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Published byJasmin Jopling Modified over 10 years ago
ProCon Bidder User Guide Supply Chain Management Division
Bidder User Guide Content
Introduction: - E-bidding (OTM) by ADCO - Technical Requirements Access to ProCon E-Bidding (OTM) Login Screen Viewing and Downloading Tender invitations Viewing Tender Invitation Package Tender Communications Tender Messages Acknowledgement and Submission of formal bids: - Form of Tender Acknowledging Receipt of Tender invitation & Form of Tender - Technical Submission Acknowledging intention to make a Technical submission - Bid Bonds Acknowledging intention to make a Bid Bond submission - Commercial Submission Acknowledging intention to make a Commercial submission Retract Submissions Retracting a Submission Adding Team Members Adding Team Members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ADCO E-bidding (Online Tender Management)
ADCO uses ProCon Online Tendering System to facilitate the submission of tender documents electronically. Bid submissions will be split into two stages. Stage 1: Form of Tender and Technical submissions Stage 2: Bid Bond and Commercial submissions Please note that ADCO will request Bid Bond (if required) and Commercial submissions only in case the Bidder is technically accepted for the tender. Form of Tender - You will find the Tender invitation package and all the documents sent by ADCO and it is required that you attach the Form of tender ONLY here Technical Submission – It is required that you attach your technical submission documentation ONLY here Bid Bonds – It is required that you attach your scanned bid bonds if they are required as part of the tender. Please note that you are still required to submit hard copies of Bid Bond documentation submitted as electronic submissions and failure to supply the required hard copies by the Final Submission Date will result in disqualification from the tender Commercial Submission – It is required that you attach your Commercial submission documentation ONLY here ProCon requires that you acknowledge all tasks first before you can make your submissions IMPORTANT: Please note that the Bidder shall not use the tender messages to make formal bid submissions and the Bidder shall submit all bids before the Final Submission Date. 3
Technical Requirements
ProCon is a web base application and supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 & 9 only. Please do not use Firefox, Chrome or Opera as your browsers when accessing the ProCon site Preparation of soft copies of documents for online submission For tenders dispatched via ProCon – Online Tender Management system, ADCO requires bidders to prepare all formal submission documents to be in soft copies which are of Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). It should be noted that all requirements as specified within the Tender Invitation Package (TIP) documents should be followed to prepare the submission documents. These documents should be scanned to soft copies which should include all relevant signatures and stamps as required by standard tendering guidelines in TIP documentation. Format and size of documents Please note that all your documents should be submitted in PDF format. For better handling of these documents, they can also be delivered in batches by using standard Windows compression methods. If submissions are made in this manner, the preferred format for compressed files is ZIP format. Other formats such as RAR, 7z, ISO, NRG etc. will not be accepted. Please also make sure that the size of a single compressed file does not exceed 50 Megabytes. Multiple files which are less than this limit can be uploaded successively but the files should be given proper names as specified in the following naming conventions section in this document. Naming Conventions Please ensure that you name all tender submission documents appropriately with the correct names of what the document consist of and with clear serial numbers as suffix. As a prefix, we recommend putting a short company abbreviation to all the file names of the documents. This will ensure that your documents can be easily identified and organised by those involved in the evaluation of submission. We have included some examples below. Sample submission files for a company known as ABC company: ABC-Form of tender.pdf, ABC-HSE Policy.pdf 4
E-Bidding (OTM) Login Screen
When invited to a Tender by ADCO the Bidder will receive an similar to the one displayed here. 1 Note: Final Submission Date is displayed in GMT time zone. 1 Click on the Link to view the tender invitation 2 2 1
E-Bidding (OTM) Login Screen
Enter the user name and Password previously to you by ADCO Click on the Login button If you have forgotten your password click on the link Password Reminder, enter your full address and click ‘Submit’ 3 4 5 3 4 Note: You will be returned to the login screen and the password will be sent to you via . 5
Viewing Tender Invitation Package
If you log in normally i.e. not using the link in the then you will be brought to the overview page You will be able to see all ADCO tenders you currently have tasks or messages for You can see that there are tasks currently awaiting action There is 1 unread message. Click on the tender name to go to the tender page. Click to Change your contact details Click to change your password 1 1 2 2 5 6 3 3 4 4 5 6 Note: The number of tasks available for you will be dependent on the nature of the Tender.
