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Campus Sustainability: Where are the Opportunities? Lyle Benko & M.J. Barrett.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Sustainability: Where are the Opportunities? Lyle Benko & M.J. Barrett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Sustainability: Where are the Opportunities? Lyle Benko & M.J. Barrett

2 A belief: Education is crucial to attaining a sustainable future

3 Campuses that Teach “What lessons are taught by the way we design, build, and operate academic buildings?” David Orr, Earth in Mind, 1994

4 Campuses that Teach Buildings/ processes teach Role modeling Living Laboratory Learning from action

5 University of Waterloo - WATgreen Mission: Transform the U of W into a showcase of environmental responsibility Provide opportunities for students, staff, and faculty to improve the quality of their environment Assist with the financial and environmental efficiency of the University.

6 Key features of WATgreen Staff position Administrative support Policies Multi-stakeholder Committee Student-run office Project-based Course

7 WATgreen Initiatives Policy-supported initiatives: Recycled paper Lawn spraying Chemical disposal Materials consumption Materials reduction Biodegradable products Greening the Campus Course Future areas of focus: Water Waste Landscape management Energy

8 University of British Columbia - Campus Sustainability Office Vision: to make UBC the leading Canadian university in demonstrating the means to a sustainable community through the fair, wise and efficient use of: economic social ecological resources within the bounds of a finite planet.

9 Key features of UBC Campus Sustainability Office Staff position Administrative support Sustainability Coordinators University-Wide Policy Track savings Financed through savings

10 UBC Initiatives Operations: Sustainability Coordinator Paper reduction Energy Management Composting Project Sustainability Circles TrekSTEP 1 UBC Sustainability Pledge Planning: UBC Seeds Land Use Planning Energy & Water use plan Design & Development: Green Buildings

11 Building the Business Case Image: Business as usual, but better than usual Not too political…keeping credibility & partners

12 The UBC Business Case Reduced energy use by 4% (student body increased 11%) Decreased water use 21% $35 million energy and water retrofit ($3 million/yr; 15 year payback)

13 Additional Initiatives Universal bus pass Carpool program Emergency ride home Alternative food services Fair trade coffee Promote reusable mug use Dump & Run Recycled paper Recycled paper towels Brown bag lunch series Ad-free space Carpool program Emergency ride home Student union initiatives Course links & assignment shifting

14 How to Institutionalize Sustainability office Embed content & projects in course(s) Ongoing student group Full time staff Policy Faculty incentives Sustainability coordinators Track savings

15 Top down & Bottom up Integration volunteerism coursework job opportunities

16 Giving people permission & an opportunity to do what they really would like to do.

17 For Discussion Where are the opportunties? Within our courses? Within our building? Within the campus? Within the community?

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