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Strategies and Tactics How to Reach a Deal. Introduction  Positional Tactics  Offensive Tactics  Defensive Tactics  Concession Tactics.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies and Tactics How to Reach a Deal. Introduction  Positional Tactics  Offensive Tactics  Defensive Tactics  Concession Tactics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies and Tactics How to Reach a Deal

2 Introduction  Positional Tactics  Offensive Tactics  Defensive Tactics  Concession Tactics

3 Positional Tactics  Information  Time  Power –Power of Demand –Power of Authority –Power of Investment –Power of Reward or Punishment –Power of Association

4 Offensive Tactics  What-if Scenarios  The Throw In  Help Me  Well, I don’t know  Use Leading Questions  Issue a “Veiled” Threat  Divide and Conquer  Ultimatum

5 What-if Scenarios  For buyers: –What if I buy in larger quantities? –What if I pay the freight? –What if I run the advertisement every week? Can I get it for less?  For sellers: –What if I deliver it today? –What if I let you pay in installments? –What if I give you a discount on your next order?

6 The Throw In  With an order of this size, how about throwing in an extra unit for free?  If I have to pay you $ 10.00 per square meter, and sign for 5 years, how about throwing in the remodeling of the offices and carpet?  If I pay you in full today, would you throw in free shipping?

7 Help Me  I have a real problem and I need your help.  You'll have to help me on this one.  Help me, I didn't realize the new WTO tariff regulations took effect this week!

8 Well, I don’t know  Well, I don't know… that seems like a lot of money.  Well, I don't know... I needed it sooner.  Well, I don't know... we're still far apart in our ideas.

9 Other Offensive Tactics  Use Leading Questions  Issue a “Veiled” Threat  Divide and Conquer  Ultimatum

10 Defensive Tactics  Become Emotional  Remain Silent  Laugh  Walk out  Learn to Flinch  Make Tiny Concessions

11 Concession Tactics  Plan possible concessions beforehand  Promote willingness to make concessions  Make the concessions small and incremental  Use quid pro quo  Know how to separate pakage claims

12 Conclusion  Establish trust, be sincere and friendly.  Be relaxed and unpressured.  Find a way to meet the other party’s needs.  Use his ideas, words, and situations to convey your plan.  Listen to what he is saying to you with his whole body, not just his words.  Show him you care about his position.

13 Bibliography  Capela, John J. and Stephen W. Hartman. Dictionary of International Business Terms. Second. Barron's Educational Series. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2000.  Dawson, Roger. Secrets of Power Negotiation: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, 2000.  Fisher, Roger, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. New York: Penguin Books, 1991.  Hindle, Tim. Negotiating Skills. Essential Managers. Bolton, Ontario, Canada: Fenn Publishing Company, 1998.  Leritz, Len. No-fault Negotiating: How to Make Deals So Both Sides Win. New York: Harper Collins, 1991.  Shell, G. Richard. Bargaining for Advanage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. New York: Penguin Books, 2000.  kr.htm

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