to jenzabar. Upload/Download is for assignments students do on their computers while not on jenzabar (like writing a paper). They use this feature to turn in their work to you electronically. The advantage over having them you their work is that all the assignments end up in one place, instead of being scattered through your inbox
Coursework, cont. Select a Header, to group the assignments in the gradebook Click Continue Enter a description of the assignment and other requested information and click save. For tests and quizzes, click add or question bank to generate questions Questions in the question bank can be re-used
Viewing Coursework To view completed assignments, click on Gradebook
Click on the abbreviation of the assignment The work will appear next to the students’ names For uploaded assignments, you can then print or save the papers as needed
Gradebook I wouldn’t bother with the jenzabar gradebook; it’s not very sophisticated You can make an Excel spreadsheet that works much better Instructions available at Possible exception: if you’re using online quizzes Also, all online coursework is deposited in the gradebook
Group Manager Faculty member can define groups within the class
For collaborative assignments Group leader functions like a faculty member Can upload handouts, create forum topics, etc. Click Group Manager, Edit, Add Create the group, then click Manage Members Disclaimer: I couldn’t get this to work
Copying Materials from one course to another
In any course, click Copy Materials (on the left bar) Select which course you want to copy from Select which course you want to copy to Check what you would like copied Handouts, weblinks, readings, syllabus, announcements, forums, coursework Click copy
Copying Materials, cont.
If you are copying handouts, for example, it will display all the handouts in the originating course Check which ones you want copied Or Select all to copy all of them You have to follow this process again to copy to a second course (e.g. if you teach 3 sections of something)
Customizing Jenzabar: Your Home Page: My Info
Click My Info Left: space for your picture Click edit to add your picture Browse to where you previously saved a digital picture (.jpg or .gif) Click save Right: name, , “tidbits,” and office hours Can add or edit them as you wish This info (except tidbits) will automatically be displayed for each of your courses
Your Home Page: Personalize
You can adjust the layout of your home page Click Personalize next to “Yourname’s Homepage” You can specify the number of columns (default is 3) and what goes where
Customizing a Course Next to Navigation heading, click Edit to remove features from the display Select the ones you don’t want and click the left arrow to move them from active to available You can also add external links to the Navigation bar
Need more help? Click Help at the bottom left of the page
There’s an alphabet, but only A has anything under it A portal help link The direct link is Or, contact Jeff Rogers Ext. 5014 Teresa Rupp Ext. 4056
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