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EServices Enablement Framework Session 4 RFP Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "EServices Enablement Framework Session 4 RFP Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 eServices Enablement Framework Session 4 RFP Composition

2 2 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Agenda  Steps in doing an e-Government project  Projects - according to the action plan  Compose the RFP  Agency activities - Compose the RFP  Compose main document  Compose functional requirements  Compose non-functional requirements  Compose appendices

3 3 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Steps in doing an e-Government project

4 4 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Analysis and RFP Development – RFP process

5 5 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Projects - according to the action plan Analysis and RFP Development Project initialization Business Analysis Technology Analysis Compose the RFP RFP Evaluation

6 6 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) (3) Compose the RFP Compose Main RFP document Compose non-functional requirements Compose functional requirements Plan the RFP development process Initial state: - business and technical analysis finished Final state: - the e-Service RFP composed and ready for publishing Agency

7 7 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser)  Compose the RFP  Compose the main RFP document  Instructions for the bidder  Terms & conditions, ……  Compose the functional requirements  Using the e-Services Framework - the functional part  Business Process Mapping and Redesign (As-Is ->To-Be)  Use Case  Data/term-model  Reuse or contribute to YEFI standards  Service specification  Compose non-functional requirements  Using the e-Services Framework – the non-functional part  Infrastructure (GSB, Security, e-Forms, ……)  Performance, PM, QA, Education, ….)  ……. (3) Compose the RFP

8 8 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose main document 1.Introduction 1.1.Issuing Office 1.2.Purpose 1.3.RFP Organization 1.4.Background 2.Current Situation 2.1.Current IT-system(s) 2.2.Current Processes and Modules 2.3.Project Objectives 2.4.Business Drivers 2.5.Business Value Proposition 3.Scope of work 3.1.Requirements Numbering Scheme 3.2.Functional Requirements 3.3.Non-Functional Requirements

9 9 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose functional requirements  Processes  Process model Process model  Process specification Process specification  Data model  Data model Data model  Data specification Data specification  Use Cases  Use Case model Use Case model  Use Case specification Use Case specification  Services  Service specification Service specification  Service-operations specification Service-operations specification

10 10 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose non-functional requirements 1.Web-Based Application RequirementsWeb-Based Application Requirements 2.Data Migration & Transformation RequirementsData Migration & Transformation Requirements 3.GSB Integration RequirementsGSB Integration Requirements 4.Technical Solution Architecture RequirementsTechnical Solution Architecture Requirements 5.Software RequirementsSoftware Requirements 6.Hardware RequirementsHardware Requirements 7.Development, Test, & Staging Environment RequirementsDevelopment, Test, & Staging Environment Requirements 8.Security RequirementsSecurity Requirements 9.Monitoring & Management RequirementsMonitoring & Management Requirements 10.Performance & Scalability RequirementsPerformance & Scalability Requirements 11.Implementation RequirementsImplementation Requirements 12.Maintenance & Support RequirementsMaintenance & Support Requirements 13.Change Enablement & Training RequirementsChange Enablement & Training Requirements 14.Operations RequirementsOperations Requirements 15.Quality Assurance & Acceptance RequirementsQuality Assurance & Acceptance Requirements 16.Proposal FormatProposal Format

11 11 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose appendices  Appendix A - Instructions to Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation Appendix A - Instructions to Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation  Appendix B - Standard Terms & Conditions Appendix B - Standard Terms & Conditions  Appendix C - Requirements Compliance Matrix Appendix C - Requirements Compliance Matrix  Appendix D - Bill of Materials & Information Tables for Technical Proposal Appendix D - Bill of Materials & Information Tables for Technical Proposal  Appendix E - Training Template Appendix E - Training Template  Appendix F - Bidders References Template Appendix F - Bidders References Template  Appendix G - BOM for Financial Proposal Appendix G - BOM for Financial Proposal