Viewing Tender Invitation Package
You are now in the tender page. Here you will be able to action the current tasks Click on the ‘View Details’ button for TIP – Form of tender 7 7 8 Note: There are only two tasks: TIP- Form of tender and Technical Submission with the same Final Submission Date at this stage of the Tender. If the Technical Bid passes technical evaluation then ADCO will request the Bidder to submit Bid Bonds (if required) and Commercial Bid Submission. 8 9 9 Note: The number of tasks available for you will be dependent on the nature of the tender whether it requires bid bonds or not. Note: The Tender Invitation Package (TIP) can be found in the Task ‘TIP – Form of Tender.
Viewing and Downloading the Tender Invitation Package
This is the Final Submission Date The additional Information section contains important information please read fully All Tender package documents are displayed and can be downloaded by clicking on download 10 11 10 12 11 Note: In ProCon you need to acknowledge each Task before you can complete it. This guide will cover all the steps required. 12
Viewing and Downloading the Tender Invitation Package
A File download pop-up screen will appear To view the file click on Open To save the file to your PC or network drive click on save and save as normal 13 14 15 15 16 13 14 15 17
Viewing and Downloading the Tender Invitation Package
The file will automatically launch the required programme e.g. Microsoft word and the file will be visible 16 16 Note: If you have any difficulty downloading, opening or uploading file please refer to the Troubleshooting guide available on the login screen.
Tender Messages Note: ProCon can be used to receive
and send messages regarding your tender e.g. requests for information Clarifications. When you are sent a message by ADCO via ProCon you will receive an automatically informing you of a message in ProCon.
Tender Messages 1 1 To access the message in ProCon click on the link
Note: This is an example of the notification via please ensure your SPAM filter is set to allow s from 1
Tender Messages This will bring you to the ADCO E-Bidding Portal Enter the user name and Password previously to you by ADCO Click on the login button 2 3 2 4 3 4
Tender Messages Once logged in you will be brought directly to the message Click on the Mark As ‘Read’ button 5 6 5 Note: If you do not mark the message as read it will remain visible on the Overview screen. Some messages will not require a response such as this example however some will, in this case you will see a link titled reply. 6
Tender Messages A pop-up message will appear asking are you sure you want to mark this message as read? Click on OK to proceed 7 8 7 8
Tender Messages You are informed the message has been successfully marked as ‘Read’ You can Navigate to the Tender by clicking on the ‘Tenders’ Tab or By clicking on the link in the message 9 10 10 9 11 11
Tender Messages 12 12 13 13 To create a message navigate
to the Tender screen Click on the ‘Create message’ link 12 12 13 13
Tender Messages 14 Enter a descriptive subject Enter the message body If you wish a response from ADCO ensure Yes is selected Enter the date and time you would like a response by You can attach files if you wish Double check your message and click on send 15 16 14 17 15 18 16 17 19 18 Note: Attaching files directly related to you submissions will lead to your disqualification. 19
Tender Messages 20 12 20 You are informed your message
has been successfully created 20 Note: There is no need to choose a recipient as ProCon will automatically direct the message to the ADCO Tender team for Action. 12 20
Tender Messages Note: Sometimes you will receive messages from ADCO which you must respond to. To respond to a message from ADCO click on Reply 21 20 21
Tender Messages 22 Enter a descriptive subject Enter the message body If you wish a response from ADCO ensure Yes is selected Enter the date and time you would like a response by You can attach files if you wish Double check your message and click on send 23 24 22 25 23 26 24 25 27 26 Note: Please make sure you do not make formal bid submissions via tender messaging functionality. All submission shall be sent via formal process outlined in ‘Acknowledgement and Submission of formal bids’ section of this guide. 27
Tender Messages 28 29 28 29 A pop-up screen will appear
