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The New England Colonies.  Puritans  Separatists Englishmen who disagreed with the Church of England.

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Presentation on theme: "The New England Colonies.  Puritans  Separatists Englishmen who disagreed with the Church of England."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New England Colonies

2  Puritans  Separatists Englishmen who disagreed with the Church of England

3 Plymouth Colony

4 King James I, 1603-1625

5 The Mayflower

6 Cape Cod, November 1620

7 Land Grants Boundaries of the Virginia Company land grants

8 Signing of the Mayflower Compact

9 The Mayflower Compact

10 Thanksgiving, November 1621


12 Massachusetts Bay Colony

13 John Winthrope

14 The Massachusetts Bay Colony

15 Puritan Migration

16 { Other New England Colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire

17 The New England Colonies

18 Rhode Island Roger Williams

19 The New England Colonies

20 Connecticut Thomas Hooker

21 Connecticut Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

22 The New England Colonies

23 Salem Witch Trials

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