12 12 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Estimation tool  An estimation tool is a part of the framework.  It can be used either under  the development of the RFP or  stand alone in other contexts  The tool is covering these main subjects:  Development  Functionality  Non-Functional  Data conversion/migration  Technical  Hardware  Software Licenses  Network  Project related expenses  Test  Project Management  Documentation  Post Project  Maintenance and Support per year  Operations per year

13 13 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Estimation tool

14 14 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) (4) RFP issuing and evaluation process Release the RFP Initial state: - the final e-Service RFP developed Final state: - e-Service vendor selected Select vendor Conduct Pre-Bid meeting Receive proposals Receive RFP Questions Evaluate proposals Submit Clarifications Answers Agency

15 15 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Evaluation Approach & Suggested Timeline 1 st Round of Evaluation: Technical Proposals Review & Scoring of Proposals 2 nd Round of Evaluation: Top 6** Bidders Presentations 3 rd Round of Evaluation: Review of Bidders Responses Suggested 1 to 2 weeksSuggested 2 WeeksSuggested 6 to 8 Weeks Final Evaluation Report. Combined technical & Financial Scores & Ranking 4 th Round of Evaluation: Bidders’ Technical Gap Analysis & Negotiation Suggested 2 weeks Bidders ranking & Scores Bidders Strength & Weaknesses Invitation for top 6 Bidders Bidders Response to Presentations Questions Updated Bidders ranking & Scores Bidders Strength & Weaknesses Final Technical recommendation Report ** Number of invited Bidder can change as appropriate

16 16 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Detailed Evaluation Plan WeeksActivityDeliverables Round 0: Preparation  Form evaluation committee representing agency business and IT, and agency finance  Form Technical evaluation team that includes two technical analysts / consultants and one experienced technical consultant with relevant experience to the RFP technical solution  Evaluation committee members  Technical evaluation team members Round 1: Week 1 through Week 8  Conduct initial survey of all proposals, use the Bidders Responses Survey.xls worksheet to determine bidders compliance with RFP submission requirements and identify knock-off candidatesBidders Responses Survey.xls  Compliance matrices preparation – add calculation.  Review and Scoring of technical Proposals by the evaluation team(s).  Send invitation letter to top n ranked bidders  Knock-off Candidate  Ranked bidders list based on technical scores and criteria  Bidders scores and scoring sheets  Summary of Bidders Strengths & Weaknesses  Preparation of Invitation letter to top n ranked bidders  Schedule of presentation for top n bidders & obtain confirmation for scheduled presentations for invited bidders

17 17 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Detailed Evaluation Plan (Contd.) WeeksActivityDeliverables Round 2: Week 9 through Week 10  Invited bidders to present their technical proposals  Evaluation committee and technical evaluation team should attend top n bidders’ presentations  Request from bidders to submit responses and clarifications to questions raised within one week. Round 3: Week 11 through Week 12  Bidders are to submit responses to questions raised during presentations  Review of received Bidders’ responses  Technical evaluation team should update scores and ranking as well as prepare for strengths and weaknesses evaluation for invited bidders  Revised bidders scores and scoring sheets  Revised ranked Bidders based on technical scores and criteria for invited bidders  Revised summaries of Bidders Strengths & Weaknesses for invited bidders  Ranked invited bidders based on technical and financial criteria Round 4: Week 13 through Week 14  Select one or two bidders to perform technical gap analysis and negotiation  Conduct meetings with selected bidder(s) for technical negotiation and technical gap analysis  Detailed technical gap analysis for selected 1 or 2 bidders  Final evaluation & recommendation report

18 18 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Evaluation stage deliverables  Key Deliverables:  Bidders ranking based on Technical Proposal evaluation  Bidders Technical score sheets  Summary of Bidders strengths and weakness  Bidders ranking based on Technical Proposal Evaluation and Financial score  Final Evaluation Recommendation Report

19 19 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Questions and answers

20 20 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Break Break !

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