informing you that the message can be viewed by Authorised members of the tender within ADCO Click on OK 28 29 28 29
Tender Messages You are returned to the Message screen 30 30 21
Acknowledging Receipt of Tender invitation & Form of Tender
Click on the ‘View Details Button for TIP –Form of Tender 1 1
Acknowledging Receipt of Tender invitation & Form of Tender
After reviewing the Tender Invitation Package you should Acknowledge and Submit or Acknowledge and Decline. 2 Note: This guide assumes you will be making a submission. If you do not wish to make a submission please click on ‘Acknowledge and Decline’ button and repeat for all 3 remaining tasks giving a full description of why you wish to decline. You may retract your decision to decline any time before the Final Submission Date please see end of guide for retraction instructions. 2
Acknowledging Receipt of Tender invitation & Form of Tender
When Acknowledging and submitting the form of tender please use the text provided in the Tender invitation Package for the Acknowledgement Letter Click on send when you have entered and modified the text correctly 3 4 Note: You are required to Acknowledge receipt of Tender within 3 days of Invitation and you MUST fax a signed copy of the acknowledgement letter contained in the Tender invitation Package to ADCO, again within 3 days. 4 3
Submitting the Form of Tender
You are returned to the tender page. Click on the ‘View Details’ button for Tip – Form of Tender 5 Note: The following steps should only be performed when you are ready to make your submission to ADCO. Note: Don’t leave your submission to the last minute. ProCon is a web based application so if you have a slow web connection you will need longer to upload the files depending on their size. 5 Note: Submissions are not visible to ADCO until after the Final Submission Date and you can retract your submissions and modify them at any time up until the final submission date. After this date and time you will no longer be able to submit or retract.
Submitting the Form of Tender
Your Acknowledgement is visible To make you submission for form of tender click in the ‘Ready to Proceed now’ button 6 7 6 7
Submitting the Form of Tender
To attach files Click on the ‘Yes’ Button 8 8 6
Submitting the Form of Tender
To find the file click on the ‘Browse’ button on locate the file Click on the ‘Save” button to attach the file 9 Note: A pop-up screen will appear explaining there may be a delay during upload. 10 9 10
Submitting the Form of Tender
The attached file is visible The attached file can be deleted To save your changes but not submit click on the ‘Save’ button To complete your submission click on the ‘No, proceed to next step’ button 11 12 13 14 14 12 Note: You may attach as many files as you need to. 11 13
Submitting the Form of Tender
Steps 2 and 3 are now available, Modify the text in step 2 When you have completed step 2 click on ‘Submit’ 15 16 Note: Ensure only the Form of Tender document and related documents are attached here. 15 16
Submitting the Form of Tender
A pop-up screen will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to submit this response?’ Click on OK 17 17 18 18
Acknowledging Receipt of Technical Submissions
Click on the ‘View Details’ Button for Technical Submissions 1 1
Acknowledging intention to make a Technical submission
Please read the additional information Click on the ‘Acknowledge and Submit’ button 2 3 2 3 1 2
Acknowledging intention to make a Technical submission
Modify the default text if required Click on the ‘Send’ button when ready. A confirmation note ‘Your acknowledgement has been logged successfully’ will be displayed. 4 Note: This is a default text, you can enter specific text when acknowledging the Technical submission. 5 4 5
Submitting Your Technical Submission
You are returned to the tender page Click on the ‘View Details’ button for Technical Submission 6 6 7 Note: The following steps should only be performed when you are ready to make your submission to ADCO. Note: Don’t leave your submission to the last minute. ProCon is a web based application so if you have a slow web connection you will need longer to upload the files depending on their size. 7 Note: Submissions are not visible to ADCO until after the Final Submission Date and you can retract your submissions and modify them at any time up until the final submission date. After this date and time you will no longer be able to submit or retract.
