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March of the Penguins Emperor Penguins. Niche The Emperor Penguin lives in and around the cold waters of Antarctica, and move onto the ice to reproduce.

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Presentation on theme: "March of the Penguins Emperor Penguins. Niche The Emperor Penguin lives in and around the cold waters of Antarctica, and move onto the ice to reproduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 March of the Penguins Emperor Penguins

2 Niche The Emperor Penguin lives in and around the cold waters of Antarctica, and move onto the ice to reproduce and care for young. They eat fish, squid and crustaceans from the ocean, hunting during the day. They are prey to leopard seals.

3 Physiological adaptations AdaptationReason Layer of fat Keeps heat in – insulation Male has tiny food store in throat Keep offspring alive for a short time Ability to lose and gain weight Keep energy for long periods of time Streamlined bodies Aid hunting in the water Downy feathers Insulation Blood has high affinity for oxygen Can stay under water to hunt for long periods of time Long, pointed beaks To catch prey, to help to pull themselves up from the ice Small wings To streamline for underwater hunting

4 Behavioural adaptations AdaptationReason Huddling in storm Reduce surface area, keep heat in Eating snow Rehydration in a climate with little rain Travelling along the ice on belly Reduce energy use Pushing self up with beak Arms not long enough! Steadying Flapping wings vigorously Keep muscles moving – heat production Facing white bellies to predators Camouflage against the snow Migrating to reproduce Safer environment than the sea for young Walking in a line Following the same route, safety in numbers Moving in a spiral when huddled All animals get time in the centre of the huddle Not eating for long periods of time Ensure proper care for young

5 Reproductive adaptations AdaptationReason Parental care for young Young too helpless to survive alone Oviparity (young develop within an egg) Egg must be produced after long migration, as female would not survive a gestation period Monogamous for a season Both parents take care of young Male incubates egg Allows female to feed after massive energy loss from production of egg Courtship Details of this ritual are not well documented Carry egg and young on feet Keep off ice, cover with insulating layer of fat Male calls to chick before he leaves to feed To find one another again for next stage of parental care

6 Activities Glossary: polyps, broadcast spawning, mass spawn, demersal spawning, pelagic Quick check questions pg 376 Glossary: monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, polyandry, harem polygyny, serial polygyny, lekking, promiscuity Quick Check questions pg 381

7 A bit of revision… What is it? Types of this behaviour General examples One or two specific, worked examples Innate Behaviour Learned Behaviour

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