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 starter activity Look at the two pictures of churches above. How many differences can you find between Anglo-Saxon churches and Norman ones? Compare.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity Look at the two pictures of churches above. How many differences can you find between Anglo-Saxon churches and Norman ones? Compare."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity Look at the two pictures of churches above. How many differences can you find between Anglo-Saxon churches and Norman ones? Compare answers

2 Differences between Anglo-Saxon churches and Norman ones Materials – Anglo-Saxon churches often made of wood or recycled materials, e.g. Roman tiles; Norman churches built from stone, often imported from Caen in Normandy Materials – Anglo-Saxon churches often made of wood or recycled materials, e.g. Roman tiles; Norman churches built from stone, often imported from Caen in Normandy Scale – Norman churches built on much larger scale, choir, nave & transepts Scale – Norman churches built on much larger scale, choir, nave & transepts Style – Norman churches built in romanesque style (arched windows, columns); A-S less ‘monumental’ Style – Norman churches built in romanesque style (arched windows, columns); A-S less ‘monumental’

3 How much did life change under the Normans? To compare Anglo-Saxon and Norman buildings To find out about changes to the language as well as other cultural changes To evaluate the amount life changed under Norman rule Aims

4  Activity one Read source 1 and underline in red all the changes the Normans introduced to the Anglo-Saxon church. Which of the changes would have been most noticeable? Which changes would have angered ordinary Anglo- Saxon people the most? Activity sheet

5  Activity two Read the sound bites in source 2 and cut and paste them into the appropriate section: housing, language, cathedrals, transport, lords, castles, dress, farming, medicine, forest laws. Highlight in red the categories where there were big changes and in green where things remained more or less the same. Activity sheet

6 Match the word on the left with its source on the right.  Activity three WordLanguage / culture SofaWelsh AnorakNorman French BivouacHindi ShampooGerman Swiss PenguinArab ParliamentEskimo

7 Solution WordLanguage / culture SofaArab (upholstered seat) AnorakEskimo (jacket/coat) BivouacGerman Swiss (Beiwacht, by watch) ShampooHindi (to knead) PenguinWelsh (white head) ParliamentNorman French (parler, to speak)

8 Changes to the language From 1066 until C14th French was the official language of court and the ruling classes. Can you decipher some of the anagrams of English words that have their origins in Norman French? From 1066 until C14th French was the official language of court and the ruling classes. Can you decipher some of the anagrams of English words that have their origins in Norman French? hafsion bacbage scatle gmu laucrond tewick ?

9 Anagram English (Norman) Fashion ( faichon) Cabbage ( caboche) Castle ( castel) Mug ( mogue/moque) Cauldron ( caudron) Wicket ( viquet) hafsion hafsion bacbage bacbage scatle scatle gmu gmu laucrond laucrond tewick tewick

10  Extension task Today you can email your Prime Minister at if you have a complaint about the government or simply wish to air your feelings. Imagine you are an Anglo-Saxon in eleventh century England. Send William the Conqueror and email about how you feel about all the changes he has made to the church and Anglo-Saxon society. Say which has been the biggest change and why. Today you can email your Prime Minister at if you have a complaint about the government or simply wish to air your feelings. Imagine you are an Anglo-Saxon in eleventh century England. Send William the Conqueror and email about how you feel about all the changes he has made to the church and Anglo-Saxon society. Say which has been the biggest change and why.

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