Submitting Your Technical Submission
Read the Additional information Your Acknowledgement is visible Click on the ‘Ready to proceed now’ button 8 9 10 8 10 9
Submitting Your Technical Submission
To attach files Click on the ‘Yes’ Button 11 11 12
Submitting Your Technical Submission
To find the file click on the ‘Browse’ Button on locate the file. Click on the ‘Save” button to attach the file 12 Note: A pop-up screen will appear explaining there may be a delay during upload. Click Ok to proceed. 12 13 13
Submitting Your Technical Submission
14 The attached file is visible The attached file can be deleted To save your changes but not submit click on the ‘Save’ button To complete your submission click on the ‘No, proceed to next step’ button 15 16 17 17 15 14 16
Submitting Your Technical Submission
Steps 2 and 3 are now available, Modify the text in step 2 When you have completed step 2 click on ‘Submit 18 19 Note: Ensure only your technical submission documents are attached here. 18 19
Submitting Your Technical Submission
A pop-up screen will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to submit this response?’ Click on OK 20 20 21 21
Acknowledging intention to make a Bid Bond submission
Click on the ‘View Details’ Button for Bid Bond 1 1
Acknowledging intention to make a Bid Bond submission
Please read the additional information Click on the ‘Acknowledge and Submit’ button 2 3 Note: The Bidder shall submit Bid Bonds only if requested by ADCO. 2 3
Acknowledging intention to make a Bid Bond submission
Modify the default text if required Note: This is a default text, you can enter specific text when acknowledging the Bid Bonds. Click on the ‘Send’ button when ready. A confirmation note ‘Your acknowledgement has been logged successfully’ will be displayed. 4 5 4 5
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
6 You are returned to the Tender screen and informed the response has been successfully sent Click on the ‘View Details’ button for ‘Bid Bond’. 7 Note: The following steps should only be performed when you are ready to make your submission to ADCO. 6 Note: Don’t leave your submission to the last minute. ProCon is a web based application so if you have a slow web connection you will need longer to upload the files depending on their size. 7 Note: Submissions are not visible to ADCO until after the Final Submission Date and you can retract your submissions and modify them at any time up until the final submission date. After this date and time you will no longer be able to submit or retract.
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
8 Read the Additional information Your Acknowledgement is visible Click on the ‘Ready to proceed now’ button 9 10 8 9 10
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
To attach files Click on the ‘Yes’ Button 11 11 12
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
To find the file click on the ‘Browse’ button on locate the file Click on the ‘Save’ button to attach the file 12 Note: A pop-up screen will appear explaining there may be a delay during upload. Click Ok to proceed. 13 12 13
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
14 The attached file is visible The attached file can be deleted To save your changes but not submit click on the ‘Save’ button To complete your submission click on the ‘No, proceed to next step’ button 15 16 17 17 15 14 16
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
Steps 2 and 3 are now available, Modify the text in step 2 When you have completed step 2 click on ‘Submit 18 19 Note: Ensure only your Bid Bond documents are attached here. 18 19
Submitting Your Bid Bonds (If Required)
A pop-up screen will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to submit this response?’ Click on OK 20 20 21 21
Acknowledging intention to make a Commercial submission
Click on the ‘View Details’ Button for Commercial Submission 1 1
Acknowledging intention to make a Commercial submission
Please read the additional information Click on the ‘Acknowledge and Submit’ button 2 3 2 3
Acknowledging intention to make a Commercial submission
Modify the default text if required Click on the ‘Send’ button when ready. A confirmation note ‘Your acknowledgement has been logged successfully’ will be displayed. 4 5 Note: This is a default text, you can enter specific text when acknowledging the Commercial submission. 4 5
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
6 You are returned to the Tender screen and informed the response has been successfully sent Click on the ‘View Details’ button for ‘Commercial Submission’ 7 6 Note: The following steps should only be performed when you are ready to make your submission to ADCO. Note: Don’t leave your submission to the last minute. ProCon is a web based application so if you have a slow web connection you will need longer to upload the files depending on their size. 7 Note: Submissions are not visible to ADCO until after the Final Submission Date and you can retract your submissions and modify them at any time up until the final submission date. After this date and time you will no longer be able to submit or retract.
