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How to submit your coursework. The University is changing the way coursework is submitted. Over the next academic year we will be phasing out paper and.

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Presentation on theme: "How to submit your coursework. The University is changing the way coursework is submitted. Over the next academic year we will be phasing out paper and."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to submit your coursework

2 The University is changing the way coursework is submitted. Over the next academic year we will be phasing out paper and phasing in electronic submission The project is called SaGE which stands for “Submitting and Grading Electronically”

3 and You must submit a paper and an e-copy Electronic copy Submit through NILE Submit by 11.59pm on deadline day. Keep e-receipt Submission of only e-copy will be treated as incomplete. Must be identical to paper copy Paper copy Submit through SAO Submit next day at the latest Keep paper receipt Submission of only paper copy will be treated as incomplete. Must be identical to electronic copy

4 Warning!!! must be identical. The paper copy and electronic copy must be identical. Your tutor may consider the e- version, but equally they may mark the paper based version. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit your assignment according to the regulations.

5 Electronic submission 1.Go to NILE site for the module 2.Click on ‘Submit your work’ button

6 Find the submission point with the correct assessment code (ES1, AS2 etc) Check the details, any specific instructions. Click the title or ‘view/complete‘

7 Two forms of submission Click choose: single file upload Fill in submission title Scroll down and read the declaration Browse/Choose File to upload your paper Click ‘upload’ Confirm the paper is correct on the next screen Click ‘Submit’ Click the title of the assessment Attach File: ‘Browse for Local File’ to upload your paper Click

8 Using this tool you will be able to submit multiple times until the due date. Once the deadline is reached you will not be allowed submit again. You will receive feedback through the My Grades tool. Late submissions are recorded. If this tool is used you can overwrite the submission as many times as you like until deadline You will be able to see originality report Once the deadline date is reached you will not be allowed to submit again If you have not submitted before the deadline you will be allowed to make one submission. Late submissions are recorded Turnitin for single upload per Assignment Tool for more than 1 Student (eg essay)upload (eg PPT, non essay etc)

9 Paper submission Check with your tutor if a front cover is required If it is, attach it to the front of your work. If you have been granted an extension attach the authorised extension form to the assignment prior to handing in. Without it the assignment will be recorded as late. Attach a fully completed receipt form to the assignment. Do not separate the copies of the receipt. Assignments will not be accepted without fully completed receipt forms.

10 Insert surname/family name here Insert forename/ first name here *Insert Module Number here Only complete if applicable Insert marking tutors name here If resit? insert √ in Yes or No box If re-sit/deferral insert date here Insert deadline date here Insert student number here Insert Module Title here Insert 1 st, 2 nd or 3 rd year Complete for group assignments only. State all student numbers and names The Assignment Office will date stamp your receipt here. **You can find your module codes on your APS form, the module catalogue on the web or on the notice boards outside the assignment handling offices.

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