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AVID Excel: A Focus on Long-term ELLs

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1 AVID Excel: A Focus on Long-term ELLs
Steve Elia Program Manager: English Learners & Student Outreach

2 Context for AVID Excel AVID has been a college-readiness presence in secondary schools since 1980 Nationally: AVID in 4,700 schools in 900+ districts CA: AVID in 1,578 schools in 412 districts Mission of AVID: to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

3 Context for AVID Excel ELLs have always been included in AVID, but students at risk of becoming long-term ELLs are typically NOT in traditional AVID or are being underserved in middle/high school AVID 2006: James Irvine Foundation grant—began explicit focus on ELLs 2008: Began English Learner College Readiness (ELCR) initiative

4 AVID’s ELCR Initiative
AVID Mission AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. ELCR Mission To ensure that English learner students have full access to AVID and college-preparatory coursework.

5 AVID’s ELCR Initiative
Components: AVID Excel (specifically LTELs) ELL Math & Science Training ELL Write Path book & training Infusion of ELL strategies into AVID curriculum Infusion of AVID into ELD courses

6 Goal: AVID Excel is a middle school pre-AVID program designed
to interrupt students’ path to long-term ELL status, accelerate their language acquisition, and put them on the path to AVID and college preparatory coursework.

7 AVID Excel Student Profile: 6th Grade
US Schools: 4 years or more (as of 6th grade)—on the way to long-term ELL status English Language Proficiency Exam: Overall intermediate and early advanced; may also include advanced or RFEP ELA Standards Test: Below proficient (or on the bubble)—usually basic and upper below basic College Aspirations: Interested in going to college; desire to achieve ELA Courses: Usually scheduled for general ed. ELA courses (vs. ELD)

8 Professional Learning
AVID Excel Professional Learning AVID Excel Coursework Biliteracy Family Connection Content area and AVID Excel teachers 2 years of targeted PL Work together to plan instruction Ongoing PL/coaching with AVID Excel District Leader Explore how heritage language courses can be available to students as pathway to biliteracy & AP language in high school; pursue Seal of Biliteracy Workshops for families to build academic language together and support college readiness. AVID Excel is part of AVID “family”—collaboration is encouraged. Language development courses with AVID “overlay” Summer between 6th & 7th, 7th & 8th, and optional 8th & 9th grades 7th grade & 8th grade yearlong elective Middle school “pre-AVID” English language development program for long-term ELLs to accelerate academic language acquisition and entrance to AVID and college preparatory course work

9 AVID Excel Course Sequence
7th Grade Summer 7th Grade Yearlong 8th Grade Summer 8th Grade Yearlong 9th Grade AVID summer (optional) AVID Excel Course Sequence 7th & 8th grade summers include community-based experiences Common “Strands” Reading Writing Oral Language Academic Vocabulary Study Skills Self-determination/Leadership

10 The AVID Excel Course Sequence
What It’s NOT: What It Is: NOT AVID for ELL students NOT part of AVID certification Pre-AVID for ELLs PRIMARY FOCUS: Language first Academic language building with AVID’s college readiness strategies for support Pathway to 9th grade AVID


12 AVID Excel Expansion 2012 2011 2010 2008 Tukwila, WA Vancouver, WA
Garden Grove, CA (Original Pilot) 5 MS Riverside, CA (Expanded Pilot) 3 MS Hillsborough, FL 2 MS Menifee, CA Tukwila, WA Vancouver, WA Mt. Vernon, WA San Jacinto, CA Perris, CA Corona-Norco, CA Palm Beach, FL AVID Excel Expansion 2012 2011 2010 2008

13 Preliminary research (pilot sites) shows…
Increased motivation, resilience, engagement, & academic risk-taking Increased oral language use in formal register College preparatory course enrollment in HS AVID elective acceptance in HS Fewer D’s & F’s (based on comparison group) Accelerated movement on CELDT (CA English Language Development Test) Increase in performance levels on CST ELA (CA Standards Test) …longitudinal data will give us ELL redesignation rate; HS graduation rate; college preparatory course completion; college application and acceptance rate

14 Next Data/Research Steps
Developing system for tracking all the students in a district Goal: measure student achievement as it is connected to adherence to the program—looking for causal data

15 Appropriate Districts for AVID Excel
Underachieving long-term ELL subgroup Strong AVID reputation & feeder pattern (middle level to high school) Commitment to college readiness for ELL students Resources for curriculum, professional learning, summer courses, tutors (Title I, III, EIA funds, & grants, GEAR UP) AVID Excel District Leader designated (for coaching & program oversight)

16 Beginning Implementation Timeline
Jan-March Student recruitment Teacher selection Master schedule planning AVID Excel Summer Bridge planning Spring Teacher training (2 days in April/May) Family engagement Summer AVID Excel Summer Bridge Teacher training (2 days in summer) Fall planning

17 What questions can I answer?

18 (858) 380-4800
Contact Information (858)

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