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
Read the Additional information Your Acknowledgement is visible Click on the ‘Ready to proceed now’ button 8 9 10 8 9 10
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
To attach files Click on the ‘Yes’ Button 11 11 12
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
To find the file click on the ‘Browse’ button on locate the file Click on the ‘Save” button to attach the file 12 Note: A pop-up screen will appear explaining there may be a delay during upload. Click Ok to proceed. 13 12 13
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
14 The attached file is visible The attached file can be deleted To save your changes but not submit click on the ‘Save’ button To complete your submission click on the ‘No, proceed to next step’ button 15 16 17 17 15 14 16
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
Steps 2 and 3 are now available, Modify the text in step 2 When you have completed step 2 click on ‘Submit’ 18 19 Note: Ensure only your Commercial Submission documents are attached here. 18 19
Submitting Your Commercial Submission
A pop-up screen will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to submit this response?’ Click on OK 20 20 21 21
Retracting a Submission
1 Click on the History expander icon Note: You may wish to make a change to your submission or even submit after earlier declining. You can do this in ProCon as long as the Final Submission Date has not passed. 1
Retracting a Submission
The History menu is displayed Beside each of your submissions or declines you will have the option to retract Click on the relevant retract link e.g. you wish to update the technical submission 2 3 4 3 4 2
Retracting a Submission
5 Update the default text as required Click on Send when ready 6 5 6
Adding Team Members 7 8 7 8 You are informed your
response/decline has been retracted successfully The task is now visible and the ‘View Details’ button is available 7 8 7 Note: If you had previously declined all 4 tasks you must retract all 4 tasks and then submit all 4 task as per instructions in the Tender Invitation package. 8
Adding Team Members 1 1 Click on the Company Tab
Note: It is possible to add existing company contacts to the tender to assist in the tender submissions or to complete in your absence. If the contact does not exist already they must be added to your company first.
Adding Team Members 2 3 2 3 You will be brought to the detail
page by default To add a contact click on ‘Contacts’ Tab 3 2 3
Adding Team Members 4 Existing Contacts will be displayed and can be deleted or edited to update information. To Add a new contact click on the ‘Add’ button 5 4 Note: The ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’ and ‘Add’ buttons may not be visible due to your ProCon Permissions if this is the case please contact your companies ProCon Administrator or contact ADCO support. 4 5
Adding Team Members 6 Populate all field with valid information * denotes a mandatory field Ensure Primary Contact is set to ‘Yes’ if you wish this person to be able to receive tender invitations from ADCO Ensure ‘Use Extranet’ only is ticked or they may miss communications from ADCO Enter the Username as the contact first name and last name with a _ e.g. Andrew_Kealy Ensure the role Supplier is selected from the dropdown Enter a simple password e.g. Password1 Double check all entered information then click on Save 7 6 8 9 7 10 11 12 8 9 Note: Selecting the wrong role may result is loss of functionality available to the user so ensure supplier is selected. 10 11 12
Adding Team Members 13 You are returned to the Contacts Tab and informed the contact has been added Contact is visible on the screen 14 13 14 5
Adding Team Members to Tender
15 Click on Tenders 15 Note: The newly added Contact can now be added to the tender. You should notify the newly added contact and inform them of their username and password.
Adding Team Members to Tender
16 Click on name of the tender you wish to add the new contact to 16
Adding Team Members to Tender
17 Click on ‘Change Contacts’ link 17
Adding Team Members to Tender
18 Current tender contacts are displayed Available contacts are displayed Ensure the check box for the contact you wish to add is ticked Click on Add 19 20 18 21 19 20 21
Adding Team Members to Tender
22 You are returned to the ‘Tender’ screen and informed Contact successfully added Number of contacts in now 2 23 22 23
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