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KS4 Information Evening September 2007. 2 Format IntroductionSS The KS4 Student ExperienceEP/VS-W Target SettingJM CourseworkJM Careers/Work ExperienceMSS.

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Presentation on theme: "KS4 Information Evening September 2007. 2 Format IntroductionSS The KS4 Student ExperienceEP/VS-W Target SettingJM CourseworkJM Careers/Work ExperienceMSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS4 Information Evening September 2007

2 2 Format IntroductionSS The KS4 Student ExperienceEP/VS-W Target SettingJM CourseworkJM Careers/Work ExperienceMSS Student Monitoring and GuidanceGMS

3 3 Partnerships 3-Way Partnership Communication – Home/School Information – Ask for further information if you need it – Make suggestions – Raise concerns – Provide additional information

4 4 KS4 – Transition from KS3 THE PRESSURES Where am I going? What do I want? How do I get there? How can I organise myself better? How can I fit everything in? Do I need to change? How can I make changes? Who do I talk to? Are my aspirations high (low) enough? What other things should I do in order to get a balance in my life?

5 5 The Key Stage 4 Experience Edwin Prior - Head Boy Verity Sinclair-Willis - Head Girl

6 6 Target Setting/Coursework Mr Morton - Deputy Head

7 7 Monitoring Student Progress The Yellis Test  Prediction

8 8 Predictions & Targets Predictions (Baseline grades) Challenge not built in. Targets (Set by school) Challenge built in. Prediction + Challenge = TARGET

9 9 Progress Updates Student ‘X’ Second Progress Report. T A1 A2E1 E2 Art B B B12 DT A A A12 English A A A11 FrenchBBB11 GermanBBB11 GeographyBBB11 HistoryBBB11 MathematicsBCD23 ScienceBBC12

10 10 Aims To ensure that all students work towards fulfilling their maximum potential, both academically and personally. To monitor achievement, making effective use of available information, in order to support every individual in the achievement of their goals.

11 11 Communication with parents Meeting with tutors Progress updates Written reports Parents’ evening Other meetings/phone calls etc

12 12 Coursework In English Literature, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Religious Studies and Social Sciences, there should no longer be coursework that is teacher set and marked. It should be replaced by controlled assessments from September 2009. In Art, Design & Technology, Music and Physical Education, internal assessments should continue with stronger safeguards. Decisions about English and ICT should be made once the role of functional skills and their assessment arrangements are clearer. Mathematics coursework will be removed from GCSE criteria from 2007. Coursework arrangements for science will remain unchanged, due to the revised programme of study at GCSE introduced for first teaching in September 2006.

13 13 Coursework Plan ahead. Stick to your schedule. Listen to advice. MEET THE DEADLINES. Do not copy.

14 14 Careers/Work Experience Mr Schofield - Careers Co-ordinator

15 15 Student Monitoring and Guidance Mr Stansfield Year Group Leader

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