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Michigan Pathways to Credentials Bidder’s Webinar November 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Pathways to Credentials Bidder’s Webinar November 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Pathways to Credentials Bidder’s Webinar November 13, 2012

2 Presenters Chris Baldwin and Jenny Schanker Michigan Center for Student Success Nate Anderson and Jeremy Kelley Jobs for the Future

3 Pathway to Pathways to Credentials 2005: JFF/NCWE launched the National Breaking Through demonstration project 2008: Michigan Breaking Through network established 2011: MCSS statewide survey and follow-up research 2012: Forging New Pathways: the Impact of Breaking Through in Michigan (publication) 2013-15: Statewide Grant Initiative: Michigan Pathways to Credentials

4 Initiative Goals Colleges will build on previous or existing efforts to: Strengthen links between non-credit and credit career and technical programs Provide alternatives to traditional delivery of developmental education/promote alignment with A.B.E. Expand supports for career decision-making, life skills, etc. to a broader population Increase use of prior learning assessment to decrease time to completion Connect more robustly with employers and the local labor market

5 Award and Timeline Six colleges $75,000 per college over two years Proposals due 1/18/13 Awards announced 2/22/13 Orientation meeting (TBA MARCH) Final report due 3/30/15 Expected enrollment 1000-1500 students across all six colleges

6 Expectations of Grantees Looking for evidence that colleges are committed to concerted systems change in serving low-skilled adults in career preparation programs: Comprehensive career pathways Accessible to low-skilled adults Progress to credit certificates and degrees Eligible for sustainable funding sources Commitment to scale effective efforts

7 Career Pathway: Current Federal Definition Concurrently enrolls participants in connected adult education* and eligible postsecondary programs; Provides counseling and supportive services to identify and attain academic and career goals; Provides structured course sequences that— are articulated and contextualized; and allow students to advance to higher levels of education and employment; Provides opportunities for acceleration to attain recognized postsecondary credentials, including degrees, industry relevant certifications, and certificates of completion of apprenticeship programs; Is organized to meet the needs of adults; Is aligned with the education and skill needs of the regional economy; and Has been developed and implemented in collaboration with partners in business, workforce development, and economic development. *For the purpose of MP2C, this will include developmental education.

8 Accessible to Low Skilled Adults The entry level to the career pathway must accommodate the needs of adults with academic skills below 8 th grade. Examples: – Career Pathways Bridges – Mainstreaming with support – Contextualized remediation – Short-term intensive remediation

9 Progress to Credit A career pathway may begin with non-credit coursework – Any non-credit coursework or industry credentials must “stack” to help the student transition to credit coursework A pathway must allow students to progress at least to a credit certificate – Pathways leading to Associate degrees and beyond are strongly encouraged

10 Eligible for Sustainable Funding Sources “Sustainable funding” may include but is not limited to student financial aid, WIA, TAA funds, etc. Creative reallocation of existing funding streams is encouraged Grantees are strongly discouraged from using grant funds to offer free boutique or demonstration programs for a few students

11 Commitment to Scaling Colleges participating in this initiative are expected to build on or enhance previous efforts serving low-skilled adults in Career Pathway-type programs. Plans to scale should be included in the initial planning period. Scaling can include (but is not limited to): – Increasing the number of students who can be accommodated in a pathway – Stacking additional credentials into a pathway – Expanding design elements to additional pathways

12 Technical Assistance The availability of technical assistance is a significant benefit of participation in MP2C. MCSS and JFF will leverage a variety of national programs and policy initiatives to enhance grantees’ efforts. Credentials that Work Counseling to Careers Adult Completion Policy Project

13 Technical Assistance(2)

14 Technical Assistance(3) CAEL/ Colleges will evaluate students for eligibility to receive credit for prior learning and will work with to award credits through portfolio evaluation if warranted. Grant funds may be used to pay associated fees. MCSS will be working with CAEL for technical assistance as needed. National Career Readiness Certificate Colleges are strongly encouraged to build the NCRC into its programs and to consider this credential as one measure of readiness for college level learning.

15 Questions: Program Elements (1) Real-time labor market information Career interest and aptitude inventories Holistic evaluation of readiness for postsecondary coursework: – Basic academic skill assessment – Non-cognitive assessment – Prior Learning Assessment Integrated instruction

16 Questions: Program Elements (2) Habits and strategies leading to college and career success Mix of non-credit and credit instruction Stackable credentials Onsite work experience Comprehensive support services

17 Questions: Proposal Components Need for Project/Leadership Commitment/Fit with College Priorities (20) Population to be Served (5) College Experience/Capacity to Implement (30) Project Lead/Implementation Team (5) Process/Program Description (25) Timeline (10) Budget/Sustainability (5)

18 Questions: Reporting A common data template will be provided Data sharing MOU: – Aggregated data may be shared externally with funder, MCCA and other stakeholders – Data disaggregated by college may be shared among all initiative participants

19 Questions: Budget Add or delete categories as needed on budget template Note indirect is capped at 12% or $9000

20 Selection Process Panel of Experts : Jobs for the Future Center for Law and Social Policy National Council on Workforce Education National Career Readiness Certificate Advocates Michigan Department of Education Component (Points) Quality Descriptors Need/ Commitment/ Fit (20) Clear evidence of alignment with priorities, perception of value, meets community need Population (5)Clear identification of population, rationale, proportion of total enrollment, projected number to serve Experience/ Capacity (30) Breadth/depth of experience, level of commitment Lead/Team (5)Strong leader, broad engagement across institution Process/ Program (25) Clear process, inclusion of required elements, sequencing facilitates momentum Timeline (10)Appropriate planning, evidence of institutional readiness Budget/ Sustainability (5) Appropriate investments, sustainability, commitment of institutional resources to the effort

21 Questions: Other Please feel free to contact Jenny or Chris with additional questions or clarifications (517) 290-9583 (517) 256-6700

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